Chapter 238 : Welcome!!

The inhabitants of the Land of Whirlpools, residing on the coastal edge, caught sight of the colossal ship making its approach.

Among them were several who had specifically gathered to welcome back their clan head and fellow clansmen returning from Konoha.

After enduring days of anticipation, their joy overflowed as they finally witnessed their return.

Upon reconfirming, they observed the signal from the giant vessel aligning perfectly with their expectations.

Spontaneously, they erupted into cheers, swiftly dispatching someone to inform the elders.

"They're back! The clan head and the others have returned!"

"Hurry, inform the elders; the clan head has returned!"

In no time, a throng from the Land of Whirlpools encircled the shoreline.

In recent days, the coastal region of the Land of Whirlpools had been bustling, with only a select few awaiting the clan head's return.

Many were engaged in transporting various goods traded from the Lands of Water and Lightning.

Additionally, some Land of Whirlpools ninjas were dedicated to clearing out nearby pirates and bandits.

Thus, their cries drew the attention of nearby Land of Whirlpools residents, eager to learn the outcome of their clan head's journey to Konoha, the sole Daimyo of the Land of Lightning.

Countless individuals, from elders to commoners, pondered whether the complete severance of ties with Konoha would proceed smoothly.

All throughout the Land of Whirlpools, anticipation for news from Konoha ran high.

Now, witnessing the arrival of the family's flagship vessel, jubilation swept over everyone.

Before long, several elders hastened over, among them the First Elder and the Elder in charge of law enforcement. The latter had formerly led the Uzumaki clan and was the uncle of Kazuhiko.

Upon stepping down as clan leader, Kazuhiko had appointed him as the Law Enforcement Elder, tasked with meting out punishments, both major and minor, throughout the Land of Whirlpools, as well as overseeing its various domains.

After departing from the Land of Whirlpools, his duties extended to eradicating pirates and bandits prowling the seas surrounding the Land of Whirlpools. He held the authority to decide which ones faced demise and which ones were to be captured.

Simultaneously, he oversaw the gathering of intelligence from every corner of the Land of Whirlpools. However, he couldn't handle all these tasks alone; they were too burdensome. Thus, he took charge of training select members of his clan as elites to assist him.

Regarding the procurement of raw materials for road construction, that fell under the jurisdiction of the Great Elder. He also established a group of elders to manage this responsibility collectively.

Kazuhiko's return was greeted with celebration. It was also an opportunity for him to assess the accomplishments of the Great Elder and the Law Enforcement Elder during his absence.

As Kazuhiko arrived at the shores of the Land of Whirlpools, the populace erupted in cheers and applause. To them, he was more than just their leader; he was the young clan head who had almost single-handedly repelled invaders from their homeland. They admired and respected him wholeheartedly.

Acknowledging the crowd's adulation with a smile and a wave, Kazuhiko proceeded to meet with the Law Enforcement Elder. Shortly after, he made his way back to the Uzumaki clan compound.

During his journey home, Kazuhiko kept a keen eye out for any changes in the Land of Whirlpools. To his satisfaction, he witnessed a bustling populace engaged in various activities, indicating a sense of normalcy had returned.

Furthermore, he noticed groups of ninjas from the Land of Whirlpools escorting captives—evidently, recently apprehended bandits.

Kazuhiko relied on his keen senses to discern the truth. Despite his trust in the Great Elder and the Law Enforcement Elder, he remained vigilant, knowing that nobody could deceive him, and he was confident that they wouldn't orchestrate deceitful actions.

However, as the Daimyo of the Land of Whirlpools, he knew it was imperative to delve deep into understanding the true situation of his nation.

Beneath the keen gaze of his Observation Haki, he witnessed the bustling activity within the Land of Whirlpools, and the people's jubilation greeted him.

He observed numerous young, robust boys, shirtless, carrying various materials around; while young children diligently worked, cleaning nearby gravel and soil.


Elsewhere, women gathered by the river, aiding each other in laundry, gathering ingredients, and preparing meals.

The Land of Whirlpools now pulsated with vitality, filling his heart with deep satisfaction.

He turned to observe the elders and law enforcement officers, sensing their unease.

Since Kazuhiko had assumed office, they had experienced his wrath on those rare occasions when he was dissatisfied. They knew he could be merciless.

His gaze pierced through, his anger simmering, his regal demeanor quelling any defiance.

One elder, having failed to fulfill a task previously, had been publicly reprimanded, causing him to bleed, yet no one dared to intercede.

Now was the time to evaluate their efforts, and naturally, apprehension loomed.

Kazuhiko couldn't help but smile. Was he truly that intimidating?

Seeing the faint smile on Kazuhiko's face, they found some solace.

"Fear not, upon closer inspection, I'm exceedingly pleased with your accomplishments. We've not only met my expectations but exceeded them."

"It's evident that the first elder and law enforcement elder have dedicated significant effort during this period."

These words eased the tension within their hearts.

"It's all thanks to your meticulous plan, clan head. Without it, our achievements wouldn't have been possible."

"We followed your guidance meticulously. The transformation within the Land of Whirlpools in just a few days is remarkable."

Uzumaki's praise brought joy to the chief elder and law enforcement officer, acknowledging it was Kazuhiko's foresight that enabled such progress.

They hadn't anticipated achieving such significant results.

Before long, the Uzumaki clan had gathered, and among them stood Kushina and others, awaiting his arrival.


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