Chapter 256 : Kakuzu's History!

Kakuzu sat quietly in the reception room of the embassy, cradling the teacup that had been handed to him by a citizen from the Land of Red just moments ago.

The nurse, a middle-aged woman, appeared entirely ordinary without any hint of chakra, yet she approached her duties with remarkable enthusiasm. 

It was evident to Kakuzu that she took great pride in her work, and even the ninja around her held her in high regard.

Despite being just an ordinary person, she carried out her tasks with dedication and joy, earning the respect of those around her. Unlike in Konoha, where ninjas often held themselves aloof from ordinary citizens, here in Land of Red, there seemed to be a sense of harmony between the two groups.

As Kakuzu accepted the cup of tea, he couldn't resist inquiring, "How do you find life in the Land of Red? As an ordinary person, are you content?"

Hiyori paused, clearly taken aback by the sudden question from the ninja. After a moment of consideration, she replied, "Contentment? I can't speak for happiness, but in the Land of Red, I have food on my table every day, a roof over my head, and the assurance that war won't tear it all apart."

"We respect one another, each fulfilling our duties. I learn something new every day, and I've even learned to read. All of this, thanks to the benevolence of Kazuhiko-sama!"

"I may not understand happiness, but this life feels like one I never want to leave."

Before Kakuzu could delve further into conversation, a voice interrupted from outside the window.

"Hiyori, where are you? I need your help!"

"I'm here, coming right away!"

With a farewell nod, the ordinary woman left the reception room to attend to her duties.

Kakuzu remained seated, gazing out the window at the hopeful eyes of the refugees and the orderly streets of Land of Red, pondering the harmony between ordinary life and the ninja world.

He had heard rumors that everything in this place had been built within a matter of days. Reflecting on his previous conversation with the woman called Hiyori, Kakuzu couldn't help but mutter to himself.

"Land of Red, it's truly different..."

As Kazuhiko entered the reception room, he spotted Kakuzu standing alone by the window, a cup of tea resting beside him as he silently observed the world outside.

Kakuzu had already noticed Kazuhiko's arrival, and as he observed the admiration from those around him, coupled with his own imposing presence, he recognized the person before him as the renowned Kazuhiko, highly sought after in the underground black market.

Any recent news about him would be swiftly purchased, whether by the Land of Fire, the Land of Lightning, or the Land of Earth. There was no shortage of buyers.

Surveying the young man before him, Kakuzu found himself momentarily taken aback. He was so young!

This was the Daimyo of the Land of Whirlpools, or rather, the undisputed ruler of the Land of Red. A formidable Kage-level power, known as the Uzumaki clan leader, the new god of the ninja world?! 

Such youth was enviable!

"Mr. Kakuzu, welcome to the Land of Red's Embassy!" Kazuhiko's simple greeting snapped Kakuzu out of his reverie.

"Well, is this job posting truly yours?" Kakuzu cut to the chase, producing the letter from Kabuto that Kadoto had delivered to him.

Kazuhiko glanced at it and nodded. "Yes, it's from us, and we extend a sincere invitation for Mr. Kakuzu to join us in Land of Red."

"Are you sure about this?" Kakuzu wanted to ask directly, but the depth in Kazuhiko's eyes, despite his gentle demeanor, gave him pause.

Wisely, Kakuzu held his tongue and calmly posed his query, "Why do you wish to recruit me? Surely you are aware that I am a despised defector..."

To betray one's village was to be marked as a defector, a point of disdain regardless of the circumstances. Such individuals were deemed untrustworthy in the ninja world. 

It was common knowledge. One could betray the very village they were born and raised in. How could such people be trusted?

Kakuzu was well aware of this fact, even as he had transitioned into a bounty hunter.

All the accolades he's garnered stem solely from his impeccable completion of countless missions. Yet, these achievements are intertwined with the lure of financial gain.

In reality, trusting a rogue ninja is a preposterous notion in itself.

Kazuhiko didn't directly address Kakuzu's inquiry. Instead, he remarked, "Thirty years ago, Kakuzu-san, you were an outstanding Jōnin in Takigakure. Back then, you followed the village's directives and attempted to assassinate the First Hokage."

Kakuzu narrowed his eyes, then feigned nonchalance, saying, "Your intelligence seems quite impressive. Other nations underestimate the Land of Red."

"But that's all," Kakuzu replied. "With sincere dedication, one can always gather information about me from Takigakure."

Kazuhiko smiled faintly, neither confirming nor denying it, though he privately mused, "This isn't merely intelligence; it's the memory of past lives."

Despite his internal grievances, he continued, "Later, Kakuzu's assassination attempt failed, resulting in nine casualties and he returned to the village."

"However, what ensued was unexpected. The exposure of the mission to assassinate the First Hokage led Takigakure's higher-ups, fearing the wrath of the ninja world's god, to brand Kakuzu a defector of Takigakure."

Assigning the label of traitor merely because of failed missions is excessively harsh. For those ninjas who laid down their lives in service, it's a cruel fate.

Furthermore, the mission itself was insurmountable. Even a simple minded individual knew its impossibility.

Had the assassination succeeded, and such a formidable figure been eliminated, Konoha might not stand as the mightiest Shinobi Village today; it would have been directly overtaken by Takigakure.

Thus, in reality, the outcome was sealed from the moment Kakuzu accepted the mission.


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