Chapter 262 : Kakuzu As Finance Minister!

Shortly after Kazuhiko arrived at the office, Kakuzu, who received the news, promptly rushed over.

Upon seeing Kakuzu, who had already arrived beneath the veil, Kazuhiko couldn't contain his joy. It was evident that Kakuzu had been feeling relieved in the Land of Red these past few days.

The days he spent in the Land of Red had allowed him to completely let down his guard.

Kazuhiko was also greatly pleased to witness such a transformation in Kakuzu, indicating the significant changes in the Land of Red under his leadership.

Meanwhile, Kakuzu gazed at Kazuhiko before him with complex emotions.

He hadn't anticipated that during his time in the Land of Red, he would genuinely encounter instances where anyone could question authority.

It was during one of his routine walks along the cement road constructed by the Land of Red.

He came across a construction team, comprising ordinary individuals led by a ninja, specifically, a ninja from the red-haired Uzumaki clan.

After spending a few days in the Land of Red, Kakuzu had come to learn that nearly all individuals with red hair hailed from the Uzumaki clan, a group greatly revered by the people of the Land of Red.

Moreover, a significant portion of the current leaders and high-ranking officials in the Land of Red were from the Uzumaki clan.

Naturally, the people of the Land of Red held a more favorable view towards the Uzumaki clan.

At that moment, the Uzumaki individual leading the team instructed the construction workers to descend into the pothole and break the boulders obstructing the bottom.

Due to the pressing need to adhere to the construction timeline, the potholes were not entirely secure, only rudimentary excavations.

However, several team members hesitated, expressing, "This pothole is too perilous to descend into. It's highly unstable. As Kazuhiko-sama has said, 'Life takes precedence.' We should invest more time in digging a safer and more stable pit."

Kakuzu had anticipated the Uzumaki individual being met with anger upon being challenged, considering it was merely an ordinary person voicing concerns, and a little risk seemed negligible in the pursuit of meeting deadlines.

Indeed, that team member exhibited a hint of audacity!

But unexpectedly, the Uzumaki people not only refrained from scolding him but also deliberated on his concerns and commended him, saying, "You're right, it is indeed a bit risky. Safety first. Let's dig a more secure pit!"

"Even though this might prolong the construction period, I'll explain it to the captain, and he'll surely understand."

With that, Kakuzu departed from there, no longer wandering aimlessly in the Land of Red but instead scrutinizing the Land of Red's laws meticulously.

"Please, take a seat," Kazuhiko gestured for Kakuzu to sit directly across from him.

"How about it, Kakuzu? Would you be interested in joining the Land of Red?"

"Hmph, I might consider it, but the Minister of Finance, you better not have deceived me!"

Kazuhiko smiled faintly, "Certainly, considering the Minister of Finance position in the Land of Red remains vacant, it's only fitting for someone of your talent to join us, Kakuzu!"

Kakuzu felt a surge of pride hearing this acknowledgment of his financial acumen, especially from the renowned Kazuhiko.

"Do you have that much faith in me?" Kakuzu inquired curiously, though inwardly pleased, as few knew the extent of his abilities.

Kazuhiko nodded without hesitation, "I never doubt Kakuzu's financial abilities."

This depiction aligns with Kakuzu's character, who manages the entire financial aspect in the original plot and is instrumental in enabling Konan to purchase an enormous quantity of Explosive Tags, although the exact figure may vary.

Kazuhiko was aware of Kakuzu's habit of meticulously counting banknotes after every bounty acquisition, sometimes spending hours on the task, especially if the sum was substantial.

These were anecdotes about the undead Kakuzu that circulated within the underground black market.

In recent days, Kazuhiko had been establishing connections within the underground market, gathering valuable information.

Among the topics of interest was the undead Kakuzu, whose fame made him a prominent figure in the underground market, and thus, information about him was relatively easy to obtain, including his peculiar interests.

Many of the underground black market workers were keenly aware of one of Kakuzu's peculiar habits.

After completing a task, just before collecting his bounty, Kakuzu would meticulously count the money, his movements as fluid as flowing clouds and water, his focus unwavering. It was a level of precision and concentration that ordinary individuals could only aspire to after thousands of practices.

Kazuhiko vividly recalls the awe of the intelligence officers as they listened to the descriptions of the underground black market, painted vividly and with great detail.

This experience deepened Kazuhiko's understanding of Kakuzu's reverence for money, even evoking a sense of admiration.

Kakuzu's obsession with money, treating it as his closest confidant, with such devout reverence, led Kazuhiko to believe that such dedication could elevate one to excellence in all endeavors.

Kazuhiko firmly believed that Kakuzu genuinely viewed money as a creed, not merely as a means to an end.

Despite having earned enough to retire decades ago, Kakuzu continued to toil tirelessly. His current wealth surpassed the imaginations of ordinary individuals, yet he chose not to revel in pleasure. 

With no clan or offspring, he could have lived luxuriously anywhere in the world as a wealthy man, but he didn't. He abstained from indulgence, maintaining a frugal lifestyle, clad in black from head to toe, and showed little regard for material comforts.

His current residence, a humble hut in Land of Red, attests to his contentment.

Kakuzu didn't just love money; he preferred using it to generate more wealth. Beyond mere financial gain, Kazuhiko couldn't fathom another reason for Kakuzu's devotion.

The allure of money to him was beyond comprehension!

As the Minister of Finance, Kazuhiko felt completely at ease with Kakuzu's character. For others, the thought of embezzlement from him would be nothing short of a fantasy!


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