Chapter 223 : What can you do?

All six fell in an instant, leaving Kazuhiko standing calmly, as if unaffected by the chaos that just unfolded.

Only the metallic scent of blood hung in the air, mingling with the lingering flames that danced like meteors in the aftermath of the battle.

Kazuhiko remained composed, turning his gaze toward a desolate spot, his words echoing across the hillside with an eerie clarity.

"Come out! I've been waiting."

Silence greeted him. Undeterred, Kazuhiko raised his hands, golden light coalescing at his fingertips.

"biu" "biu" "biu" "biu" "biu" "biu"

Inquisitive gazes from the Uzumaki clan followed as beams of light shot toward seemingly ordinary spots.

In the next instant, to their astonishment, the beams revealed hidden Konoha Shinobi as they leaped away from their hiding places.

It was clear they were well acquainted with the destructive power of the beams, reacting swiftly to evade before they even struck.

"Boom", "Boom", "Boom", "Boom"—

Explosions reverberated as the ground hit by the laser beams erupted into fiery chaos. Yet, the black-clad ninjas remained fixated on Kazuhiko, unwavering.

Gradually, the other Uzumaki clan members realized they were surrounded by hundreds of adversaries, each exuding a palpable aura of battle-hardened expertise.

Their hearts sank. Initially prepared to stand alongside their clan head, they now saw the overwhelming odds stacked against them.

Several elders recognized the grim reality: none among the attackers seemed to be beneath their clan head's skill level.

This was only the visible force. How many more remained concealed?

Fear gripped them as they scanned their surroundings, comprehending Kazuhiko's earlier warning: "You are too weak now, you can't help me..."

They were ill-equipped for such a confrontation.

Perhaps, Kazuhiko had foreseen this, hence the directive to employ Adamantine Sealing Chains to conceal themselves within seal cocoons.

Realization dawned upon them. Could their clan head have anticipated the extent of the impending assault?

Even if he had sensed their pursuers all along, did he possess knowledge of the hidden adversaries lying in wait?

It seemed the only plausible explanation. Kazuhiko's heightened perception, coupled with his Observation Haki, had discerned their enemies' movements.

Each figure seemed to pass by him unnoticed, a testament to Kazuhiko's calculated restraint, allowing them to believe they remained hidden, unobserved.

As to why they weren't addressed at the time?

Kazuhiko thought very clearly that dealing with a group of people at that moment would be quite simple. However, it would also alert them to the fact that Kazuhiko had taken notice of them. Therefore, along the way, Kazuhiko worried that while it was easy to hide when openly armed, it was difficult to defend against covert attacks. He was capable, but he couldn't protect his people around the clock like a babysitter. 

If the people of Konoha became aware too soon, they might attempt various tricks at any moment. By waiting a few days, Kazuhiko would be fine, but he feared that his clan members would become weary and even suffer casualties. 

It would be better to spend these days cultivating well and then return to the Land of Whirlpools calmly. They could let their clan members rest, wait for the Konoha forces to gather, and then confront them decisively once and for all!

The people of Konoha were considering gathering more forces to deal with Kazuhiko and his party all at once at the border of the Land of Fire.

But what Kazuhiko also pondered was that when they gathered their forces, they would be eliminated all at once!

Kazuhiko still wished to give them a significant gift, secretly contemplating as they traveled.

"You in Konoha are furious because I've trespassed under the watchful eyes of Hokage Rock. But do you think my anger is any less? If I merely wanted to retaliate, it wouldn't be me, Kazuhiko. I intend to make you feel the pain!

Thus, Kazuhiko paid no heed to the Konoha ninjas in black who had been trailing them for days. Otherwise, he would have dispatched them swiftly. 

Especially those squads that persisted in shadowing them, Kazuhiko could have eliminated them on the first day. However, he didn't want to startle the snakes; they believed they were concealed well.

Observing the increasing number of figures around them, both Elder Uzumaki and other clan members wore grim expressions. Only Kazuhiko's countenance remained unchanged; he knew that these numbers were insufficient!

"Come forth, Danzo!

"Though you've been clandestine on the journey, the repulsive stench emanating from your person, I can detect it through the leaves, the odor of decay in the darkness!

Everyone stood frozen, resembling unmoving machines that failed to register Kazuhiko's words. Their gaze remained fixated on him.

In that moment, a figure emerged from the darkness within the crowd, ripping off the black cloth obscuring his face.

His head, swathed in white bandages, revealed a prominent cross-shaped scar on his chin.

Danzo's unwavering gaze locked onto Kazuhiko, brimming with intent to kill. 

Half of his face shrouded in darkness, a faint smirk played upon his lips.

"I'm here now. With so many of us, what can you possibly do?"


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