Chapter 272 : Apprenticeship!!

Kaeda Chida wiped the sweat from his brow as he finished his work for the day, feeling a sense of accomplishment. Yet, his contentment was interrupted by the sight of a child lingering at his doorstep.

Letting out a resigned sigh, he ushered the child inside.

"Garou, why aren't you playing with the other kids today?"

Kaeda glanced at the child, puzzled. Garou, a student at Land of Red Elementary School, had been performing well in his studies. So why did he consistently show up at Kaeda's doorstep every few days?

Especially recently, after discovering Kaeda's ninja identity, Garou began waiting outside his house at odd hours.

Kaeda was a busy man, skilled in Earth Style ninjutsu, a valuable skill in the Land of Red. His days were consumed by constructing roads and buildings with his abilities. Finally off work today and looking forward to a date with Junko, he found himself faced with Garou once again.

If his neighbors mistook Garou for his own son, it could tarnish his reputation and complicate his pursuit of Junko.

"Garou, don't you have homework? Why do you keep coming here?" Kaeda inquired.

Without a word, Garou retrieved his completed homework from his bag and presented it to Kaeda. "I finished it already. I always turn it in at 6:30 every day."

Kaeda sighed and ruffled Garou's hair, pressing further, "Is everything okay at school? Are you having trouble with classmates or bullies? You can tell me."

Garou shook his head. "No, everything's fine at school. Everyone's nice, and the teachers are good."

"Then why do you keep showing up at my door without saying anything?" Kaeda asked, growing increasingly frustrated.

Dealing with Garou's unexpected visits had become a nuisance, especially when he had important plans, like tonight's date with Junko. After being single for so long, this opportunity was precious to him.

"Don't let that little brat delay us any longer, but we can't just ignore him standing at our doorstep."

Watching the passage of time, Kaeda Chida grew increasingly restless. Today, he needed to find out what this kid was up to.

"If there's something on your mind, just speak up. You have always been more perceptive than most, and you have his own thoughts. I promise not to divulge anything to others," Kaeda Chida assured. 

Seeing Garou's quiet demeanor, it was evident he was grappling with something.

Kaeda Chida sighed and added, "I'll do my best to assist you in any way I can."

"Come on, out with it. Speak your mind and then leave. Even if I'm strapped for cash, I'm willing to lend a hand. I have to change and head out for a date with Junko!"

Finally, after persistent questioning from Kaeda Chida, Garou hesitated for a moment before making up his mind. He lifted his gaze to meet Kaeda Chida's and declared, "I want to become a real ninja! Please!"

With a serious expression, Garou leaned forward, earnestly pleading.

"That's it?" Kaeda Chida was rendered speechless upon hearing Garou's long-awaited revelation. All this time, he had been agonizing over wanting to become a ninja.

"I remember you're still in first grade. If you aspire to become a ninja, the school will start teaching you next year," Kaeda remarked dubiously.

"Why bother me about it now? Your teachers will get to it eventually."

"I just feel like doing it now..." Garou noticed Kaeda Chida's furrowed brows, sensing that his request might have been too much. He lowered his head in embarrassment after speaking softly.

"Becoming a ninja isn't that simple. Your school doesn't teach first-graders because they're too young and their bodies aren't ready for such training. Wait until second grade when the school instructors will begin teaching you. There will be specialized teachers, and even if there's an injury, it can be promptly addressed without any risk."

Kaeda frowned, remarking, "You're only in first grade now. This idea seems a bit too rushed!"

But Kaeda Chida refrained from saying the last few words. After all, they might have been too weighty for a five-year-old child.

The room lapsed into silence for a moment.

Finally, Kaeda Chida gazed at the diminutive figure of Garou, silent yet determined, his head bowed. Sighing once more, Kaeda couldn't help but inquire, "So, why do you aspire to become a ninja?"

With a deep breath, Garou lifted his head, eyes gleaming with determination. "I wish to safeguard the Land of Red and shield my comrades. Having mastered the basics at school, I now seek to delve into Chakra sooner!"

"But your parents are civilians, without a ninja mentor to guide you. Should you falter in your training, what recourse would you have?" Kaeda's tone tinged with concern. At such a tender age, the risks weighed heavily.

Yet, Garou's gaze remained resolute, his intentions clear.

"Do you propose that I become your sensei?" Kaeda regarded the child before him with astonishment.

"Yes, Kaeda-sensei, I implore you to take me under your wing!" 

"In that case..." Kaeda Chida fell into contemplation, casting a complex gaze upon the kneeling figure of Garou, as if glimpsing his own past.

He found himself rather impressed by this youngster. Despite his youth, Garou displayed remarkable maturity and knowledge beyond his years, his intellect outshining his peers.

Just as Garou braced for rejection, Kaeda's voice broke the silence.

"Very well, I accept. Here's a scroll on Chakra refinement."

With those words, Kaeda rose and retrieved a scroll from the bookcase. "Study it diligently, and come to me with any questions before attempting practice."

Excitedly, Garou accepted the scroll, casting a curious glance at his mentor. "Thank you, Teacher Kaeda! But, may I ask what's the urgency today?"

Observing his teacher hastily searching through boxes and cabinets for clothing, Garou sensed a rush in the air...

"Child, save your queries for later. Focus on your studies and remember, no unauthorized practice. I'll be out tonight," Kaeda instructed, his demeanor hurried yet firm.


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