Chapter 217 : Movements from all parties!!

Upon hearing Sarutobi Hiruzen's words, Danzo, who had been standing by his side, immediately lifted his head.

A different glint sparked in his eyes. He had expected his old friend to hesitate and stall for time, but this time, Hiruzen's decisiveness surprised him.

Though Sarutobi Hiruzen's voice remained even, Danzo, familiar with him as he was, discerned the resolve in his tone.

With Sarutobi Hiruzen's affirmative response, numerous strategies to eliminate Kazuhiko flashed through Danzo's mind, yet he continued to converse with Sarutobi Hiruzen without pause.

"Fear not, I am prepared. Since their arrival in Konoha, I've made arrangements, continuously reinforcing them. This time, none shall escape!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded, their plan aligning with their prior discussions.

The uproar caused by Kazuhiko in Konoha necessitated further intelligence gathering about him and an understanding of his capabilities. Especially after the clash between Kazuhiko and Sarutobi Hiruzen, doubts arose about the potential of the plan's success, even leading to contemplation of its abandonment.

However, Kazuhiko's public break with Konoha at Hokage Rock, coupled with mounting apprehension regarding his prowess, instilled a growing dread. The prospect of the Uzumaki clan birthing a new ninja deity, especially one severed from Konoha, was intolerable.

They couldn't permit such a deity to rise.

Recalling something, Sarutobi Hiruzen exhaled a puff of green smoke before continuing.

"Exercise caution. No traces of Konoha's involvement are to remain, and operatives must conceal their identities at all times."

"After all, Mito-sama remains in Konoha. We must consider her sentiments and safeguard Konoha's standing. We cannot allow other nations to besmirch our reputation."

"Even if suspicions arise, lacking evidence, we need not fret."

Danzo nodded in agreement, understanding the significance of maintaining a pristine reputation. Even if everyone suspects my involvement, without evidence, I'll never acknowledge it!

"Fear not, Hiruzen. I shall handle it," Danzo asserted with unwavering confidence in his proficiency with such unsavory tasks. With ample experience, he was Konoha's foremost expert in such matters.

"Very well, I entrust this task entirely to you," Sarutobi Hiruzen affirmed his trust in Danzo's capabilities for such assignments.

"Danzo, you have full authority this time."

"Remember, do not act hastily. Wait for two days, ideally at the Land of Fire's border, before proceeding."

"I cannot allow anyone to claim that the Uzumaki clan was ambushed upon leaving Konoha. Even if it's pretense, we must maintain appearances," Sarutobi Hiruzen declared, turning to face Danzo with a piercing gaze, his tone uncompromising.

Understanding the gravity of the situation, Danzo responded, albeit startled, "I comprehend. I will arrange for the ambush discreetly, not prematurely."

"Good," Sarutobi nodded tersely, turning his attention back to the window as Danzo silently exited the Hokage office.

Watching Sarutobi's retreating figure, Danzo couldn't shake off his surprise. Ever since his old friend had been wounded by Kazuhiko and subsequently recovered, there was a noticeable change in him.

However, this was the first instance Danzo had heard Hiruzen speak with such unfiltered determination. Despite having dealt with similar matters previously, Hiruzen typically displayed a cowardly disposition, often requiring praise for unsavory actions.

He would deceive himself, even in Danzo's presence, insisting on secrecy. This aspect of Hiruzen had always irked Danzo.

But today was different. Sarutobi had spoken plainly and ruthlessly, the malice in his words palpable.

This left Danzo startled, even somewhat apprehensive. Observing Hiruzen's figure, shrouded in shadows, Danzo couldn't discern whether this turn of events would lead to good or ill.

Closing the door behind him softly, Danzo found himself reminiscing about Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Days passed, and the group led by Kazuhiko moved neither hastily nor sluggishly.

As anticipated, news of the complete severance of ties between the Uzumaki clan and Konoha spread like wildfire across the ninja world.

From the Land of Hot Water to the Land of Tea, from the Land of Iron to the Land of Rain, and from the Land of Lightning to the Land of Earth, the news traversed the ninja world with unprecedented speed, leaving all in shock.

Kazuhiko's allegations against Konoha reverberated throughout the ninja world, stirring the ire of countless individuals against the village.

The fervor of the accusations echoed so loudly that it felt as though each person had been present to hear them firsthand.

Excitement rippled through those who relayed Kazuhiko's words, their expressions akin to those who had stumbled upon a fortune.

Indeed, since the conclusion of the First Great Ninja War, the news of the ruptured diplomatic ties between the Land of Whirlpools and Konoha stood as one of the most significant developments in the ninja world.

Furthermore, nestled within this narrative is the presence of Konoha, the famed No. 1 Ninja Village in the entirety of the Ninja World. This stature commands acknowledgment from all nations, even prompting covert dissemination of recent developments.

Historically, many harbored resentment toward Konoha, bearing grievances and yearning for exposure of its alleged indiscretions. The weight of Konoha's prestigious title often invited discontent and scrutiny.

It is rumored that numerous conflicts have erupted between Konoha and neighboring lands, including the Land of Thunder and the Land of Earth.

Amidst these revelations, the Third Raikage Ai and Third Tsuchikage Onoki find themselves in high spirits. Upon perusing the latest reports, hearty laughter ensues—not solely due to the Konoha scandal, but rather, for the promising opportunity it presents!


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