Chapter 226 : Stratagem? Bondage?

At this precise moment, Kazuhiko experienced the exhilaration of unrestrained, pure slaughter.

To him, the Konoha Shinobi resembled mere stakes standing idly, awaiting his command to be split asunder.

With each swing of his Zanpakutō, he reveled in the act of killing, savoring the anguish and lamentation of his victims as he watched their lives slip away at his behest.

In the eyes of Kazuhiko, they were all enemies seeking his demise. In the face of such foes, there was no room for hesitation—only the fight for life or death!

It dawned upon Kazuhiko the reason why some individuals took pleasure in the art of killing, relishing the thrill of battle!

The sensation of wielding power over their very existence was intoxicating!

"Come forth! Entertain me with your lives!"

His invincibility struck fear into the hearts of all who beheld him.

In this moment, Kazuhiko became their darkest nightmare, each one trembling at the thought of becoming his next target.

Yet, Kazuhiko seemed to methodically dispatch his enemies, gradually thinning the circle of Konoha Shinobi surrounding him.

Patterns emerged.

"Attention! He strikes based on proximity, targeting the nearest enemy first!"

"His speed is incomprehensible. Since we cannot match his pace, we must anticipate his next move."

Amidst the cries of their comrades, others watched anxiously, drenched in sweat.

The Konoha Shinobi encircling Kazuhiko fell one by one.

Often before they could even react, they would hear the cries of their companions, knowing their own fate was imminent.

Blood painted the air as once-thick foliage gave way to the scars of battle. Kazuhiko's strikes left their mark upon the land, exposing soil and stone beneath.

Several ninja, visibly the captains, clenched their jaws, contemplating Kazuhiko's next assault.

"Yasuo, have you devised a plan? What shall we do?" Akamichi glanced nervously at Nara Yasuo, hoping his astute comrade could conjure a solution in time.

Faced with such rapid speed and formidable lethality, Nara Yasuo found himself at a loss for a solution.

His eyes widened as Kazuhiko darted around, and he wiped the increasing sweat from his brow.

Finally, a glimmer of realization dawned upon him.

"If Kazuhiko is exceptionally fast, then we'll have to attack indiscriminately!"

"Quickly, everyone on the west side, use Wind Style jutsu to impede Kazuhiko's movements. Seize the chance to restrain him and cover the area indiscriminately!"

"The strong wind pressure will surely affect him. As his speed diminishes, everyone on the east side, employ Fire Style jutsu!"


Kazuhiko had been wreaking havoc for some time, claiming dozens of lives.

But they had no choice but to resort to this strategy.

"Expansion Jutsu!"

With a roar, Akamichi expanded his body, turning into a small giant.

He gestured.

Instantly, fifty or sixty people on the west side received the command. They each conveyed it in their own way, making identical seals.

"Wind Style: Net!"

"Wind Style: Nets!"

"Wind Style: Great Breakthrough!"

"Wind Style: Great Breakthrough!!"

A vast net of wind, blending offense and defense, swept through the area where Kazuhiko was, accompanied by fierce gusts and cyclones, assaulting the ground repeatedly at lightning speed.

Under such pressure, even Kazuhiko's movements seemed affected.

Nara Yasuo couldn't contain his joy. "It's working!"

They had successfully slowed down Kazuhiko's speed, making him vaguely discernible now.

"Keep going, give it your all!"

"Got it!"

Following Akamichi's powerful gesture with his enlarged hand, everyone on the east side acted in unison.

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!"

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!!!"

Dozens of massive fireballs rained down on the area where Kazuhiko was, even catching some of their comrades within the attack range.

Many were ensnared by the Wind Style net from earlier, rendering them immobile, and now they were being bombarded by massive fireballs one after another.

All they could do was watch as the fireballs descended upon them, their cries echoing in despair.

"Boom!" "Boom!!" "Boom!!!"

They perished by their own hands, while the few who survived lay severely injured and unconscious, destined to meet their end without timely intervention.

Yet, no one spared them a second thought, not even their comrades.

After all, sacrificing a few comrades for the sake of completing a mission was considered normal. If they happened to get hurt in the process, it was simply deemed unfortunate.

Only Kazuhiko moved with grace, effortlessly evading the wide-ranging traps and the incessant barrage of Great Fireball Techniques.

With a flicker of ease, Kazuhiko dodged or effortlessly neutralized each attack.

Glancing at Nara Yasuo beside him, the moment had arrived!

Surrounding Kazuhiko, more than a dozen members of the Nara clan had already prepared their seals.

"Shadow Imitation Technique!"

Their elongated shadows surged towards Kazuhiko's own shadow...!

"Huh?" Kazuhiko sensed the stubbornness in their approach. "So that's their plan..."

In the next instant, the remaining dozen shadows also lunged forth.

His peripheral vision caught sight of the recent Great Fireball, realizing it wasn't aimed to strike him directly but to expose his shadow beneath the intense firelight, thereby expanding the reach of his shadow.

Now, his shadow was starkly visible under the blazing illumination!

"Capture him!"

Nara Yasuo exclaimed eagerly as he firmly planted himself on the ground, his shadow intertwining with Kazuhiko's own.

Kazuhiko felt the binding sensation of the shadow creeping over him. He sensed his body losing control if he didn't shake it off. "Impressive..."

Yet, if he attempted to break free, then... Kazuhiko contemplated...

In an instant, Nara Yasuo felt a surge of resistance from the shadows, prompting the twelve Nara clan ninjas to panic.

"Ahhhh! We must restrain him! Increase your Chakra!"

At that critical juncture, they drained their Chakra reserves, striving to subdue Kazuhiko with all their might.

As the resistance intensified, Nara Yasuo let out a bellow of determination.

"Yamanaka clan, quick!"

"Mind Body Disturbance Technique!"


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