Chapter 268 : Blood Mist??

While the Uchiha clan underwent rigorous training on Hell Island, Kazuhiko sat alone in his office, poring over the information in his hands.

In recent days, with Kakuzu's guidance, the intelligence network within the underground black market had seen considerable development. Kakuzu proved to be a stalwart figure within the black market, possessing a wealth of clandestine knowledge.

With his extensive contacts cultivated over many years, Kakuzu's mastery of information within the black market rivaled that of major nations in a remarkably short span.

Yet, such accomplishments weren't Kazuhiko's ultimate aim. His ambition extended beyond mere equivalence; he sought supremacy.

As an individual from another world, Kazuhiko, having consumed countless espionage narratives, understood keenly the pivotal role of intelligence.

Indeed, intelligence often dictated the course of conflicts, to some extent, shaping the outcome of wars.

Hence, since the inception of the Land of Red, Kazuhiko spared no expense in procuring intelligence, dedicating substantial time and effort to the cause.

Kazuhiko held Kakuzu in high regard, treating him with utmost respect, not merely due to Kakuzu's role as the Minister of Finance, but also for his astute intelligence capabilities and extensive network within the underground black market.

And Kakuzu, true to expectations, did not disappoint. Kazuhiko was greatly satisfied with the latest intelligence report in his possession.

"A significant development has transpired in the Land of Water," the report read. "Kirigakure is under lockdown, with no entry permitted for foreign vessels. Many outsiders have been expelled, and those who remain are effectively isolated. Moreover, there have been reports of escalating skirmishes within Kirigakure during this period..."

Gazing at the words on the document, Kazuhiko entered a contemplative state.

"During this timeframe, according to the original narrative, the Land of Water should have been stable..."

"Any recent developments in the Land of Water?" Kazuhiko wasn't one to overlook details, swiftly identifying the most significant change in the region.

"The Land of Water's major shift is the botched invasion attempt... The Third Mizukage was defeated by me, and I also managed to subdue the Six-Tails..."

Contemplating the implications, Kazuhiko mused, "Even with the Tailed Beast Sealing Technique in exchange, it's still a defeat. That must have dealt a severe blow to the Third Mizukage's reputation..."

"In the original storyline, the Third Mizukage triumphed over the Land of Whirlpools, solidifying his authority in Kirigakure and maintaining peace in the Land of Water."

"But my intervention changed that. The failed invasion shattered the Third Mizukage's standing and destabilized Kirigakure..."

"So, Kirigakure is no longer able to suppress its internal turmoil. While the Third Mizukage managed to contain it in the original plot, now it's spiraling out of control..."

"The Land of Water's previous outbreak, as per the original storyline, was the Blood Mist!"

"Could the failed invasion have fueled radical sentiments in Kirigakure? Even the Third Mizukage couldn't keep a lid on it... Could the Blood Mist have surfaced sooner as a result?"

In a flash of insight, Kazuhiko felt confident in his deductions.

Afterward, he promptly noted in the document, "Monitor Kirigakure closely and gather intelligence on the Third Mizukage's standing during this period."

However, such sensitive documents, akin to underground intelligence, weren't to be casually disseminated. They were directed to specific individuals in charge.

Kazuhiko, upon receipt, purged any references to Konoha and empowered the Land of Red to establish its own robust intelligence network.

He christened this new system the Dark Web, symbolizing its reach across the globe.

The former overseer of the Land of Whirlpools' intelligence, the fifth elder Uzumaki Kazuki, was a man in his fifties, a venerable age in the fleeting world of ninjas.

The elderly man appeared unassuming at first glance, but beneath his exterior lay a ruthless individual who wouldn't hesitate to take a life, deeply entrenched in the shadowy underbelly of the ninja world.

Following the significant overhaul of Land of Red's intelligence apparatus, he swiftly readapted to the new system. Now tasked with overseeing Land of Red's intelligence network, Kazuhiko went so far as to draft a personalized document for him, anxious that he might struggle with the changes in Land of Red's foreign intelligence operations.

To everyone's surprise, the old man acclimated rapidly, wholeheartedly embracing the new intelligence framework. 

Whenever he encountered Kazuhiko, he showered praises, remarking, "Your Majesty's ingenuity knows no bounds; only you could conceive of such a sophisticated intelligence system!"

Having dispatched the document to the head of covert intelligence in the Land of Water, Kazuhiko shifted his focus away from the Land of Water.

For now, it was a waiting game, anticipating further intelligence from the Land of Water before he could take action.

If his suspicions were correct, Kazuhiko would have ample grounds to maneuver against the Land of Water.

While he had already laid out plans for the Land of Water, the unexpected opportunity presented itself, one that Kazuhiko would not allow to slip through his fingers.

Gazing out at the sky through the window, a glint of anticipation flickered in Kazuhiko's eyes, as if he could already see the unfolding events in the distant Land of Water.

"The Land of Water... If you lack the strength, it's no wonder others covet your position... Perhaps you'll be the first among the Five Great Nations... to fade into obscurity..."

With that, Kazuhiko observed the falling snow outside, murmuring, "Snowfall... Winter is approaching..."


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