Chapter 236 : Development?

Listening to the murmurs of his fellow clansmen behind him, Kazuhiko's thoughts drifted back to the instructions he had given to the elder of law enforcement and the other elders before his departure.

He had tasked them with swiftly gathering various kinds of soil and rocks while he was away.

It was all for the construction of the new ninja academy he envisioned, as well as the hospital and roads.

These were his directives, urging them to procure these raw materials as soon as possible.

Upon his return, he planned to resume construction according to his designs, aiming to erect a ninja academy conducive to the development of the Land of Whirlpools, a ninja hospital—no, it should serve all, a hospital for all!

First and foremost, establish a school catering to all denizens of the Land of Whirlpools, and a hospital serving all its people!

Naturally, all this hinged on ridding the Land of Whirlpools of every last bandit.

This was another mandate Kazuhiko had issued alongside the procurement of raw materials.

Don't underestimate the number of bandits. They proliferate like weeds in the ninja world, seemingly endless.

Furthermore, there was an internal cause. Many bandits were once ordinary folk whose homes were ravaged in battles or skirmishes with wandering ninjas, compelling them to turn to thievery and gangsterism.

The perpetual wars in the ninja world had fostered a seemingly unending cycle of banditry.

While the Land of Whirlpools was relatively stable, he instructed them to extend their efforts not only within the country but also to the neighboring islands, ensuring a comprehensive cleanup.

All offenders would be apprehended and thoroughly scrutinized. The most egregious criminals would face swift and humane justice, while those with lesser offenses would be imprisoned.

Upon his return, he would oversee renovations, delegating the task of repairing roads and bridges to them.

Kazuhiko already had a plan in mind. As the saying goes, "To prosper, build roads first."

He intended to construct a network of roads throughout the Land of Whirlpools, centered around the Uzumaki clan.

These roads would connect every corner of the country, forging a cohesive whole.

Such infrastructure improvements would greatly enhance his governance, facilitating faster and more effective dissemination of his directives.

Additionally, plans for all-encompassing schools and hospitals were in the works, to be realized step by step, without haste.

With these considerations in mind, Kazuhiko couldn't help but wonder how the elders he had entrusted with these tasks were faring in his absence.

On the day of his return, it was time to assess the outcomes.

As Kazuhiko and his clan strolled joyously through the rain, behind them, where once a hill stood proudly, now lay a deep pit etched into the battlefield.

The atmosphere surrounding another group of individuals was starkly different. There was no mirth, only a heavy, suffocating silence.

Nara Hirano and his team stood amidst the rain, their expressions filled with stunned dread as they gazed upon the freshly unearthed body.

They had been the vanguard team trailing Kazuhiko all along the journey. Exhausted from days of pursuit, Danzo had ordered them to stay back, resting on the mountainside in the distance.

Upon witnessing the violent explosion, they hurried to the scene, only to find Kazuhiko and his clan had already departed.

Being seasoned Anbu ninjas, they swiftly excavated the buried remains. Fragments of corpses lay before them, some bearing the faces of acquaintances.

Among the charred remains, despite the blackened flesh, a familiar feature—a small, broken white section—marked the forehead.

A lump formed in his throat. Even in the pouring rain, he felt a dryness in his throat, for he knew the owner of this corpse was none other than their mission leader, Lord Danzo.

He was the stalwart guardian willing to tread the darkness for Konoha's sake. Yet now, the person he admired most had been reduced to a scorched corpse.

Glancing at his mud-soaked subordinates, each had played their part in unearthing the bodies from the pit—pulling them from the mire, cleansing them, and laying them aside.

"Huhu... "

Nara Hirano observed their labored breaths, recognizing their exhaustion, though it scarcely concerned him.

Compared to their usual rigorous training, digging up corpses from the mud was a trivial task.

As he looked at his gasping comrades, he couldn't shake the overwhelming fatigue engulfing him.


The downpour seemed to sap the strength from his body, leaving him feeling utterly drained both physically and mentally.

They exchanged glances, each mirroring the profound weariness in the others' eyes.

Finally, one of them, after much hesitation, spoke up, eyes fixed on the charred remains.

"Captain, is... is this Danzo-sama? What... what should we do?"

The rest, whether slouched on the ground or standing amidst the deluge, turned their gaze towards their captain, awaiting his response.

Nara Hirano fell into silence for a moment. "Based on my observation, this body does indeed belong to Lord Danzo..."

His words ignited an immediate reaction.

"It's really Danzo-sama!"

"What... what should we do... even Lord Danzo..."

"Are we... going to continue the mission?"

"Facing such a formidable opponent... we... might as well march to our demise..."

Amidst the murmurs of the crowd, Nara Hirano stared into the distance with vacant eyes, unsure of what course of action to take.

After what felt like an eternity, the chatter died down, all eyes turning to their captain, awaiting his decision.

Nara Hirano realized he could no longer afford to remain passive. If he did, his team would grow dissatisfied with him as their leader, and they'd continue to wander aimlessly rather than taking action in the downpour.

"Everyone, let's pitch a tent and gather all the bodies underneath. We won't let them be further drenched by the rain. We'll wait for Konoha reinforcements to arrive and let the experts determine the cause of their demise..."

"We'll extract whatever intelligence we can from these corpses!"

Upon hearing their captain's orders, they regained their sense of purpose, no longer lost in confusion.

With swift efficiency, they set about their tasks. Two members departed from the group, hastening back to Konoha.

Meanwhile, Kazuhiko remained unaware of these developments. The world continued to spin, indifferent to the lives lost...


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