Chapter 225 : Kill!!

The dozen or so rushing Konoha Shinobi were the first to notice those mysterious eyes.

They gazed in astonishment at the mysterious eyes, where purple ripples reverberated within the eye sockets, casting an ominous aura.

"What kind of ocular jutsu is this?"

"What strange power is this? Could it be related to halting the hidden weapon just now?"

Despite harboring doubts, they couldn't dwell on them. After all, they were seasoned Jōnin, veterans of countless battles.

"Attack! Take him down!"

They swiftly adjusted their mindset, scarcely betraying any change in demeanor.

Fire Style, Wind Style, accompanied by a dozen or so ninja in pursuit.

Kazuhiko observed the scene calmly, perceiving everything in slow motion, spotting every vulnerability.

Kazuhiko extended his right hand, feeling the formidable power coursing through his body from the Rinnegan.

As Kazuhiko stretched out his hand, they anticipated another terrifying attack.

Reacting swiftly, they scattered, maintaining distance.


"Shinra Tensei!" (Universal Repulsion)

In an instant, an unseen repulsive force emanated from Kazuhiko, creating a blast of air.

In Danzo's perception, he witnessed his elite assassins, originally charging with fierce intent, suddenly halted as if hitting an invisible barrier.

The following moment, "Pfft..."

All manner of ninjutsu assaults shattered instantly.

Over a dozen ninja were sent flying in perfect arcs, landing with a sickening thud, their bodies unable to withstand the impact.

"What kind of power is this!?"

Danzo grappled with the situation, not anticipating such heavy losses in mere minutes.

Yet, at the thought of this young man hailed as the new deity of the ninja world, Danzo's resolve solidified; if eliminating him required such sacrifices, then so be it.

Then, Danzo caught sight of Kazuhiko, raising his head, eyes widened.

"What is that? A new ocular jutsu?"

Danzo didn't immediately recognize the legendary Rinnegan. After all, many regarded the Sage of Six Paths and the Rinnegan as mere myths.

But even now, with Kazuhiko displaying a stronger power, Danzo isn't certain whether to back down.

"No matter what ability it is, it ends today with his death!"

Kazuhiko scanned the numerous ninjas staring at him in astonishment.

Their whispered inquiries echoed in Kazuhiko's sensitive ears.

"What kind of eye technique is that? I've never seen anything like it."

"Yeah, it seems incredibly potent, must be related to deflecting hidden weapons and sending Kimura and the others flying!"

"I never anticipated he'd possess such a mysterious eye technique! We must eliminate him today!"

Kazuhiko smirked, unconcerned about revealing his Rinnegan. Even though they might not recognize it now, he knew that once word spread, they'd inevitably uncover its nature upon careful investigation.

Thus, with a grin full of lethal intent, Kazuhiko proclaimed, as if accidentally discovered, "Yes, you've seen my eyes, so what?"

"Look into my eyes, and meet your demise!"

In the next instant, a terrifying aura of death emanated from Kazuhiko!

This malevolent intent, combined with his formidable Reiatsu, seemed to weigh heavily on everyone present, as if a massive boulder pressed upon their chests.

Their breathing grew labored, as if the very oxygen in the air had been sucked away.

As the killing intent spread, even the battle-hardened Konoha Shinobi trembled in fear.

"What kind of ability is this? Is it his eye technique!? No, it's killing intent! But how can pure killing intent be this potent?"

"It's killing intent! Only the strongest possess such legendary killing intent!"

"This... this overwhelming killing intent... It feels like it's suffocating me..."

"Can we truly vanquish such a formidable opponent? This is terrifying..."

Even veterans of countless battles found themselves gripped by fear.

It seemed that the foe before them transcended mere humanity, appearing as their most dreaded primal adversary, paralyzing them with fear and leaving them with no choice but to flee!

"Ha! Let the massacre begin today!"

Kazuhiko laughed, intent on avenging the days of Konoha's pursuit. These were Konoha's elites, and their loss would significantly wound the village, striking a heavy blow against the Great Clans of Konoha and especially to Hiruzen and Danzo!


"Let me revel in the purest slaughter! kill!"

Suddenly, the sword strapped around Kazuhiko's waist was drawn, and he gripped it tightly in his right hand, descending swiftly.

Even in a standard sprint, his entire form seemed to emit a faint golden aura, rendering his speed unimaginably swift, complementing the fiery spread of his red hair.

The nearest ninja barely had time to react before witnessing a golden streak tinged with red blur past, as if Kazuhiko had teleported to his side in an instant.

"Puff puff"

One after another, they fell without resistance, their lives snuffed out with a single stroke, with even two meeting their end simultaneously under his blade.

Even the grass beneath them was rent asunder in an instant, the earth upturned, exposing the dark soil beneath.

Countless fragments were scattered by Kazuhiko's rapid movements.


Countless lives that had been teeming with vitality moments before now ended in screams, their echoes reverberating through the hills.


Upon the hill, countless Konoha Shinobi fighters watched as Kazuhiko charged forth unrelentingly.

It was as if the most ferocious of beasts had finally bared its fangs.


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