Chapter 270 : Concern??

In the towering Tsuchikage Building nestled within the Land of Earth, Onoki sat in deep meditation.

He was keenly aware of the shifting tides of the current situation, yet the Land of Earth had long made preparations of its own.

Within the latticed confines of the Tsuchikage's meeting chamber, ninjas from Iwagakure convened around a sturdy stone table, deliberating the looming specter of the Second Ninja World War.

Prepared though they were, uncertainty shrouded the exact moment of eruption.

Nevertheless, the inevitability of conflict hung heavy in the air, a shared understanding among all present.

"The distribution of resources must be fairer! The Land of Earth's reserves are far too scarce!"

"But such actions would surely provoke the Land of Lightning, sparking outright war."

"Then let us test our strength. Only the powerful can lay claim to such spoils!"

"Indeed, why should the true might of the Land of Earth be confined to such meager holdings? We demand more!"

Amidst the clamor of debate, Onoki's brow furrowed slightly, though he remained seated at the head of the table, silent. 

While he harbored some agreement with their proposition, he wasn't determined enough to start a war at this time.

In recent years, an increasing number of individuals have begun to recognize that the perpetual conflict in the ninja world is an unending saga. 

Since the First Hokage distributed the tailed beasts to the major nations, the destiny of the ninja world has been entwined with ceaseless warfare.

Yet, initially, the First Hokage's actions were seen as beneficial to the major powers, who gladly seized the opportunity without casting blame elsewhere.

Onoki surveyed the heated arguments around him, unable to suppress a heavy sigh. He understood that the outbreak of war would shatter the fragile peace of the ninja world in an instant.

In that tumultuous time, countless civilians and families would be ravaged by the horrors of war, and countless lives would be lost.

Even though it wasn't his initial intention, he recognized the inevitability of the situation, knowing he played a significant role in fueling the conflict.

Meanwhile, the Land of Water remained secluded, fortifying its borders...

And ordinary civilians fretted under the weight of uncertainty.

Whether in the Land of Fire, the Land of Lightning, the Land of Earth, or the Land of Water, they awaited the impending winter with trepidation. Despite the hardships, they found solace in their daily sustenance.

Unbeknownst to them, their lives hung precariously, akin to a fragile parchment against the looming threat of the Five Great Nations' sharp blades.

At the border of the Land of Fire, outside the embassy of the Land of Red, despite several days having elapsed, throngs of people continued to gather daily.

And still, countless individuals queued at the lengthy Land of Red's registration point.

Two teams were formed, one eagerly awaiting hot porridge while the other sought immediate registration to depart for Land of Red.

Their once gloomy eyes now sparkled with life, conversations and laughter filling the air.

It felt like being back in their hometown, surrounded by familiar faces.

Yanagawa Fubuki pulled her son aside quietly. After many days of waiting, their turn had finally come. They were about to depart the Land of Fire by boat.

Clutching the wooden sign tightly in her hand, she held onto her son as if he were a lifeline.

Behind them, their only bundle contained their clothes and a few personal belongings.

She no longer feared someone would try to snatch it away. Those who had dared had been swiftly dealt with by ninjas of Land of Red, instilling fear in anyone who might consider such actions.

Before long, the boat arrived, and under Uzumaki Hiroki's instructions, everyone lined up in an orderly fashion to board.

Hand in hand with her son, Yanagawa Fubuki made her way to the cabin without looking back, leaving behind countless envious gazes.

But there was no need for concern; their turn would come soon enough.

Once the headcount was complete, the ship set sail again. Uzumaki had become adept at these procedures over the past few days.

Next came the safety precautions, repeated over and over again through the ship's loudspeaker, his voice echoing amidst the chilly air.

He no longer felt any hesitation speaking before the crowd, his words commanding the attention of hundreds of eyes below.

Inside the cabin, everyone sat in silence, unable to resist their son's plea. Yanagawa Fubuki, who had never seen the sea before, took her son to the open-air deck. 

To be honest, despite the cold weather, she wasn't inclined to agree, but a hint of curiosity drove her to don a coat from Land of Red and join her son in gazing out at the endless sea from the boat.

The sea was already beginning to ice over, yet the massive ship plowed through it relentlessly.

"Look, Mom! There are big fish!" her son exclaimed.

Yanagawa Fubuki turned to see unfamiliar large fish swimming alongside the ship.


The big fish seemed to notice them, casting a glance before diving back into the water.

Occasionally, other fish would splash nearby, and schools of fish would dart past, leaving the mother and son in awe.

"They're truly massive fish, but what species could they be? They're rather... unattractive."

As they passed by a small island, a large black bear emerged, catching sight of the passing ship.

Standing upright, it bellowed at the vessels that had been passing by in recent days, "Ouch~"

Yanagawa Fubuki observed everything before him, feeling an unprecedented calm wash over him.

In this moment, amidst the freezing air and expansive sky, on the brink of something stirring, yet before everything officially began, all seemed tranquil.