Chapter 234 : Danzo's Death!!

Faced with Danzo's inquiry, Kazuhiko felt a surge of satisfaction. After all, possessing such legendary eyes meant sharing their secrets was inevitable. 

Even though the person before him was on the brink of death, it was precisely because of this impending demise that Kazuhiko felt compelled to divulge.

Upon hearing Kazuhiko's response, Danzo's mind raced, his pupils contracting as realization dawned upon him. Eventually, his expression morphed into a dry, wistful smile.

"So, that's it... No wonder... truly worthy of being hailed as the new God of the ninja world..."

"As for my eyes..."

With those words, Danzo's eyes flickered with a brief flash of reminiscence. After a moment's hesitation, he finally disclosed it to Kazuhiko.

"These eyes belonged to my former comrade, Uchiha Kagami... Unfortunately, this is the only one I possess..."

"But perhaps it's fortunate that I have only one eye. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to withstand the immense Chakra drain my eyes endure daily..."

"Hiruzen... Konoha... I entrust everything to you..."

"You... are truly a formidable opponent... Perhaps we... erred in allowing the Land of Whirlpools to fall... perhaps our choices were misguided..."

With these final words, the enigmatic figure known as Konoha's Darkness, the embodiment of forbearance, breathed his last.

Kazuhiko leaned forward, claiming Danzo's Mangekyō Sharingan.

"Kazuhiko-sama Are you alright?!"


"Clan Head, that was incredible!"

At that moment, Uzumaki clan members rushed over, one by one. Witnessing Kazuhiko standing unscathed, a wave of relief washed over them. Soon after, an overwhelming sense of pride surged within them; pride in Kazuhiko's strength and the joy of his survival.

Amidst the jubilation, their admiration for Kazuhiko's prowess and gratitude for his safety knew no bounds.

Before them lay a landscape of death, with bodies strewn about and no signs of life. The earth was tainted, marked by the aftermath of violent explosions. For a moment, they even feared Kazuhiko had perished...

Yet, amidst the devastation stood Kazuhiko, clad in black trousers and a white robe.

Kazuhiko turned, offering a warm smile and a wave to those gathered, his right hand extended in welcome.

Rushing forward, the third elder reached Kazuhiko's side, eyes brimming with relief. "Lord Clan Head, are you unharmed?"

Kazuhiko smiled and shook his head, assuring them he was fine. With that, a wave of relief washed over them.

"Organize a team to salvage anything of use from these fallen Konoha Shinobi. Let nothing go to waste..."

"And gather a few to dig a large pit. We'll lay these remains to rest there."

"Yes, Clan Head!"

The three elders swiftly organized the necessary manpower, efficiently carrying out their orders. Meanwhile, Kazuhiko's gaze fell upon the four-cornered sickle-shaped Mangekyō Sharingan, prompting deep contemplation.

"Uchiha Kagami..."

Though the name didn't ring a bell in Kazuhiko's memory, it stirred a sense of familiarity.

Summoning the fifth elder, who held a wealth of knowledge about Konoha, Kazuhiko sought answers.

While puzzled by the sudden mention of such an ancient name, the fifth elder recounted all he knew.

"Uchiha Kagami, a renowned Elite Jōnin of Konoha, served alongside Sarutobi Hiruzen, Shimura Danzō, Utatane Koharu, Mitokado Homura, and others under the Second Hokage's command."

"Barely recognized by the Second Hokage, he was known for his intellect and pragmatism. However, he vanished during the battle against the Ginkaku and Kinkau. Amidst the chaos, it was believed he perished..."

In that instant, Kazuhiko pieced it all together. Kagami's disappearance is likely traced back to Danzo's machinations...

It seemed evident that Kagami had sustained grave injuries during the initial battle, awakening his Mangekyō Sharingan.

Danzo must have noticed his Mangekyō Sharingan on the side and planned it in secret.

Later, when he was severely injured, he suddenly slapped the black hand. Perhaps there was an accident in the middle, resulting in the loss of one of his eyes, leaving only one intact.

Once Danzo acquired this Mangekyō, he housed it in his right eye, always concealing it with a bandage to prevent detection.

However, from Danzo's final remark, "Fortunately, I only have one eye, otherwise I wouldn't be able to endure the terrible Chakra consumption my eyes demand every day..."

It's evident that Danzo may not be coping well after obtaining the Mangekyō.

Maintaining this eye daily requires significant Chakra, as it cannot be closed, and even when covered with a bandage, it still drains a considerable amount.

So, whenever he's seen, he often wears a grim expression, likely due to the toll taken by this eye...

Kazuhiko, seeking to comprehend all this, ceased struggling. Now that he possessed this eye, it rightfully belonged to him.

He took a glass bottle from a medical ninja on the team, filled it with a nutrient solution, and carefully placed the Mangekyō Sharingan inside.

Observing Danzo lying on the ground, Kazuhiko shook his head faintly.

"You truly endure the darkness... I can't bring myself to end you, but unfortunately, you shouldn't have come directly this time... If you had stayed in Konoha a while longer, stirring up chaos, I believe you could have offered more surprises..."

With that, a flame descended, consuming Danzo's body.

While Kazuhiko incinerated Danzo, Sarutobi Hiruzen stood silently in his office, gazing at the dim sky in the distance, his eyes deep in thought.


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