Chapter 235 : Hiruzen's Plan!!

Sarutobi Hiruzen gazed at the looming dark sky, the air heavy with impending rain and wind.

Occasionally, blue-white streaks flashed across the distant clouds, followed by distant rumbles of thunder.

"It's going to rain," he murmured after a prolonged silence, his Hokage hat resting on the desk beside him.

Abruptly, a deafening clap of thunder echoed through the air, casting a stark blue-white light upon Sarutobi Hiruzen's face.

"Boom!" The thunder roared, reverberating in all directions.

The eerie light illuminated the scars on his weathered face, lending an unsettling air to the Third Hokage's countenance.


In an instant, rain cascaded down, mingling with the villagers' cries...

"It's raining..."

"Quick, gather your belongings and head home!"

Yet, Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression remained unchanged, his gaze fixed unwaveringly upon the distant sky.

Even amidst the sudden onslaught of thunder, his demeanor remained serene, his eyes locked on the horizon.

"Danzo, can you eliminate him? I await your report..."

"Nevertheless, even if you fail, I trust there will be tidings of significance..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen exhaled a plume of blue smoke, his eyes glinting faintly as he peered into the distance.

He had meticulously orchestrated Danzo's mission to ambush Kazuhiko, leaving nothing to chance.

Now, he awaited news of the operation, though he harbored little optimism for its success.

Despite sanctioning Danzo's recruitment of numerous elite Jonin for the task, Hiruzen doubted anyone could thwart Kazuhiko's escape.


Prior to Kazuhiko's arrival in Konoha, Hiruzen had been confident that no one could evade such an ambush.

Even during their duel, when Kazuhiko effortlessly severed his treasured Adamantine Staff and rendered him unconscious, Hiruzen remained convinced of Kazuhiko's prowess.

He was certain that no one could withstand the onslaught of hundreds of Konoha's finest.

That is, until he witnessed the aftermath of the clash between Kazuhiko and the Uchiha clan head.

While others attributed the devastation to the Uchiha's Mangekyō Sharingan, Hiruzen recognized Kazuhiko's handiwork—his prized swordsmanship coupled with his sword.

It was a display of power that left no doubt in Hiruzen's mind: Kazuhiko was a force to be reckoned with.

He personally made his way to the second battleground where Kazuhiko and the Uchiha clan head clashed.

After meticulously replaying in his mind the battles between titans like the First Hokage and Uchiha Madara, as chronicled in ancient texts, he swiftly deduced that only a confrontation of colossal energy entities could inflict such devastation.

However, his deductions were merely conjectures; he had never actually witnessed a battle of such magnitude. Keeping this speculation to himself, he refrained from informing Danzo, as Danzo hadn't been the one to eliminate Kazuhiko. Let Danzo linger in the dark...

Though eliminating Kazuhiko would have been the wisest course of action, he couldn't ignore the palpable threat emanating from Kazuhiko.

If his assumptions were incorrect, Danzo's strategy and the collective efforts of their allies might still succeed in eradicating the threat, albeit at great cost.

Yet, if his suspicions were accurate, then it would be Danzo who would meet his demise!

The prospect of Danzo's demise brought a sense of relief; ever since awakening from his coma, he had discerned Danzo's unbridled ambition, his insidious machinations reaching even into the highest echelons of power...

Sarutobi Hiruzen realized his past weakness upon awakening; the pursuit of power demanded ruthless resolve!

Danzo's persistent overtures had tested his patience, particularly when Danzo had brazenly solicited the support of the elder advisors, Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura, entertaining the notion of a puppet Hokage...

He knew his old comrade coveted his position as Hokage.

With Danzo's clandestine machinations exposed, would he hesitate to orchestrate his demise? Would he dispatch covert operatives to eliminate him?

The time had come to neutralize the destabilizing influence of Danzo...

Simultaneously, it presented an opportunity to eradicate the faction of ANBU operatives loyal to Danzo, thereby eliminating two threats with one stroke.

One unforeseen complication arose: despite meticulous planning, according to his intelligence, a faction of his own clansmen had clandestinely aligned with Danzo, joining the ambush against Kazuhiko.

To avoid raising suspicion and alerting Danzo, he refrained from divulging much. Should they indeed perish in the conflict, let the foolhardy face the consequences of their choices...

As Sarutobi Hiruzen pondered, his gaze turned cold and steely.

Since then, he had noticed his heart growing increasingly callous, his demeanor toward the clans becoming more indifferent. Yet, he couldn't shake the conviction that this was the path he must follow.

"I am the Third Hokage," he reminded himself, "Those who defy the village will face the consequences..."

Outside, rain cascaded down, drumming against his windowpane intermittently.

In the dimly lit office, Sarutobi Hiruzen stood in silent contemplation, awaiting news.

Occasionally, the ember of his pipe cast a crimson glow, while tendrils of blue smoke gently curled around him, creating an aura of eerie tranquility.

From afar, it seemed as if a sinister entity lurked within him...

Meanwhile, Kazuhiko and his companions had completed their preparations and joyfully set out on their journey home. The clansmen marveled as the rain seemed to part around them intermittently.

They understood this to be the miraculous ability of their clan leader. Kazuhiko led the way, his companions frolicking behind him.

"Let's pick up the pace; we'll be home soon. I wonder what changes await us in the Land of Whirlpools..."

"Certainly there will be changes. I've heard the clan head has made extensive preparations before his departure," remarked one of the elders.


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