Chapter 259 : Thousand Leaf Residence!!

"It's happening, and finally, someone's arrived. That's fantastic. My coal mining team is seriously short-handed. Captain, you've got to let me pick at least 5 people, no, 7 people!"

"Nonsense, our lumberjack team is the one in dire need of hands. Every day, a forest full of trees is waiting for us..."

"Quit bickering, the team that's really short-staffed is our road construction team. We've got loads of tasks daily, and we'll catch hell if we can't finish 'em..."

Surveying the multitude of squad leaders gathered around him, Makoto Matsui, the squadron captain, couldn't fathom how they'd all gotten wind of the news about refugees joining the Land of Red today.

Makoto Matsui, amidst the clamor, found his head spinning from the argumentative din. "Alright, enough arguing!"

With an exasperated shout, everyone fell silent, their gazes fixed expectantly on their captain.

Makoto Matsui was a longstanding resident of the Land of Red. Though not of the Uzumaki clan, his ancestors had made their home here.

Thanks to his steadfastness and expertise, he'd been appointed captain following Kazuhiko's reforms, overseeing three teams: coal mining, lumberjacking, and bridge construction.

Such captains were abundant in the Land of Red, each managing multiple teams.

Makoto Matsui cast a critical eye over the assembled team leaders. "Hmph, you're all well-informed, but what you don't know is that these refugees will need two days to recuperate from their journey."

"Over the next couple of days, we'll assess who's suited for which role. Didn't I mention there are only a handful of newcomers? If you're short-handed, other teams can pitch in."

"Plenty of folks are waiting for this batch of refugees. It's not just us eyeing them; I've heard there are more refugees on the way, and they'll be divided up eventually..."

"Right!" The team leaders exchanged glances, realizing there was no use hoping for anything today, so they dispersed. The day's work for the teams was far from finished.

Makoto Matsui's expression twisted with anger upon noticing the absence of anyone else in the squad, not even a simple greeting directed his way. "These damn..." he muttered under his breath.

Before long, the refugees aboard the ship were transported to the well-maintained dock in Land of Red.

Over 200 individuals comprised this group, each one, regardless of age, casting curious glances at the sights of the Land of Red.

Their gaze was drawn to the bustling crimson landscape, where every inhabitant seemed engrossed in their tasks. Despite the onset of winter, some worked shirtless, exuding a palpable sense of vitality.

"Itsuki, quick, bring the boat closer, there are empty stakes here for mooring..."

"Give me a hand here, these trees need to be moved first."

"Mind your step, this is the freshly laid cement road, not quite set yet."

Even Kakuzu, renowned for his composure, felt a stirring urge to join the activity amidst the warmth of the Land of Red, let alone the others.

Observing the industrious scene, everyone radiated with vigor, devoid of laziness or complaints.

The refugees themselves couldn't wait to immerse in such labor immediately, yearning to integrate into this bustling community.

Witnessing this, the refugees glimpsed their own future. Hope flickered in their eyes, smiles adorned their faces, and they appeared well-fed and clothed—a sight that stoked envy among their ranks.

"Don't dwell on it. Sooner or later, you'll be assigned to roles that suit you, perhaps even here," Hiroki, standing nearby, reassured the refugees. Taking charge of the group, he oversaw the formalities, signing documents to officially allocate these individuals under his care.

After a quick headcount, Uzumaki Sato and his colleagues confirmed the numbers were accurate. Leading the way with a megaphone in hand, he imparted safety instructions to the group as they proceeded forward.

"Hey there, I'm Uzumaki Sato. From now on, you're under my watch. I'll guide you to your next living quarters and brief you on some important matters."

"Let's get moving. First, I'll take you to a place suitable for you. We won't rush your integration just yet; you've had quite the journey, so we'll allow you two days to rest properly."

"Up ahead is your temporary residence. Someone will assign you a house, and you were given a wooden sign during registration. Take that sign and follow the instructions."

"Remember to comply with the management's arrangements. Those with families will live together, while singles will be accommodated in shared dormitories. If any issues arise, inform the management immediately."

"Meals will be served thrice daily in the cafeteria, and there's hot water available in your homes, but use it sparingly."

"Stay indoors for the next two days. Representatives will visit you to discuss your future roles based on your age, skills, and preferences."

"Lastly, it's crucial to avoid causing trouble. Report any problems to the management. Bullying or breaking Land of Red laws won't be tolerated!"

"As for the consequences," Sato's tone grew grave as he addressed the crowd, "if you're caught bullying or witnessing it, report it promptly. We'll take appropriate action."

"Remember, don't take matters into your own hands or break Land of Red's laws. Any violations will result in immediate expulsion!"

"Yes!" The refugees responded earnestly to Sato's warning.

"Alright then, follow me to your temporary residence for registration."

The refugees glanced ahead, their eyes brightening with hope. Before them stood a massive cement structure, countless rooms stretching out before them. Its pristine white exterior exuded cleanliness and transparency.

Written prominently on the building were the words "Thousand Leaf Residence," visible even from a distance. Some among the refugees, literate, could decipher the characters slowly, understanding its significance.


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