Chapter 230 : True Strength!

Danzo's gaze remained unyielding, fixed on the heart of the explosion, even as its brilliant white light engulfed his entire field of vision.

"He must be dead! No one could survive that! Impossible! He must be dead!" 

Within Danzo, a fervent roar echoed, though only within his own heart, resounding with an exhilarated fervor.

He couldn't fathom how anyone could endure such a cataclysmic blast. This was a stratagem he had devised during his recent seclusion, drawing inspiration from the late Third Hokage's trump card: the Five Release Great Combo Technique.

Within the confined space, an array of energies surged forth, five distinct manifestations of chakra converging upon Kazuhiko in an instant.

Each ninjutsu wielded by his allies was honed to perfection, their timing meticulously synchronized. They would not detonate prematurely; only at the most critical juncture, amidst the very epicenter of Kazuhiko's stance, would they converge.

The amalgamation of fire, wind, water, earth, and thunder chakra resulted in a ferocious detonation, unleashing unparalleled devastation.

Danzo had initially believed that even within the fortified confines of the Four Purple Flame Formation Barrier, this assault might endanger his comrades. Yet, the risk was deemed acceptable if it meant ensnaring Kazuhiko, rendering his reputed swiftness moot.

However, he hadn't anticipated Kazuhiko standing defiantly, awaiting their grand assault.

Reflecting upon this, a derisive smirk crept across Danzo's lips as he peered through the billowing smoke towards the epicenter of the blast.

Amidst the haze, obscured by a myriad of debris and dust, the center remained shrouded in mystery.

All around, the crowd erupted into excited chatter and speculation.

"He must be dead, surely he can't have survived!"

"No one could withstand such a blast!"

"Perhaps he's been reduced to ashes instantly! I've never witnessed such overwhelming force! It's akin to the prowess of Lord First Hokage himself, unparalleled!"

"No soul could endure such an onslaught! Our next course of action should be to locate his remains."

"Once the dust settles, we'll investigate further. Perhaps his famed blade remains intact…"

Amidst the fervent discussions, Danzo's pride swelled, assured of Kazuhiko's demise.

"You've met your end; there's no room for regret now. In fact, you've forfeited any right to lament. You've likely been reduced to naught but ashes!"

"No one is permitted such arrogance within the walls of Konoha, not even one hailed as the new God of the shinobi world!"

While Danzo basked in his satisfaction, Hyuga Yodo, standing beside him, maintained a vigilant gaze fixed upon the epicenter of the explosion.

The next moment, it was as if he had stumbled upon something profound. His eyes widened, as if he had just witnessed the most astounding spectacle.

There was a palpable fear in his gaze, an incredulousness that gripped him!

Danzo noticed the sudden shift in expression on his face, his heart sinking in response. He turned abruptly, following his gaze to the epicenter of the explosion, where Kazuhiko stood.

A flash of golden light erupted at the epicenter, capturing everyone's attention. The lively chatter and excitement faded into a stunned silence.

Their eyes mirrored that of Hyuga Yodo's - disbelief mingled with fear, sending shivers down their spines.

"No... This can't be... It's impossible..." Someone whispered softly, clinging onto the last shred of hope.

But their hopes were swiftly shattered as a familiar voice pierced through the silence.

"Oh... Nice try, but not nearly enough!


"The colossal warrior, God of Light!"

With this resounding declaration, the ambient particles of light coalesced in an instant, morphing into a towering figure of radiant energy before their eyes.

The God of Light seemed like the embodiment of divine power!

A colossal entity, towering dozens of meters high, dominated their field of vision. It wielded immense light blades in its hands, each spanning tens of meters in length.

Kazuhiko stood at the heart of this luminous titan, his gaze icy and merciless as he surveyed the onlookers.

"I've indulged in your games long enough. Now, it's my turn! God of Light obliterate them!"

In the face of their despair, the towering figure raised its luminous blade.

Compared to the divine entity before them, they felt as insignificant as mere ants.


The blade of light descended mercilessly, unleashing a deafening "Boom!"

At that moment, Danzo recalled Kazuhiko's earlier words.

"You dub me the new God of the Shinobi World, but do you comprehend the true terror of a God of Shinobi?

Now, it dawned on him. He recollected the historical accounts he had perused - the First Hokage, revered as the God of the Shinobi World. The most terrifying aspect? His colossal Wood Style constructs, towering tens of meters high!

Their colossal forms wielded unparalleled lethality!

Against such adversaries, unless one possessed an equivalent colossal technique, it was an inevitable annihilation, just like this!

Danzo watched in horror as the events unfolded before him!

In that moment when the blade of light descended, numerous individuals were torn apart instantaneously, akin to rag dolls being thrown and severed!

"Ah ah... ah...!"

"Run, flee!"

"We can't win, it's impossible!"

"How can such a terrifying being exist? How is this even possible?!"

In the face of such overwhelming power emanating from the God of Light, and confronted by Kazuhiko who effortlessly countered every attack thrown at him with hundreds of ninjutsu techniques, everyone's will to resist crumbled.

Their bravery shattered completely in that instance, which was precisely what Kazuhiko had aimed for!

"Employ all your tricks, exhaust your every effort! But know this, there's no escape from your deepest despair!"


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