Talent awakening

"Won't you at least explain things I asked about?" said indifferently Xia Fan to 'blade'

"The mortal is a person with a very limited lifespan, about few ten thousand rotating of their world around their star which gives habitable conditions to most of the lifeforms to live in the world and procreate,

Life can be called as a time of existence of one being although not precise, because the afterlife soul can many times reincarnate till isn't soul destroyed or exists simply too long for another reincarnation, there exist many beings which can be called dead and alive like a ghosts

The path of reincarnation is made by the strong to make it easier for the weak to reincarnate,

but it isn't free, after the soul reincarnates the one who reincarnates them gets their sins and fortune they have made or haven't used and reincarnation is action when a soul chooses another life or in case of strong experts get a better body or at least some body in case their own is destroyed." said the child-like voice of blade like it was not one sounding child-like, but another way around

"Can one not simply exists like a soul till fall, what is the reason for reincarnating again and again?" asked Xia Fan

"HAHAHA, it is simply because weak souls can't without a body to think, because of that they don't resist when they are reincarnated again and again,

and on top of that weak simply forget their life when they die, even if they get on some reincarnation strong they will have a hard time to remember past life memories, and even for them it is simply useless" answered happily 'blade', like it was enjoying helplessness of weak

"What did you meant by talent awakening?" asked Xia Fan last question

"I was already on verge of telling you if you hadn't interrupted me," said wisely 'blade' with an old enlightened sage feeling,

if weren't for his child-like voice people would think that he was great cultivator enlightening masses

"Example of talent is having strong defensive powers are you can more easily understand laws governing the world, number of talents is endless

Almost every living being has a talent thing that characterizes them, sometimes it can be racial flowing through the race, or familial that family once had a strong ancestor who passed his bloodline with his talent,

races rise from very strong families, the every beast ancestor can be traced to the primordial beast,

progenitor of their race one who passed bloodline first

Through the long passage of time, the race is going to branch more and more,

an example is the ancestors of reptile species are dragons, their progenitor was 'Dragon Ancestor', but this is only talents which are inherited, but how talents came first?

Talents are created through many methods but they can be mostly classified into few groups,

first are from techniques which can give someone with weak talent or even talentless talent, this method is most popular and orthodox,

second is from someone strong at his race or clan accepting you to his beast race or clan

The third method is most unorthodox but can be called the strongest and how the first talents came to be,

it is through supreme treasures or medicines, heck there even exist pills capable of giving talents, but this method is most rare because these things are almost impossible to get hold of" ended long explaining 'blade' with a hint of pride

"Don't let me guess, you are a supreme treasure capable of giving talent?" said sarcastically Xia Fan

"Humph, praise great me that I will bestow upon you peerless talent," said the arrogantly child-like voice of 'blade

"You mean talent is something like this," said Xia Fan and suddenly waved his hand like it was catching something

After he ended his gesture his hand showed golden shining thread which was connected from him to a 'blade', golden thread shined brightly like it was the most beautiful thing in the world

Although 'blade hasn't got any eyes, if it had some they would roll down to the floor, mortals and even immortals would have a hard time what is a thing in Xia

Fan's hand and would even though it was simply beautiful golden thread, but not 'blade' it knew exactly what it was

"K-KARMIC THREAD!!" said the child-like voice of 'blade' in a high-pitched tone

After some time of doing something similar to foolishly looking at the thread in Xia Fan, the 'blade' said " How the fuck do you do that!?"

"I only grabbed simple thread of our relationship which can be then cut off, replaced,

or hidden, it is good for hiding from deductions, but I think from what you talked about this thing should be called 'talent' a thing which can not be classified as normal with every being?' said Xia Fan with a smile

"Y-yes exactly this should be your talent," said 'blade' and looked what looked like suspiciously at Xia Fan and continued "

You must have been some kind of strong expert before you get some mental issues from that accursed road"

"Accursed road?" asked Xia Fan

"Even what that road is you forgot?"

'Blade' stopped for while and looked with a pitying look at Xia Fan then and continued"

That road is simply one of worst places you can end at, it is the place where some people can get on when they lost will to live or don't simply know what to do now,

They then by some kind of coincidence get to that road which cannot be left till you walk it to the end,

and on end should be something which can help you to not get lost,

but to get to the end you must walk and walk for a seemingly random amount of time, some people are lost for hours or days and some for countless years,

I gave up after few million on years, but then you found me and I felt that road got weaker and starting breaking down so I got us out" explained to Xia Fan

Xia Fan then asked 'blade' about a few simple things he talked about like year and stars, before 'blade' continued on with talent awakening.

