Chapter 237 : Return!

Despite the relentless rain trailing behind him, he remained indifferent to the losses of others.

The ebbs and flows of human emotions held no sway over him; Kazuhiko simply found them to be a nuisance.

The downpour persisted throughout the night, relenting only in the early hours. Kazuhiko, however, didn't rely solely on his Rinnegan to evade the rain; the mastery of his Rinnegan's power was ceaseless.

Throughout his journey, Kazuhiko dedicated himself to training, focusing on the fundamental techniques of Universal Pull and Shinra Tensei.

He had learned from his previous battle experience.

During that encounter, his Rinnegan had made its first official appearance.

Back in Konoha, he hadn't utilized his Rinnegan to its full potential due to various circumstances hindering his development with the ocular power.

It wasn't until after that battle that Kazuhiko realized the extent of training required to truly master the power of Rinnegan.

Why did Kazuhiko concentrate solely on training himself in the basic techniques of Universal Pull and Shinra Tensei along his journey?

The reason was straightforward. After his battle with Danzo, Kazuhiko realized the significant tactical advantage offered by gravitational repulsion in combat.

Especially when he activated the God of Light, gravitational repulsion became a nightmare for his enemies.

Simultaneously, Kazuhiko also recognized his shortcomings in this area. His accumulated knowledge from his past life granted him unparalleled understanding of gravitational repulsion within the ninja world.

However, after yesterday's battle, he realized that his usage of gravitational repulsion paled in comparison to Nagato's mastery during the Konoha invasion.

Indeed, combat was the most effective path to growth.

Now, without needing to reveal his Rinnegan, he adeptly employed these simple techniques.

For instance, manipulating gravity and repulsion with Universal Pull and Shinra Tensei, he could effortlessly open the courtyard doors within Tsunade's estate.

He could now fully utilize the Rinnegan's abilities, enveloping his comrades in an invisible "cloak" that shielded them from the storm along their journey.

Though seemingly straightforward, this was a testament to Kazuhiko's improvement in harnessing the Rinnegan's powers.

Creating an invisible barrier of the appropriate range while synchronizing with the rapid movements of his companions was no small feat.

Within this unseen shield, the rain barely touched them, seemingly repelled away.

This further deepened Kazuhiko's mastery of the Rinnegan.

As the night waned and the storm abated, Kazuhiko could sense his heightened proficiency with the Rinnegan's abilities.

Eager to test his newfound skills, he even contemplated attempting the legendary sealing technique - Planetary Devastation.

However, upon seeing the joyous camaraderie among his clansmen, he decided against it.

Exercising restraint, he refrained from exerting excessive force or resorting to sealing techniques.

After a day's journey, Kazuhiko found himself not needing a layer of shroud to hone his abilities.

Constantly training his Rinnegan, Kazuhiko refrained from using it too openly during his time in Konoha, wary of arousing suspicion from others.

He would devise specific restraint methods tailored to his abilities, as the saying goes, "if you're not afraid of thieves, you're afraid of their reasoning."

Since leaving Konoha, a group of small tails had been following them along the way. Despite this, he hadn't fully utilized the power of the Rinnegan, waiting for the opportune moment.

Curiosity about the Rinnegan's power had always intrigued him.

After residing in Konoha for so long, with no one left to observe him, he could now delve deeper into mastering this mystical power.

More than a day into their journey, Kazuhiko could feel his connection to the Rinnegan strengthening.

He could now confidently say that his control over the Rinnegan had improved significantly since yesterday.

For instance, during yesterday's battle, his use of the Universal Pull required immense effort, creating a swirling vortex that pulled in everything around him.

While it appeared powerful, it was also a significant drain on his energy, attracting unnecessary debris due to his lack of precision in controlling the Rinnegan's power.

However, now he could ensure that when he used the Universal Pull again, only the intended targets would be affected, leaving everything else untouched.

This precise control marked a notable increase in his mastery over the Rinnegan.

As they journeyed, Kazuhiko not only directed objects towards himself but could also manipulate them in any direction.

Up, down, left, right, southeast, northwest—whatever direction he desired, he could move the designated objects accordingly.

The clan members accompanying him recognized this as the remarkable ability of their clan leader.

Though the patriarch hadn't elaborated much on this matter, they refrained from probing further.

Eventually, they arrived at the beach.

Kazuhiko skillfully boarded a boat docked at the shore, guarded by individuals representing the five nations of the Whirlpool.

Without further ado, Kazuhiko redirected his focus towards harnessing the power of his Rinnegan upon returning to the boat. Through continuous exploration, he felt himself growing stronger bit by bit, relishing in the wonderful sensation it brought.

Another day had passed.

As Kazuhiko honed his skills with his Rinnegan, the ship they were aboard finally caught sight of the Land of Whirlpools on the horizon.

Kazuhiko could hear the jubilant cheers of everyone on deck.


"We're finally home!"

"Quick, raise the signal flags! Let the people on the coast know we've returned!"


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