Way of lost

In some unknown place,

There was an endless road toward the unknown, that road looked like it was made from crystals and it was possible to see what was under the road

Under that road was something that looked like an endless abyss, eternally quiet and unchanging, and above was the white sky which was all cracked, and sometimes fell a piece of that sky down into the abyss

On that road was walking lone figure, which looked like some kind of white spirit

It was faceless and gender was hard to discern, and was constantly muttering something

"cut all, devour all, destroy all, end all, create all

cut all, devour all, destroy all, end all, create all

cut all, devour all, destroy all, end all, create all"

Although its face was hard to discern it was possible to sense that it was going repeatedly changing its temper,

sometimes it was angry or sad,

sometimes happy or depressed, and

sometimes emotionless

No one knows how long that being walked upon that road it could be days, years, epochs or simply it always done that

After some unknown amount of time, the end of that almost endless road was seen

On the end was a rainbow platform which was a bit of stark contrast other two colors, it was like a person who whole life saw only black and white for the first time saw new colors.

In the middle of that platform was dully flying something which looked like an ordinary iron blade

When that spirit-like being seen the blade it went mad and started running toward the platform to get hold of the blade like it was his purpose to do it, everything he in his life ever needed to get

The moment when that spirit-like being stepped on the platform, the whole place started shaking,

the already broken white sky started cracking more and the eternally unchanging abyss down there started changing too, albeit it was hard to tell

But that spirit-like being didn't care and went only faster toward the blade

Closer was that being close to the blade more place shaken and even quiet abyss was slowly disappearing with the sky, it looked like by disappearing it will obstruct spirit-like being from getting the blade

At some point when being almost got hold of the blade whole place was on verge of disappearing and even the rainbow platform started to disappear with the whole place to stop that being from getting hold of the blade

Finally, when being finally got the blade in his transparent hands, disappearing nothingness was also at him, but the blade started glowing with an unknown being and somehow getting away from this place, it was like space and even void and nothingness was cut through by blade and way was made toward an unknown place

After some time place that looked like nothing colorless and soundless was the only thing that remained as evidence of the existence of this place


Somewhere unknown, a big and vast room with hellish red color was attended by a small flying owl beast who talked and gave orders to lined-up ghostly things which came from a white door at another end of the room

"Liang Xiaobo, gender: male, age: 43, Family: Liang...., the gang leader of flaming monkey gang, your biggest crime is killing three villages and selling survived to slavery and your biggest good deed was protecting the forest from catching fire when you was a young,

Sin value 5.5 and fortune value 1.4,

in consideration of your crimes, good deeds, sins, and fortune which you have taken, you will be reincarnated as a demonic animal ' crimson-eyed serpent'." said flying little owl in an emotionless tone and pointed at one of the doors

The little ghost in front gave a nod in acceptance and went to the door.

"Zho-" *ziiiiiii*

as was little owl saying next name, from nowhere was suddenly cut space and from between that hole created from cut came spirit-like being chaotically running away from something.

"what the actual FUC-" was saying now fearfully and bit enraged little owl when was suddenly cleanly cut down by the blade, which looked alive and a little bit excited.

Nowhere were seen its inanimate behavior from before.

Yes, those two were things that got away from the disappearing road.

When lined-up ghosts saw cut in half corpse of the owl they started instinctively running in chaos away from the blade held by the spirit-like being.

Suddenly the whole place started shaking and an enraged voice came from somewhere" WHO DARES TO INVADE THIS KING'S DOMAIN!"

The now excited blade quickly started guiding the weirdly cold and distant spirit-like being toward one of the doors and made it jump in with it.

After a few seconds handsome man with black hair bloodied red eyes and in a beautiful crimson robe teleported here,

there was seen enraged look in his red eyes which looked like it will spill a fire.

After looking around and guessing where 'bold thief' ran off to he infuriated looked toward one of the doors and said " LITTLE BASTARD I will fucking find you and torture your soul in hellish flames for eternity"

With a wave of the handsome man's hand ghostly beings and halved body of an owl disappeared and doors vanished and unwillingly he left too.


Azure Cloud Heaven is a place ruled by a myriad of races that are intelligent or unintelligent beasts.

Intelligent races are split into various families, clans, sects, kingdoms, empires, and alliances.

Unintelligent beasts are ruled by the strongest of them and gather together to make some kinds of societies.

It is said that a long time ago someone split the ancient continent into five pieces or the so-called 'five continents' north, south, east, west, and central.

Azure Cloud Heaven is a place where strength rules supreme. The strong can do what they want and the weak can only listen to the arrangements of the strong.

The northern continent is ruled by a human empire called Darkcold Empire. It was founded sixty thousand years ago by an expert called Darkcold supreme who was the strongest at that time.

Dark cold founding emperor suppressed the majority of other factions for peace and the prosperity of the Darkcold Empire.

At this age, people are still singing praises for him.

Current ruler Xia Huang is the 7th emperor of this empire. He is known for his ruthlessness and absolute power. His cultivation is at Origin transformation, the 5th cultivation realm.

Cultivation realms are Origin gathering, Origin foundation establishment, Origin sea, Origin core, Origin transformation, Origin saint, Origin transcendence, and Origin immortal.

After the Origin, immortal realm are cultivation realms unknown because no one of that realm was known to be in this realm.

