Chapter 261 : Kakuzu Joins!

Kazuhiko lingered at the embassy, showing no haste to return. Tonight, he found solace in resting here, intending to extend his stay for a few more days.

The Red Ninjas had made preparations, setting up tents and distributing quilts for the refugees, sorting them by age and gender, creating distinct zones. Families, naturally, were accommodated together.

Carefully, the tents were sized accordingly; the larger ones could house seven or eight individuals, while the smaller ones were suitable for a family of three. A massive canopy provided shelter, fortified by towering wooden stakes lined with iron to repel rain. Nearby, lanterns hung, offering dim illumination through the night.

These iron sheets were easily dismantled, adding to the convenience.

After dinner, the refugees retreated into their tents, seeking refuge from the cooling evening. Aware of the chill setting in, Kazuhiko instructed his aides to scatter coal around the roofs, ensuring the refugees wouldn't succumb to illness overnight.

Kazuhiko understood well the toll travel could take, especially on the vulnerable. It was common for ailments to surface upon reaching one's destination, no longer masked by the adrenaline of the journey. Hence, he took preemptive measures.

As darkness enveloped the sky, a hush settled over the encampment. Perhaps it was apprehension, or perhaps the surrealism of it all, but sleep eluded many. Gathered in their tents, they lay awake, contemplating their circumstances.

The warmth of the charcoal fire gradually dispelled the chill, prompting the children to surrender to sleep, no longer tormented by hunger or cold. With content smiles, they drifted into slumber, nestled against their parents.

"Mom, will there be enough to eat from now on? And is my illness really cured?" A young boy, barely five, gazed up at his mother with hopeful eyes.

His mother cradled him tenderly, her gaze filled with love. "Yes, Taichi, in the Land of Red, we won't have to worry about hunger anymore. Your illness has been treated by the doctor and healed with ninjutsu. You'll be just fine."

Gratified by his mother's reassurance, Taichi giggled joyfully. Then, his expression turned somber as he murmured, "It's a shame Brother Shin couldn't wait any longer."

The mother tenderly caressed her child's head, a touch of sorrow lingering in her expression as she remained silent.

The elder brother, whom Taichi affectionately called Shin, had succumbed to illness on their journey. He was not only Yanagawa Tomie's other son, but also the second son she nearly lost.

Thankfully, with treatment, medication, and adherence to the doctor's advice, the younger brother's condition would improve after a restful night's sleep.

As thoughts of her departed eldest son and her husband, who passed away mid-journey, weighed heavy on Yanagawa Tomie's heart, tears welled up in her eyes.

She didn't wish for her child to witness her sorrow. Turning away, she gently patted her child's back, "Sleep now. By morning, your illness will be but a memory. Sleep... just sleep..."

Yanagawa Taichi quickly drifted into slumber, while Yanagawa Tomie cast a fleeting glance towards the embassy not far from their tent.

A resolve flickered in her gaze as she silently vowed, "Land of Red saved my only son's life. If my son thrives, so shall I..."

"As long as the Land of Red safeguards us, I shall dedicate everything to its cause, for eternity..."

While Yanagawa Tomie peacefully drifted into sleep, harboring her clandestine pledge, older refugees nearby bore expressions of concern mixed with a hint of longing.

Though uncertain of Land of Red's expectations, they were treated with remarkable kindness.

From hearty porridge with meat to warm clothing at night, it all felt surreal to those who had endured the ravages of war.

Mere homeless refugees, they never anticipated such provisions.

Rumors even whispered of a future in Land of Red where hard work would ensure plenty to eat and a place to call home...

Thus, despite the weariness of their arduous journey, many found sleep elusive tonight.

By the time Kazuhiko returned from the Land of Fire's border to the Land of Red, Kakuzu had already settled in the kingdom for several days.

Kazuhiko found himself overseeing the reception of refugees for the first time. Despite his prior training, he couldn't shake off the worry of potential oversights.

His concerns weren't solely focused on the refugees, though. Kazuhiko harbored an ongoing apprehension that Konoha might seize any opportunity to stir up trouble. To his surprise, however, Konoha remained unusually quiet during this time.

Unbeknownst to him, Konoha was entangled in a fresh political turmoil sparked by Sarutobi Hiruzen's ambition to install new members among the elders.

This distraction left the borders of the Land of Fire neglected and vulnerable, with no one to spare the energy to guard them.

While Kazuhiko assumed personal command of the situation, he remained discreetly stationed on the second floor. Yet, he kept a keen eye on the surroundings, and preemptively dealt with troublesome individuals among the refugees.

Particularly, he swiftly identified and removed those with a history of violence or dark intentions. Regardless of how deeply they attempted to conceal their intention, Kazuhiko's Observation Haki's perception couldn't be deceived.

Each refugee accepted into the Land of Red was assigned a personal file, meticulously documenting their background. 

Kazuhiko appended a note to certain files, flagging them as "suspected spies from foreign nations," alerting the relevant authorities.

These suspected spies, often skilled ninjas, were allowed to stay but were restricted from certain professions and closely monitored.

Kazuhiko had meticulously crafted these protocols in advance, ensuring smooth refugee integration. Future operations would follow these established procedures, and embassy staff were trained accordingly.

Despite appearing idle, Kazuhiko had effectively established a streamlined system for refugee acceptance. He trusted that embassy staff would maintain order and promptly report any suspicious activity.

In the event of potential espionage, Kazuhiko would swiftly investigate.

Upon his return to Land of Red, Kazuhiko received the heartening news that Kakuzu had agreed to join forces with the Land of Red.


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