"Although you already have some kind of good talent using supreme law, that doesn't mean you can't get another good talent," said 'blade' with a super excited voice

"Why you try to make me awaken talent from you" looked Xia Fan at 'blade' with suspicion evident in his voice

"Tehehe, why did you think someone will accept an outsider to their clan or race,

it is because if someone who they accepted gets to become an expert, clan then will not only get strong powerhouse, there is even chance of their talent getting to a higher grade and it can be through their transmitted,

that almost everyone with some kind of blood purity will get that talent rank up too,

and something similar works for treasures too, when someone with who they made contract gets strong he can then nourish treasure to rank up," said 'blade' with evident intentions

"So after being a long time on the road your power fell down and you need someone to nourish you," said Xia Fan with a knowing smile

"ugh, maybe but you will too have untold benefits from this, talent you can awaken from me will not be lower than immortal monarch tier," said the defeatedly child-like voice of the 'blade'

"How is it graded" asked Xia Fan

"It is same in case of treasures, medicines and talents from lowest to highest known, Mortal, Earth, Heaven, Divine, Immortal, Immortal king, Immortal monarch, Immortal Emperor, Divinity, Dao ascending, Dao origin, these are ones I know about"

from divine tier weapon can get spirit consciousness and think for themselves and even cultivate, heck with strong cultivation they can even rank up," said enviously 'blade' then continued"

I am Divinity tier treasure, kind that holds boundless divine power and is supreme under dao realm and my name is Divine extinguisher or Daoist name Quickfall," said 'blade' or now Quickfall

"So be it awaken my or your talent, and my new name should be Xia Fan then," said Xia Fan with a bit impatient expression

"Yes, Yes talent awakening is important and we are in the best place now possible in the soul or precisely at the sea of consciousness,

what is like a projection of the most important parts of the soul,

Your talent must be awakened within your soul to synchronize with the whole body and your own source,

and when we are in your soul it is already an easy process we only need to combine a few of our sources and then brand it at soul it will create talent which is hard to lose" said with serious voice Quickfall

"I give you a bit of my own source and then you combine it with your own source and give simple symbol which will it create to your soul," said whole process Quickfall and was already from him flying pieces of some little dust,

it looked like holiest thing in the world, it had everchanging color and shined miles away if it weren't that they were at sea of consciousness it will attract a lot of cultivators thinking it was great treasure being born

Xia Fan took the source and from him then flew something too, but the difference between Quickfall pieces of source and his was evident,

Quickfall looked like the holiest treasure in the world, but his own source looked like totally normal flying dust.

Even Quickfall was surprised by how ordinary it looked, but he didn't underestimate it because it symbolizes his own innate origin and what he is as a cultivator,

it didn't equal strength

When two sources got together there was a bit of rumbling sound and then some strange rune was created

It looked like it was made from jade,

it looked like a very thin hand imprint like it was only bone and even not that.

"You must baptize it with your soul then it will become your talent because it was made from your source and only one other source it is easy for your soul and body to accept it after you baptize you will know the grade of it and what it does," said Quickfall with anticipation clear in his child-like voice

The Xia Fan did what Quickfall told him and his soul concentrated on the jade symbol, and after a while knew his name, grade, and what talent did.

"So, what is it little Fan?" said Quickfall to Xia Fan with little teasing in his voice

"Ah yes, i- wait little Fan," said with a bit of anger Xia Fan

"Yes because you were a few hours ago born you are now little, HAHA" unconcealable teasing was heard in Quickfall s voice

"You are one sounding like being born a few hours ago," said in return Xia Fan

"It is because I am weakened a lot that I am sounding like a child, but I am not a true child, humpf" in defense said quickly Quickfall

After a while of bickering between themselves, Xia Fan started talking about his talent.

"My talent name is Truth seeker and his grade is Forgotten, about this grade you haven't talked," said Xia Fan with suspicion

"Oh, Forgotten grade it does mean that source and origin of all simply lost name of that talent or is first of that kind of talents,

most of the talents have some similarity to other and because of that they are classified under the same kind," said Quickfall" and what it does strong or weak?" continued Quickfall

"It be used to seek truth to me unknown, it is graded by importance from the low, middle, high, peak, ultimate, and importance is decided by strength protecting it, the strong cultivator has a big difference from mortal, and that someone has karma with someone strong gives him some kind of karmic protection, it does not matter if good or bad relationship

I can for example know what is someone doing a thousand miles away or how some event happened, it says" said Xia Fan with an intrigued expression

"Huh, good for seeking information and secrets it soun-, wait, wait, wait you can practically be omniscient with this no?" said little excitedly Quickfall

"In theory, yes, but there exists a lot of useless information which cannot without enough strong soul be carried on and it takes a lot of energy to seek some information,

but practically I can easily spy on someone, if I have enough energy to do it, it can even cost a lot of time" slowly and lightly said Xia Fan to Quickfal

"Can you not instantly learn some martial arts if someone practiced it?" said Quickfall in an astonishment

"Maybe, if I understand what he does, it will matter what about what he does, I can even learn that art without knowing it before" ended explanation Xia Fan of his astonishing talent

Quickfall still asked a few questions Xia Fan about his talent and what is its limit, but only what Xia Fan basically knows is that as long someone has enough energy user can know everything.

Quickfall then said" You should sleep you are a newborn, and even if time flows differently in a sea of consciousness you are only mortal now" Quickfall then said him the most important thing about him

"So you will live here," asked Xia Fan

"Yes if you need something to know ask me because I live inside your mind, Hehehe," said scarily Quickfall

"Oh I forgot," said Xia Fan and then waved his hand and Quickfall disappeared, more exactly he ported him to another less important part of soul

"Nooooo, wait this place looks terrifying I want to another place" from somewhere came Quickfall s voice, but its a pity that Xia Fan already fallen asleep