Chapter 216 : Konoha's Intentions!

Where Kazuhiko couldn't see, countless eyes shadowed their every move in the darkness.

The Uchiha clan, the Sarutobi clan, high-ranking officials of Konoha, and spies from other great powers were all vigilant.

The Uchiha clan kept a close watch on the Uzumaki clan, ensuring the departure of their allies.

The Sarutobi clan fixated on Kazuhiko and his group due to their obsession with enemies.

Konoha's senior management observed them constantly, not daring to underestimate Kazuhiko, who had turned Konoha upside down, fearing a significant event before his departure.

Spies from other nations remained covert, leaving only one or two behind to ensure the Uzumaki's departure.

News of the Uzumaki clan's imminent departure spread throughout Konoha.

After Uchiha Longsheng and the elders learned of it, they instructed messengers to inform Uchiha members.

They exchanged glances, understanding the plan was to prepare for some Uchiha members to "defect" and disperse to the Land of Whirlpools.

The Senju clan, Tsunade, and Isamu sat silently on the wooden platform, the sun casting its warmth upon them.

Isamu gazed at Tsunade with a composed expression, breaking the silence. "Why don't you accompany him?"

Tsunade, seemingly expecting the question, paused before responding, testing the temperature of her tea.

Turning to face the departing Kazuhiko, Tsunade spoke calmly after a while. "I've said what needed to be said. He knows my intentions, and I know his. If I send him off again, I can't bear it..."

Senju Isamu was momentarily taken aback, not expecting his daughter to openly admit her feelings for Kazuhiko.

He had anticipated her denial due to her shyness, feeling a pang in his heart. Though mentally prepared, hearing his daughter confess felt like watching a cherished cabbage being nibbled by a pig.

"After all, the kid succeeded." 


Meanwhile, in a darkened room, the Sarutobi clan's faces were veiled in shadow.

After a prolonged silence, someone lit a candle, casting a dim light that accentuated the grimness.

Finally, a voice filled with resentment echoed in the room. "The damned Uzumaki clan has finally departed, and our vengeance must be realized!"

Someone inquired, "Are all preparations complete? We must not involve Konoha in this!"

Immediately, another individual replied confidently, "Don't fret, everything's set. We can proceed anytime without implicating Konoha!"

Upon hearing these words, everyone in the room breathed a collective sigh of relief. Among them, a hoarse voice spoke up, "Excellent. Let them wait patiently, ready to act upon command."

While the faces of others remained obscured, it was evident to all whose voice it was. Heads nodded in agreement.

After a brief pause, the hoarse voice resumed, tinged with hesitation yet resolved, "Let everyone remain vigilant and await... Master Danzo's directives!"

As those final words hung in the air, a sense of reassurance washed over the room's occupants. The weight on their hearts lifted.

Though their suspicions had been brewing, receiving affirmation brought a deeper sense of calm.

The dimly lit room lapsed into silence, broken only by the rhythmic breaths and occasional coughs of its inhabitants...

Confirmation arrived via the Anbu ninja that the Uzumaki clan had departed, prompting a collective exhale of relief from Konoha's senior officials.

Despite several confrontations since the Uzumaki's arrival, they had been effectively managed, largely due to the leadership of Kazuhiko.

With their departure, a palpable sense of relief permeated the village, underscoring the pressure Kazuhiko had imposed during their stay.

Elders exchanged knowing glances, a hint of embarrassment coloring their cheeks. The esteemed village of Konoha had been unnerved by a seemingly lesser power.

Their departure marked a sigh of relief for all, yet they silently averted their gazes, pretending nothing had occurred.

Without a word, they departed the Hokage building, a tacit agreement among them.

Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura lingered a moment longer before departing. Sharing a meaningful glance, they understood some matters were best left unspoken...

Only Danzo and Sarutobi Hiruzen remained in the Hokage's office. Both men sat in silence, gazing out at the azure sky and toward the Konoha gates, as if hoping to catch a glimpse of Kazuhiko and his entourage departing.

But it was a futile endeavor; their vision couldn't reach that far.

Danzo stood in the shadows, unassuming, occasionally glancing at Sarutobi Hiruzen, as if anticipating something.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, increasingly reliant on his pipe, found solace in its tobacco. The billowing smoke provided a respite for his frayed nerves, conjuring memories of the days gone by.

From Kazuhiko's arrival in Konoha to their departure, even from his decision to allow the Mist Shinobi's invasion of the Land of Whirlpools to Kazuhiko's fiery accusation atop the Hokage Rock, challenging Konoha directly...

Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression was fraught with uncertainty, as if he wrestled with a monumental decision, one he had pondered for a long time.

Ultimately, a single thought crystallized in his mind: "The new God of the Ninja World!"

His gaze hardened instantly, reflecting a steely resolve. In this realm, only the First Hokage was revered as the god of shinobi, and only those loyal to Konoha could ascend to such heights!

His voice, calm yet resolute, echoed in the office, "Prepare them all. Await my command. We will crush Kazuhiko and extract his secrets!"


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