Chapter 241 : Future!

"Everyone, pick up the pace," the elder, donning a hat and holding a bamboo stick, observed the workers laying bricks below.

He addressed them, "Tomorrow, everyone gets a rest day, but today we must work twice as hard!"

"Get to work, everyone! The Clan Head's national address is scheduled for tomorrow, and this must be finished today!" 

The elder's expression was grave as he continued, "If we fail to complete today's task, we'll be failing our nation, the Land of Whirlpools! Countless people have come to assist today, all in anticipation of tomorrow's speech!"

"Don't worry, Elder! We'll get it done today!" Assurances echoed from the workers.

"Excellent! Keep up the hard work, everyone!" The elder surveyed the workers before suddenly raising his voice, "Faster!"

"This elevated platform is crucial. Tomorrow, the Clan Head will stand upon it to address the people! Any ninjas with earth-element abilities, let's reinforce the foundation once more. It's already been done? Do it again!"

Turning to a dark, sturdy young man at his side, the first elder continued, "Daichi, you need to be especially cautious. You've boasted to me about being a future master architect. If there's an issue at a critical moment, you'll be held accountable. I'll personally see to it."

"Don't worry, Great Elder, I've got it under control!" Daichi replied confidently.

"Oh, Great Elder, why does this elevated platform have to be curved in this manner? And what's its purpose?" Daichi's curiosity got the better of him.

The elder glanced at Daichi and stroked his beard, "I'm not entirely sure. It was a special directive from the Clan Head. Currently, only two levels have been constructed due to time constraints, but there are plans for expansion in the future."

"According to the Clan Head's words, a landmark structure for the Land of Whirlpools will be erected here in the future, along with a monument that will undoubtedly play a significant role."

"So this time, the foundation must be approached with utmost seriousness! All future constructions will rely on the strength of this foundation!"

And so it was.

A day later, in the Land of Whirlpools, autumn stood tall and crisp.

Despite a faint cool breeze in the air, it failed to dampen the spirits of the people of the Land of Whirlpools.

At this moment, the central square of the Land of Whirlpools stood complete.

It was the Great Elder who had meticulously cleared the area, readying it to become the grandest square in the Land of Whirlpools.

A circular, two-story tower loomed at its center.

After two days of tireless effort, the outline of the square had begun to take form, though the site still bore traces of mud and remnants of felled trees, giving it a somewhat rugged appearance.

Nevertheless, Kazuhiko had announced that a national assembly would convene in two days' time.

Had the groundwork for the central plaza not been laid out beforehand, it would have been a race against time. Despite the challenges, the progress made in the past two days was commendable.

The people of the Land of Whirlpools were, at least, content; witnessing this transformation from a desolate forest to a bustling square was a testament to their collective effort.

In particular, the towering white stone platform stood out amidst the commotion.

The central square was now teeming with people, the crowd encircling the platform as countless citizens of the Land of Whirlpools eagerly awaited the arrival of Kazuhiko.

Following the war, not only had the Land of Whirlpools recovered, but rumors circulated of its impending reconstruction. Observing the stockpile of materials amassed, it was evident that the aim was to construct even grander and sturdier buildings than before.

With determination, both ninjas and ordinary civilians alike aimed to build a more beautiful Land of Whirlpools together, with their own hands.

As the morning sun cast its light, the central square began to fill with people, one after another.

Whether they were citizens of the Land of Whirlpools or newly recruited special talents,

Whether ninja or civilian, all gathered with eager anticipation in the central square.

Despite being a small nation heavily reliant on Konoha for support, the Land of Whirlpools struggled with underdevelopment, leaving its populace impoverished despite the absence of war.

Many lived in basic shelters, vulnerable to the elements, but today they learned of plans to construct unified cement houses.

Rumors spread of sturdy two-story dwellings, offering security and peace of mind, alleviating fears of winter winds and snow collapsing their wooden homes.

In the central square, excitement radiated from both ninja and civilians alike.

Their eyes fixated on the elevated platform, awaiting the arrival of their leader, brimming with anticipation, excitement, and hope for the future!

Today marked a pivotal moment, as Kazuhiko would unveil the Land of Whirlpools's path forward.

All attention converged here!

Suddenly, someone caught wind of something and turned with a gasp.


The central square filled with the haunting strains of the Uzumaki clan's anthem, weaving solemnity, passion, and grandeur throughout.

Thus, all beheld Kazuhiko (Daimyo) clad in white robes, solemn and dignified, flanked by senior officials of the Land of Whirlpools.

They strode purposefully toward the elevated platform.

As the anthem ebbed, the crowd hushed, their gaze fixed on the Clan Head ascending to the platform.

Kazuhiko led his clan and the nation's dignitaries to the platform, his gaze sweeping over the roaring crowd.

This marked Kazuhiko's inaugural national address, his second appearance before the entire populace. His first was during his official ascension to the throne as the daimyo of the Land of Whirlpools and the head of the Uzumaki clan.

Now, he returned from Konoha to chart the future trajectory of the Land of Whirlpools.

In the audience, citizens of the Whirlpool Country wore expressions of solemnity tinged with anticipation as they gazed upon Kazuhiko.

They understood that today, their esteemed lord would solidify the destiny of the Land of Whirlpools!


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