Chapter 269 : Great Ninja War??

When Kazuhiko contemplated maneuvering others, there were also individuals clandestinely mulling over everything about him.

Sarutobi Hiruzen surveyed the assembled elders in his office: Utatane Koharu, Mitokado Homura, and Aburame Ryoma, a promising figure in Konoha.

The trio faced each other, gazing out at the white snowflakes drifting past the window, gradually blanketing the ground.

The pristine snowflakes diverted Sarutobi Hiruzen's thoughts to the youth in the white robes.


Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes bore a depth of darkness, harboring both resentment and fondness for the boy who emerged seemingly from nowhere.

Fortunately, Kazuhiko's intervention, though it plunged him into a prolonged coma, also severed his own wavering decisiveness.

Grateful for Kazuhiko's intervention against Danzo, an old comrade of many years, Sarutobi Hiruzen recognized Danzo's increasing influence. However, Danzo remained a lifelong friend, and Konoha depended on his contributions.

Though he couldn't directly confront Danzo, Kazuhiko's actions against him solidified Sarutobi Hiruzen's grip on Konoha's leadership.

Yet, amidst these victories, loomed a profound hatred for Kazuhiko!

He resented the blow Kazuhiko dealt him, not for the scar on his face—ninja accepted the risks of death. What he abhorred was the humiliation suffered at Hokage Rock, which diminished his standing among the people of Konoha. Nonetheless, he now wielded unprecedented control over Konoha's elite.

Simultaneously, he harbored deep-seated animosity toward Kazuhiko for slaying his lifelong friend, Danzo.

While I wish for your demise, even if Danzo stood in my path, should you succeed in ending him, I would avenge my friend by taking your life!

Such were Sarutobi Hiruzen's conflicting emotions towards Kazuhiko...

"I disagree. The Uchiha clan represents Konoha's frontline combat prowess, and without concrete evidence..."

"The Uchiha must face severe consequences. So many defecting at once—it's inconceivable that the Uchiha clan remained unaware!"

"But there's no proof! If punishment for defection is to be severe, what of other clans? What of those who defected in the past? Why weren't they subject to the same severity?"

"Hiruzen, what's your take on some of the Uchiha clan members defecting?" Mitokado Homura's inquiry pierced the air, directing all attention to their Hokage-sama.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's contemplation was swift. Despite his recent reverie, he had managed to catch wind of their discussions.

Rather than a direct response to Mitokado Homura's query, Sarutobi Hiruzen spoke with measured calmness. "Are you aware of the recent conflict in the Land of Water? The skirmish at the border between the Land of Lightning and the Land of Earth? Or the repeated provocations from the Land of Wind?"

His words hung heavy in the air, silencing the room as eyes darted between one another.

But Sarutobi Hiruzen pressed on, his tone growing more grave. "Your focus remains solely on Konoha, yet you overlook greater threats! Do you grasp the gravity of this? The entire shinobi world teeters on the brink of unrest! It's conceivable... a new shinobi war looms."

His declaration sent shockwaves through the room. Utatane Koharu's gaze lingered on Sarutobi Hiruzen, her disbelief palpable. "Hiruzen... This... it's improbable, a mere escalation won't catalyze a full-blown war, will it?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head solemnly. "The military might of nations has burgeoned in recent years. Conflict is inevitable."

"Thus, internal strife within Konoha is ill-timed. We'll need the Uchiha when the war arrives," he concluded, silencing even Mitokado Homura, who had previously advocated for severe punishment against the Uchiha.

Silence pervaded the room as each contemplated the implications of impending war for Konoha.

This question didn't just occupy the minds of Konoha's residents; it weighed heavily on many others.

Meanwhile, the Third Raikage stood with his son, the snowflakes falling relentlessly outside. Despite the biting cold, they stood shirtless atop a boulder, clad only in plush vests, overlooking the entirety of the Cloud Shinobi Village.

The resonant voice of the Third Raikage filled the open space, "Yuegong, you need to be cautious lately. I sense that the conflict between the Land of Lightning and the Land of Earth is more than just a minor skirmish."

Yuegong, standing beside him, nodded in agreement. He had also observed the escalating tensions in the neighboring lands.

"Don't worry, Dad, I'll stay vigilant."

In this private moment between father and son, they found it odd to employ formalities.

After a brief pause, the Third Raikage was about to impart some weighty information to his son, "The elders and I have given it considerable thought. It seems a conflict is imminent."

Yuegong didn't immediately react, assuming it was merely another clash between neighboring lands.

The Fourth Raikage remained silent, his solemn nod indicating his understanding. The relationship between Yuegong and Isshin, the future Fourth Raikage, had suddenly become intricate, especially after the devastating losses in the last battle at the Cloud Shinobi Village. This time...

Gazing up at the sky, the Third Raikage sighed as the falling snow obscured his view, "The snowfall is growing heavier... The common folk will suffer..."

Though his words were cryptic, the future Fourth Raikage comprehended their weight. He, too, sighed, "Indeed... They will suffer..."