Chapter 231 : Want to run?

Confronted with the indifferent demeanor of Kazuhiko, a sense of profound panic washed over everyone.

In that moment, they finally grasped why Kazuhiko had allowed their assault to persist.

Initially, they attributed it to his arrogance, his disdain, and perhaps even his ignorance. However, it became apparent that his intent was to plunge them into the depths of despair.

"Even if you unleash every technique at your disposal, you cannot lay a finger on him. Is this the despair you sought to inflict upon us?"

A figure collapsed to their knees, casting a desperate gaze upon the colossal entity of light before them.

They crumpled to the ground, consumed solely by fear and despair, utterly helpless against Kazuhiko's overwhelming might.

Others, like Danzo, caught wind of Kazuhiko's final whisper.

"Is... Is this the true might of the so-called New Shinobi God?"

"Is there truly such a gaping chasm of despair? Can mortals truly possess such power? 

"Is this akin to facing the despair of a tailed beast?"

Much like their predecessors, many sank to the earth in defeat. In their unity, they confronted the terror emanating from the God of Light.

As they watched their comrades, felled by his indiscriminate strikes, dozens were cleaved and shattered upon the ground.

Their inner defenses were breached in an instant, leaving behind only a residue of fear and despair, their will to flee obliterated.

Gone were the airs of arrogance, replaced by a newfound appreciation for the magnanimity and mercy of one endowed with such strength.

"Despair, my comrades! This is our divide! This is my power!"

"If you perish by the hand of my God of Light, you shall have no regrets!"

With these words, Kazuhiko brandished his light blade once more, each swing as effortless as sweeping ants from a path.

Each stroke elicited cries of agony and despair, as countless individuals were rent asunder or reduced to ashes by the blade's unforgiving edge.

The earth quaked and split, the air stirred by Kazuhiko's onslaught, carrying with it a scorching intensity.

Each swing of the blade tore through the firm soil as if it were mere tofu, revealing clumps of earth rent by both heat and force.

Weeds, caught in the blade's wake, ignited in an instant, transforming the ground into a fiery spectacle.

Danzo, too, regarded the God of Light with disbelief, struggling to come to terms with his own defeat.

The glaring disparity before him fueled a sense of despair unlike any other.

Meanwhile, Hyuga Yodo and Uchiha Ryosuke, faced with the immense energy before them, shared in the despair but remained steadfastly loyal by Danzo's side.

They sensed their typically composed leader, Danzo, faltering in the face of overwhelming odds.

They exclaimed hastily, "Lord Danzo, though we may have failed, we've learned his hand. Next time, we'll devise a new strategy to take him down!"

"Don't lose hope, Lord Danzo! You're our leader, and under your guidance, Konoha will thrive!"

Faced with the fervent shouts of his subordinates, Danzo slowly regained his composure. He had always been a stoic figure, so it was momentarily surprising to witness him falter in the face of such a setback.

But now, he steadied himself and adjusted his mindset. Although the sight of the colossal light energy entity still unnerved him, he refused to succumb to despair.

"These young ones haven't given up; how can I?" he muttered to himself. "I am the darkness of Konoha. Konoha still relies on me. I cannot perish here!"

"Is this your final move, God of Light?"

"Now I understand. Next time, I'll seize the opportunity and devise a more comprehensive plan. I will destroy you, Kazuhiko!"

With a fierce growl, Danzo turned his gaze towards the God of Light, who continued to wreak havoc in the arena.

Each swing of the light blade, once magnificent, now resembled the merciless scythe of death. With each stroke, countless elite Konoha shinobi fell.

Danzo's heart bled at the sight. These were the very shinobi he had nurtured over the years, many of whom were staunch loyalists.

Under his influence, they had come to believe that Danzo was a more fitting Hokage than the indecisive Third Hokage. But now, they lay slain by Kazuhiko's hand, robbing Danzo of any hope to vie for the Hokage title.

Filled with anguish, Danzo fled without looking back, driven only by the desire for survival, the need for vengeance burning within him.

The ANBU guards, ever loyal, stuck close to Danzo as they hurriedly followed his lead.

"Quickly! Activate the Four Purple Flame Formation! Retreat!" Danzo commanded urgently.

Responding to his order, teams from the four cardinal directions swiftly began to dismantle the Four Purple Flame Formation. Unlike its standard counterpart, this enhanced version required the coordinated effort of elite Jōnins stationed at each corner, delaying its deactivation.

Indeed, they sensed trouble the moment Kazuhiko unsheathed his light blade, shattering the formation.

Efforts to dismantle the Four Purple Flame Formation had already commenced, but beseeching the divine for assistance was no simple task. The enhanced version of the formation was intricately woven, resistant to easy dismantling.

There lingered a concern that their actions might inadvertently trigger the direct detonation of the Four Purple Flame Formation, causing further havoc.

"Almost there!"

Moments later, the violet flames of the Four Purple Flame Formation began to wane, hinting at imminent relief.

Relief washed over the group; liberation from this place was within reach. With the dismantling of the formation, even against the formidable God of Light, escape seemed plausible.

But before they could revel in their relief, mocking laughter echoed from behind, striking fear into their hearts once more.

"Hehe, planning to flee? It won't be that simple!"


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