Chapter 239 : Kushina's Progress!!

Upon seeing Kushina welcoming him with joy and enthusiasm, Kazuhiko felt a twinge of guilt in his heart for reasons he couldn't quite grasp. However, a cough quickly dispelled that feeling.

Meanwhile, the elders and enforcers nearby observed him with curiosity, puzzled by their Clan Head's momentary oddity.

Stepping down from the carriage, Kazuhiko spotted Kushina alongside a delicate and beautiful woman—his mother, Uzumaki Miyuki. 

Behind them stood a gathering of Uzumaki clan elders and a few remaining jōnin. Nearly 80% of the principal figures from Land of Whirlpools were present.

Gathering at the entrance of the Uzumaki clan's territory, they eagerly awaited the arrival of Uzumaki Kazuhiko.

After exchanging pleasantries with his mother, Kazuhiko affectionately ran his fingers through Kushina's long, smooth red hair.

Kushina, in response, narrowed her eyes, clutching onto Kazuhiko's long sleeves like a tangled kitten. Excitedly, she recounted her recent accomplishments to him.

"Brother Kazuhiko, thanks to your guidance, I've managed to befriend Saiku."

Saiku was her affectionate name for her tailed beast. These creatures, despite their immense power, often lived in solitude, shunned by society.

Kushina, inherently gentle and compassionate, had grown even more empathetic towards the tailed beast within her under Kazuhiko's tutelage. She harbored no prejudice against it.

Tailed beasts possessed a keen sense of human emotions, discerning between friend and foe with remarkable accuracy. Through sincere interaction, Kushina swiftly forged a bond with her tailed beast.

"Brother Kazuhiko, look!"

With that, Kushina casually waved her hand, conjuring a transparent, fist-sized bubble before their astonished eyes.

Kazuhiko's eyes gleamed with excitement as bubbles drifted beside the towering tree, drawing curious gazes from others.

"Boom!" A thunderous noise echoed as the giant tree was cleaved in two by a powerful explosion, stunning everyone present.

Seeing the astonished expressions around her, Kushina beamed with pride. "This is just one of the abilities that Saiku has bestowed upon me, and I'll only grow stronger from here!"

"Well done. The Six Tails' abilities have much potential for development. I have no doubt that Kushina will become an outstanding ninja of the Land of Whirlpools in the future!"

Praising Kushina, Kazuhiko led the group toward the clan's meeting hall.

There, Kazuhiko briefed everyone on the outcome of his journey to Konoha.

"Friends, I have successfully secured ownership of the four islands near the Land of Whirlpools. Konoha can no longer use them to hinder our progress."

Displaying evidence of their claim to the islands, the three elders elicited cheers of joy from the crowd.

"Excellent! With this, the Land of Whirlpools need not fear economic blockade by Konoha any longer!"

"Since these islands now belong to us, we must develop them to our advantage. No longer will we need to take lengthy detours in our journeys!"

The news brought immense relief and happiness to all.

The elders who accompanied Kazuhiko felt a sense of pride. While Kazuhiko had played a pivotal role, their support had been invaluable.

"Each of you is a vital asset to our Land of Whirlpools. During my time in Konoha, I successfully persuaded the Uchiha clan to align with us. Henceforth, the Uchiha are allies of the Land of Whirlpools!"

"Of course, the Uchiha clan can't just come over yet. If they do so directly, I'm afraid Konoha will declare war on us. So, for now, the Uchiha clan will arrange for a group of young clan members to enter the Land of Whirlpools from various places, one by one. Be cautious, don't make any sudden moves!

As soon as these words were spoken, the conference center erupted into excitement, like a calm lake suddenly disturbed by a massive boulder...

Before Kazuhiko received the news about establishing the island, they were pleasantly surprised, yet also prepared.

After all, this was part of their prior negotiations. Bringing these four islands over was essential; otherwise, the future of the Land of Whirlpools would be at the mercy of Konoha's grasp.

But never did they expect the Uchiha clan, one of Konoha's two founding noble clans, to align with the Land of Whirlpools!

Though they had heard rumors of strained relations between Konoha and the Uchiha clan, to go to such lengths...

"Lord Clan Head! Your prowess truly knows no bounds! Is there anything you cannot accomplish?!"

Faced with everyone's astonishment, Kazuhiko was already prepared, casually waving his hand to indicate it was all part of the plan, nothing extraordinary.

If he were to reveal that even the other of Konoha's founding clans, the Senju clan, was under their influence, they would likely lose their minds.

After a moment, the excitement among everyone gradually subsided.

Casting a glance at the gathering, Kazuhiko shared the news everyone had been anticipating.

"Everyone, the Land of Whirlpools and Konoha have severed ties! Konoha is Konoha, and the Land of Whirlpools is the Land of Whirlpools; they are no longer intertwined!"

Upon hearing this, a moment of silence swept over the room. Kazuhiko could empathize with their sentiments after the years-long ties with Konoha. 

Severing such bonds was not a quick or simple task. It required gradual steps to fully disentangle from Konoha's influence.

After a prolonged silence, Kazuhiko addressed them, "Do any of you have news to share with me?"


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