Chapter 224 : Rinnegan Activated!

Upon hearing Danzo's confident words, Kazuhiko remained silent for a moment, his disdainful smile conveying everything.

Danzo, in turn, felt a surge of anger, quickly attempting to regain his composure. He couldn't fathom why, but in the presence of Kazuhiko, his emotions were particularly volatile.

Had it been anyone else, Danzo wouldn't have been so easily affected. Yet, ever since his public humiliation by Kazuhiko during their mission to the Land of Whirlpools, where his pride was trampled upon, a sense of apprehension lingered whenever he faced the young Uzumaki.

The idea of fearing a mere adolescent was repugnant to Danzo's pride, compelling him to cloak his unease with anger.

Consequently, encountering Kazuhiko always provoked him, disrupting his usual calm demeanor.

Although the exact cause eluded him, Danzo understood that eliminating the problem's source was paramount. Thus, he sought to eliminate Kazuhiko himself.

Since Kazuhiko was the root of his agitation, eliminating him would, in theory, resolve the issue.

This was one of the many motives driving Danzo's fervent advocacy for the ambush against Kazuhiko.

As he fixed his gaze on Kazuhiko, Danzo's eyes brimmed with malice and the anticipation of the kill.

In response to Danzo's hostility, Kazuhiko retorted casually, "You intend to dispatch me with the help of these crooked melons?"

Addressing Danzo's subordinates as "crooked melons" and "cracked dates," Kazuhiko's words ignited a wave of indignation among the Konoha shinobi present.

They were esteemed as Konoha's elite assassination unit, and being belittled in such a manner was intolerable.

"Then let us determine who truly wields superior power, Kazuhiko!" Danzo's tone had cooled considerably.

"Eliminate him!"



In an instant, the sky was obscured by a barrage of kunai, senbon, and shuriken, raining down upon Kazuhiko and his comrades.

Every inch of space was saturated with lethal projectiles, all aimed at Kazuhiko and his party.

Acknowledging the imminent danger, Kazuhiko glanced at his fellow clan members, exchanging a subtle nod.

Even if the clansmen were reluctant, they understood that their presence would burden their clan leader here.

The six Uzumaki elders, positioned at each cardinal direction, swiftly began weaving seals.

"Adamantine Sealing Chains!"

Countless incantations, akin to ants, swiftly encircled everyone present.

Just before the torrent of concealed weapons could descend upon them, Chakra chains materialized out of thin air, ensnaring the clansmen securely.

Elsewhere, the remaining clansmen were divided into four groups, each with six individuals, and likewise ensnared in batches.

The six individuals within each group exchanged determined glances, already poised to weave their own hand seals.

"Adamantine Sealing Chains!"

Another set of Chakra chains manifested, albeit smaller in size compared to those conjured by the elders, yet sufficient to bind their respective elders.

In a matter of moments, save for Kazuhiko, every clansman found themselves cocooned within Chakra chains, their bonds interwoven seamlessly.

Time seemed to stand still, yet the deluge of concealed weapons remained suspended in the air, to the astonishment of all present.

Then, in a split second, the suspended weapons suddenly surged forward at an even faster pace than before, aiming for their own masters!

However, it appeared they were anticipated, as many swiftly brandished circular shields previously prepared for such a scenario.


Both groups swiftly formed seals.

"Wind Style Great Breakthrough!"

"Wind Style Flower Dance!"

"Wind Style · Crushing!"

In an instant, the majority of the raining weapons were deflected, while the remainder were dispersed by gusts of wind.

With the exception of a few unfortunate injuries caused by the redirected weapons, no casualties ensued.

Danzo, observing from the sidelines, regarded the scene with cold detachment. "I had anticipated your capabilities, hence I remained vigilant," he remarked.

Meanwhile, Kazuhiko surveyed the clansmen cocooned within the Chakra chains, their defenses holding firm for the moment.

The other Konoha Shinobi also regarded the tightly bound Uzumaki clan members with concern, while Kazuhiko remained stoic nearby.

They weren't foolish individuals; they were survivors of countless battles and assassinations. Long gone were the days of folly.

In a flash, the realization struck them all. Kazuhiko urged his clansmen to take cover, intending to confront the threat alone!

"Bringing about your own demise!"

Even the typically composed Anbu ninja were irked by Kazuhiko's audacity.

One by one, they discarded their black garbs. As their leader emerged, those cloths became irrelevant.

Danzo furrowed his brows, contemplating Kazuhiko's abilities. The power to repel all concealed weapons, even he, who had witnessed it firsthand, could discern no clues.

"What manner of power is this!?"

The dozen or so ninjas nearest to Kazuhiko swiftly closed the distance.


"Swish" "Swish" "Swish" "Swish"

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!"

"Wind Style: Wind Slash!"

"Fire Style: Phoenix Flame Jutsu!"

"Wind Style: Thousand-Faced Gale!"

They unleashed ninjutsu or charged directly.

Yet Kazuhiko, who had hitherto looked down upon his own people, finally raised his gaze.

Mysterious purple ripples shimmered in his eyes.

Rinnegan activated!


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