Chapter 273 : Developing Land of Red!!!

The denizens of Land of Red lining the streets cast curious glances at the procession of vehicles rolling into town. They weren't privy to the exact nature of the commotion, but it was clear something significant was afoot, warranting secrecy.

Scores of vehicles, laden with an assortment of building materials, snaked their way toward the military city in the west, leaving the seasoned inhabitants of Land of Red in no doubt that something of great importance was underway.

Yet, they refrained from probing further, placing their trust in the might of Kazuhiko, knowing that the Land of Red's interests were in capable hands.

While uncertain about the purpose of these materials, some among them had themselves contributed to the construction of the central square. 

Drawing upon their experience, they recognized the magnitude of the endeavor reflected in the scale of the materials being transported.

"Kazuhiko-sama, the staff has been assembled," reported the manager responsible for logistics to Kazuhiko's secretary, who then relayed the message to Kazuhiko.

This secretary had been recruited by Kazuhiko some time ago—a single mother who had journeyed from a remote village to the Land of Red with her son.

Kazuhiko had discerned in her a profound sense of loyalty; she might not have been strikingly beautiful, but her allure lay in her mature and composed demeanor.

Over time, she had undergone training and proved indispensable to Kazuhiko, efficiently managing various tasks from the outset.

Kazuhiko was pleased with her performance, particularly noting her meticulous attention to detail and unwavering dedication.

"Very well, Fubuki, accompany me for a closer inspection later," Kazuhiko instructed.

"Yes, Kazuhiko-sama," Yanagawa Fubuki replied respectfully before exiting the office, harboring deep admiration for the man who had played a pivotal role in her son's survival and her own transformation.

Yanagawa Fubuki had come to realize that it was this man who had shaped her current circumstances and safeguarded her son's future.

It is because of this individual that the Land of Red has risen to such heights of power. Each day, one can witness countless individuals fervently investing in the development of Land of Red.

Thus, upon learning of the opportunity to become a secretary, even though she was unfamiliar with the role, she was certain it would bring her closer to His Majesty Kazuhiko.

Having arrived in Land of Red with her son, her household registration process was expedited. Therefore, upon confirming her Land of Red residency, she promptly applied without hesitation.

To her surprise, amidst numerous candidates, she was fortunate to be chosen among them.

These selected individuals were subsequently assigned to various roles within the central government.

To her astonishment, Yanagawa Fubuki found herself assigned directly to His Majesty Kazuhiko.

Unbeknownst to her, when Kazuhiko was selecting a secretary, her name caught his eye.

Particularly, the surname "Yanagawa" reminded him of a chilling movie from his past life, prompting his decision to appoint her as his secretary.

Though initially disappointed upon seeing her, Kazuhiko adeptly concealed his feelings, leaving no trace of his discontent. Observing her dedication, Kazuhiko remained unchanged in his decision.

Moving forward, after some time, Kazuhiko and his secretary journeyed to the northernmost reaches of the Land of Red.

From this location, expansion plans were underway, intending to establish a new ninja training base.

Due to the nature of this endeavor, expansion towards residential and commercial areas was not feasible. The current Land of Red had evolved beyond its origins as a Land of Whirlpools, with its expansive yet thinly populated territories.

Now inundated with refugees, land in the Land of Red had become a precious commodity.

Moreover, due to the sensitive nature of the project, expansion could only occur towards uninhabited areas.

Thanks to the relentless efforts of numerous Earth Style ninjas in Land of Red, the towering rock cliffs obstructing the western path had been dismantled, revealing a vast and pristine expanse of land.

At the edge of this flat terrain, Kazuhiko beheld flourishing forests, tranquil lakes where elk quenched their thirst, and distant hills shrouded in thick mist.

For this venture, Kazuhiko commenced construction with over a thousand workers. Among them were fifty elite Earth Style ninjas and some formidable individuals from the Uzumaki clan.

The remainder comprised skilled laborers seasoned in their craft.

Since their arrival in the Land of Red, these Earth Style ninjas had swiftly adapted to various construction tasks, displaying remarkable prowess in their own Earth Style ninjutsu.

Their efficiency was remarkable, effortlessly tackling the tasks at hand. Among them was Dorami, who had garnered fame for her architectural skills in Land of Red.

But why would Kazuhiko bother inspecting a simple building?

The reason lay in the extensive expansion planned for the area – a new ninja training ground designed by Kazuhiko himself.

 This establishment would serve as a crucial military asset for the nation, encompassing not only the training of ordinary ninjas but also the imparting of his various secret techniques, as well as delving into the ninjutsu of the ninja world. 

It would also serve as a hub for studying the subsequent development and utilization of natural energy, a field of particular interest to Kazuhiko.

Furthermore, Kazuhiko sought to glean insights into national army management from his past life. He envisioned a clear demarcation between ninjas dedicated to combat and those who merely dabbled in ninjutsu, separating true defenders of the country from civilians or mere practitioners.

Indeed, in the Land of Red, Kazuhiko recognized the necessity of gradually implementing such distinctions between combat-ready ninjas and the populace. 

Even without a deeper understanding of ninja culture, he believed it imperative to distinguish between soldiers defending the homeland and ordinary citizens. 

In his eyes, the mingling of these groups would dilute execution power and blur the lines between military and civilian roles.


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