Chapter 258 : First Batch of Refugees!!

"What?" Kakuzu was taken aback by Kazuhiko's words; he hadn't expected such an approach.

"Yes, come and see for yourself. I believe Land of Red stands apart from other nations in the Ninja World.

"Here, you'll experience a wholly different world, where in our Land of Red, ninjas and ordinary folk aren't segregated anymore.

"People aren't strangers to one another and can be trusted, they collaborate, work together.

"Don't they have their own missions?" Kakuzu couldn't help but retort upon hearing this.

He couldn't fathom a nation operating as Kazuhiko described, understanding that a country can't function without ninjas carrying out various tasks.

Kazuhiko smiled faintly, "Indeed, our nation does have..."

At this, Kakuzu's expression turned slightly disdainful, convinced that it couldn't be true; ninjas committing fully to their missions was uniform.

Yet Kazuhiko highlighted their divergence, "However, if our ninjas opt not to participate, they're free to decline!

"Ninjas can even choose their assignments, and if they find grounds to oppose the tasks assigned by higher-ups, they can reject or question them!

Kakuzu couldn't believe such claims...

"How is that possible... Isn't it every ninja's duty to fulfill their missions? How can they be allowed to decline..."

"People are obligated to carry out their duties, but refusal isn't out of the question, and most importantly, we never issue assignments intended to jeopardize their lives.

Kazuhiko looked Kakuzu in the eye and asserted, "In our view, preserving life takes precedence!"

The first batch of registered refugees, led by Hiroki, boarded the boat nervously.

Uncertain if they were bound for heaven or hell.

Yet, they no longer wished to endure that wretched, terrifying existence—endless wars, debilitating hunger...

So, despite their trepidation, they also harbored hope, yearning for Land of Red to truly embody what they'd heard.

Even if it proved worse than described, as long as it meant no war and escape from cold and starvation, they were willing to embrace it.

As the weather grew colder and colder, they realized that without shelter, surviving the harsh winter would be impossible...

Their sole desire was to live; if they dared to dream bigger, it was for a better life...

At that moment, Yakushi Nonō spoke with a smile, "I'm truly curious about life in the Land of Red... I wonder what it's like there..."

Ishizaki Shota and Mikami Haruka beside him exchanged glances, their eyes reflecting both anticipation and hesitation...

"Don't worry, life in the Land of Red won't disappoint you. You won't have to endure the cold or go hungry, and you'll have the opportunity to gain new knowledge!" 

Just then, a voice chimed in from the side, prompting several heads to turn. It was a red-haired Uzumaki Hiroki.

"You're... the older brother with the loudspeaker..." Yakushi Nonō gazed uncertainly at him.

"Yes, that's me. Hello, my name is Uzumaki Hiroki."

Uzumaki extended his hand, offering a friendly greeting with a kind expression. "I'll be escorting you to the Land of Red this time. It's less than a day's journey from here. If you need anything, feel free to let me know. There's food and drink in the cabin, all provided."

Yakushi Nonō stared blankly at the robust elder brother before her and asked, "Are you a ninja?"

"Indeed!" Uzumaki Hiroki nodded, though he didn't mention that he was currently just a Genin, maintaining law and order within the Armed Forces.

"You'll understand when you arrive in the Land of Red," Uzumaki Hiroki remarked with a smile. "There's not much difference between ninjas and ordinary folks there. Everyone has their place, and with dedication, everyone can find a fulfilling career."

"Really?" Yakushi Nonō's eyes lit up, echoing the hopes of Ishizaki Shota and Mikami Haruka, both yearning for the power to protect themselves.

However, Yakushi Nonō's gaze dimmed as she added, "I detest war."

"So, she also hates ninjas..." Uzumaki Hiroki remarked casually. "Then you can choose to join the medical class and become a physician who can help others and aid the sick and injured."

From what Kazuhiko had said, he knew that the war in the ninja world was unavoidable today. According to Kazuhiko-sama, "The seeds of war were planted when Senju Hashirama distributed the tailed beasts to the nations..."

"Really? Can I be a doctor?" Yakushi Nonō asked with wide eyes.

"Of course, yes, but it's not that easy to become a qualified doctor. Many people in the Land of Red are just hygienists," Hiroki replied.

"I will definitely become a doctor!" Yakushi Nonō declared with determination.

"I want to become a ninja and protect everyone!" Ishizaki Shota exclaimed reluctantly.

"Me too. After becoming a ninja, I won't have to worry about going hungry anymore," Mikami Haruka nodded.

On the contrary, Gin patted his head. "I just want to open a barbecue restaurant and be safe..."

"It's okay. As long as you are willing to work hard, then everything is possible!" Hiroki reassured the crowd with a smile, letting them know that their dreams were achievable.

Everyone cheered, and the atmosphere on the boat lifted, soon filled with the voices of everyone's discussions.

Hiroki patiently stood by, answering all sorts of strange questions from everyone...

Only Kakuzu, who was on the side, covered his face from the beginning to the end, silently observing everyone, his eyes betraying occasional glimpses of thought.

"Land of Red, let me see with my own eyes what it is like..."


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