It is myth and legend unknown to cultivators, but it is said that some ancestors of the strongest factions are above the origin transformation realm.

Emperor Xia Huang when crowned as an emperor, like his ancestors, suppressed opposing forces inside and outside of the empire and strongly rose as a peerless talent.

He is a legend for ordinary folk, and even to cultivators, he is a strong powerhouse.

The Darkcold Empire royal palace, Empress palace

"You managed it my lady" the old lady with white medic robes surrounded by palace maids was happily talking to middle-aged beauty with silver eyes and blond hair.

The middle-aged beauty was lying in bloodied bed and looked like after childbirth and in fact, was.

In the old lady, hands were laying a little child with beautiful silver eyes silently looking at the world.

If it were a mortal child it would be worrying and they would think that something is wrong with the child, but the mother of the child and the old lady, even the maids were all cultivators who saw a lot of strange things.

In this world, there are people born with a lot of weird talents so it isn't so surprising that a child isn't crying.

It is even said that in ancient times there were godly talents who were born at the origin transformation realm.

The middle-aged beauty was Xia Liling mother of the child, the wife of emperor Xia Huang and empress of the Darkcold empire.

She was lying weakly and tiredly in bed after childbirth, but in her eyes can be seen the arrogance of someone who rules over this empire.

"Inform emperor that prince was born," said indifferently the old woman to the maids.

"Yes, my lady" answered maids and quietly left the room.

"Hm, the feeling of being a mother is quite good," said Xia Liling to the old woman and looked tenderly at her newly born child who fell asleep.

"My lady, you must not forget that there are a lot of factions opposing the empire, They will surely try to murder little prince before he grows up," said a worriedly old woman.

After hearing what the old woman said, the eyes of Xia Liling had a trace of killing intent and she icily said " Then blood shall flow through the world, my Jia family isn't an easy one to bully"

Jia family is one of the duke families and is a family that exists in the empire since its founding.

It is said that they have sleeping Origin transformation ancestors, current head and father of Xia Liling is famous Origin core expert Jia Peng.

Even Xia Liling is an Origin sea cultivator who is fairly strong and famous.

After a few minutes to the room came a handsome man with black hair with blue colored eyes and a regal bearing. He was Xia Huang emperor of the Darkcold empire.

"Leave," he said aloofly at the old woman who helped with childbirth and she with little bow left

He then looked lovingly at Xia Liling and then at the sleeping newborn baby and said " I would like to name him Xia Fan or would you have another name in mind?" she asked sweetly, but Xia Huang knew if he said another name, only terror will await him.

So he with a beaming smile said" Haha, it sounds great, I like that name"


Like an arrogant little girl, the empress replied " How could it not sound great, it came from me"

After quietly talking to not wake up little Xia Fan the emperor left the empress's room

" Hehehe" After a while of looking at her child and foolishly laughing she then fell asleep.

Unknown to neither of the parents what was happening to their child in his 'sleep'

In a child's sea of consciousness,

there was a floating figure and opposite him was a floating blade, the figure was the child or the Xia Fan and the blade was that blade that ran from the strange road,

it was not hard to guess that Xia Fan should be a spirit-like being who got away with a blade.

Right now they were talking between themselves, yes newborn and blade were talking.

I don't know where we are, but at least I am sure that those doors we went through were paths of reincarnation." said lively child-like from the blade to the floating figure

"W-what is p-path of reincarnation?" said a bit old and crazed voice stutteringly coming from the figure, it was like it had not spoken for a very long time

"How long were you there? I thought even mortals should know about a simple thing like reincarnating, simply paths of the soul returning to life" said the child-like voice of blade in disbelief

"m-mortal? l-life? what is it? said the figure of Xia Fan questioningly, although he hadn't spoken for a long time it was possible to hear improvement in his voice.

"How long were you at the 'way of lost'?" asked in a serious voice blade

" 'Way of lost' is the name of that road? I thought it was 'Zenith Chaos road'?" said bewilderedly Xia Fan to the blade.

For the while there was silence and although it was hard to tell it was possible to feel sheer astonishment from the blade.

"I never heard of 'Zenith Chaos road', but I heard of zenith chaos, it is said that many eras ago when were yang and yin in disharmony and chaos was truly endless and ever creating, there existed zenith chaos race,

it is said they supreme ruling over endless creation and existence and even newly born were at Dao creation realm, capable of annihilating many universes with poking of a finger.

I am not sure of that tale but maybe that road was created by that road" said weakly blade the child-like voice.

"Zenith chaos race I think I heard about that too, but I think you bit overestimate their might they are only inhabitants of 'Zenith Chaos road', it is even reason of their name.

'Zenith Chaos road' is a place which shall read to the final path or destination of everything end of immortality, eternity, existence, fate, karma, and power, but except these basic concepts there is an even bigger myth that it connects to the path to concept ascension"

The blade is weirdly looking with pity at Xia Fan and said" You pitiable creature, you even got mental issues on 'Way of lost', but don't fear when you got me I will make your potential one of bests even across endless realms"

"Didn't you listen to me about what I talked about?" with a bit impatient tone said Xia Fan

"Yes, Yes, great end and that, but that is not important now, right now you should awaken your talent with my help," said smugly blade