Chapter 255 : Yakushi Nono and Kakuzu!!

A lengthy queue snaked its way toward the embassy gates, with numerous refugees already seated along the roadside.

With excitement coursing through him, he eagerly slurped the steaming porridge he had just acquired, occasionally delighted by the unexpected discovery of meat slices amidst the warmth.

Ishizaki Shota, Tokutian Gin, and Mikami Haruka eagerly devoured the porridge in their bowls.

Having finished his bowl, he felt invigorated, exclaiming, "That hit the spot!"

Tokutian Gin swiftly polished off his porridge, stretching involuntarily and emitting a contented groan.

Ishizaki Shota and Mikami Haruka, having also emptied their bowls, meticulously licked them clean, leaving no residue behind.

Lifting his head, Ishizaki Shota exclaimed excitedly, "Who would've thought this plain porridge would include salt and even bits of pork... it's like a delicacy!"

"Absolutely! I even tasted some shredded fish, it's divine!" exclaimed Haruka Mikami, his spirits lifted after consuming the porridge, intermittently licking the wooden bowl in his hand.

Meanwhile, Tokutian Gin simply touched his head, swiftly finishing his meal without much ado.

Observing the registration team on the opposite side, Ishizaki Shota noted those people who were destined to go to the Red Republic and had already savored the porridge.

As he observed their elated expressions, their once pallid complexions now adorned with a hint of color, Shota realized they harbored newfound hope for the future, no longer resigned to despair.

Noticing Shota Ishizaki's gaze, Haruka Mikami inquired, "Shota, are you certain about heading to the Red Republic?"

Meeting the gazes of Tokuda Gin and Mikami Haruka, Shota nodded slowly but resolutely.

"Yes, I trust a nation that extends such generosity to refugees, adding salt and meat to their humble porridge!"

Hearing this, Tokutian Gin and Mikami Haruka exchanged glances before nodding in agreement, "Then, we shall join the Red Republic and swiftly become its proud citizens!"

After exchanging words, the trio moved the wooden bowl over to the large wooden frame nearby. This spot was designated by the Red Republic for placing empty bowls after meals.

They headed straight towards the team registered for the journey to the Red Republic.

Leading the way was Ishizaki Shota, and as they approached, they noticed a slender figure ahead who turned to look at them. It was a child with bright yellow hair.

Ishizaki Shota bent down slightly to get a better look at the skinny girl. Despite her malnourished appearance and scrawny frame, her bright eyes left an impression.

The girl regarded the three teenagers with curiosity. Such groupings were uncommon among the teams. All three were teenagers, without any adults accompanying them.

"Hello! I'm Ishizaki Shota!" Ishizaki introduced himself gently, considering they might all become citizens of the Red Republic in the future, and they seemed to be around the same age.

Taken aback by Ishizaki Shota's friendly gesture, the young girl hesitated for a moment before responding with a shy smile, "Hello, I'm Yakushi Nonō..."

With each misstep, the frail girl before them was none other than Yakushi Nonō, who would later be known as "The Wandering Nun".

In the future, she would become the captain of the medical department in Konoha and the adoptive mother of Yakushi Kabuto, who played a significant role in the Fourth Ninja World War as depicted in the original storyline.

Yet, this gifted medical ninja, originally intended to join Konoha, now found herself in the care of the Red Republic.

Unbeknownst to many, the world was subtly influenced by the actions of Kazuhiko.

As more people crowded in to sign up, they expressed gratitude for Red Republic's generosity. The fact that the white porridge was accompanied by meat slices surprised them.

The provision of meat, even to refugees, assured them they could survive the harsh winter in such a country.

After all, if a group of ordinary refugees could enjoy meat, then upon joining the Red Republic, they would never have to worry about going hungry!

If Red Republic has any intentions, these ninja adults need to utilize them, they don't care at all!

As long as they provide them with food and drink, they can offer them shelter and help them survive this winter.

Their intentions are irrelevant to them; as long as they survive, nothing else matters!

Their concern lies only in their worth; as long as they're deemed valuable, they won't be abandoned!

On their journey, they witnessed many people succumbing to starvation or collapsing and never getting up again.

Now that someone has taken them in and provided sustenance, why wouldn't they accept?

Kazuhiko surveyed the long queue of refugees, noticing it lengthening as it approached Red Republic's registration point.

Kazuhiko nodded silently; such a gathering would naturally attract more people, and soon others would join in.

Regarding the Konoha Shinobi observing nearby, Kazuhiko paid them no mind, knowing they couldn't interfere as long as everything proceeded smoothly.

They had all seen the documents signed by the Third Hokage, and even the high-ranking officials of Konoha had approved his recruitment of refugees here. What grounds did they have to object?

Registration continued in an orderly fashion...


"Isshin Yasuda."


"20 years old."



"What were you doing before? What are your skills?"

"Um... I worked in agriculture as a farmer. For XX years."

"Alright, where were you living before?" 

"In the Land of Fire, in Little Rock Village."

"Here's your wooden sign. Take it and wait on the side."


Kazuhiko observed everything with satisfaction until someone approached him.

"Kazuhiko-sama, there's a man named Kakuzu over there claiming to be looking for you, and he appears to be very formidable."

"Ah, it seems the moment has arrived." Kazuhiko's eyes gleamed with anticipation.


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