Chapter 242 : Red Republic!!

Looking out at the crowd with their trusting and excited eyes, Kazuhiko was overcome with emotion for a moment.

"At last, the moment has arrived!"

This speech was necessary. He had already released the wind, and today marked the juncture to determine the future of the Land of Whirlpools.

The aim was to draw more people from the Land of Whirlpools, but there was no deception involved.

The final outcome didn't disappoint Kazuhiko. Almost all positions in the Land of Whirlpools, except for a few, needed people.

Beneath the stage were over 23,000 people from the Land of Whirlpools. Though the number seemed small, they represented the future of the entire country!

The Land of Whirlpools sought unity, and its people desired reunification. Only through continuous reforms and speeches like this one could they grasp everything and forge a better future.

At that moment, Kazuhiko felt a surge of excitement. He took a deep breath to steady his racing heart.

This day was equally significant to him.

"All citizens of the Land of Whirlpools! I am Kazuhiko, head of the Uzumaki clan, the daimyo of the Land of Whirlpools!"

In that instant, all sounds in the Land of Whirlpools quieted, leaving only one voice in the world—Kazuhiko's.

All eyes in the Land of Whirlpools were fixed on him.

"Everyone knows I've returned from Konoha!"

"I'm aware that everyone is deeply concerned about the relationship between the Land of Whirlpools and Konoha..."

"So let me announce today's first piece of news: The Land of Whirlpools and Konoha have completely severed ties!"

Kazuhiko's announcement rippled through the crowd like a stone cast into a lake. Though there was no discussion among the people, Kazuhiko sensed their collective dismay.

"Indeed... we've completely cut off our friendship with Konoha."

"Konoha... will no longer be our ally..."

Occasionally, a candid remark would slip out, and Kazuhiko's sharp gaze remained fixed ahead.

"Everyone! Why the despair? Must we mourn? Konoha betrayed the Land of Whirlpools. Now that we've severed all ties with Konoha, it should be Konoha mourning!"

Kazuhiko raised his right hand high, his passionate voice echoing throughout the square and reaching everyone's ears.

"And we, without Konoha! What we possess is a New World!

"From now on, the Land of Whirlpools will no longer rely on anyone! We shall depend on ourselves, building our own nation and making it prosper!"

With those words, the once-silent atmosphere suddenly became charged, and a gleam returned to everyone's eyes.

"Yes, it's Konoha who should be grieving!"

"Cast aside Konoha and embrace the New World!"

The crowd echoed sporadic shouts, with Kazuhiko joining in, yelling, "Cast aside Konoha and embrace the New World!"

In an instant, the whole assembly cheered, "Cast aside Konoha and embrace the New World!"

The resounding chants of the Isshin reverberated across the Land of Whirlpools, reaching even the guards stationed along the coast, who heard their excited cries.

With a wave of Kazuhiko's hand, the clamor subsided; everyone knew this was just the beginning.

As expected, Kazuhiko's voice, soft yet commanding, filled the air once more.

"We've all endured hardships, faced fears of our homeland's destruction, exile, becoming rootless refugees, and senseless deaths."

"But we didn't falter! We are all Isshin! In our darkest hours, we didn't succumb to fear!

"For the Land of Whirlpools, for tomorrow, we chose to stand and fight! In this dire moment, countless brave warriors rose, countless joined hands."

"No one fled, no one surrendered to the once formidable Mist Shinobi!

"Because of our collective efforts, the Land of Whirlpools stands today! So let us be proud! Let's applaud ourselves! Each and every one of us is extraordinary!"

"Clap clap!" With Kazuhiko's applause, the entire crowd erupted into applause.

"Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow~"

The applause swelled like a tide, each person clapping with fervor.

Finally, after a while, their hands turned red, and the applause gradually died down.

Glancing at one another, even strangers felt a sense of camaraderie blooming within their hearts.

They turned their attention back to their patriarch, realizing that this might be the end, but it was also just the beginning.

"Dear citizens! Our journey to Konoha not only severed ties with them but also yielded what we desired!

"This brings me to my second announcement! We now have full control over the Land of Whirlpools!

"The four islands near our waters now belong to the Land of Whirlpools!

"Henceforth, we needn't fear enemies invading from there!" 

Immediately, the crowd erupted in excitement once more. For a considerable period, many had been plagued by concerns over the potential rift between the Land of Whirlpools and Konoha.

The islands neighboring the Land of Whirlpools were all under Konoha's jurisdiction. Consequently, any severed ties would have left the Land of Whirlpools feeling as uncomfortable as if a bone were lodged in its throat.

Now, with those islands formally integrated into the Land of Whirlpools, worries dissipated in an instant. It was only natural for jubilation to sweep through the populace.

"Ah, this is fantastic news!"

Amidst the jubilation, Kazuhiko gestured again, mindful that the overwhelming positivity might overwhelm some.

Thus, he opted for directness.

As the crowd settled, all eyes turned to Kazuhiko, their excitement palpable. They knew that their patriarch had significant news to impart.

True to their expectations, Kazuhiko did not disappoint. With clenched fists and a raised right hand, he proclaimed, "Behold! I, Kazuhiko, hereby declare..."

"I declare the official establishment of the new government of the Land of Whirlpools—the Red Republic!"


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