The morning

After a long night of talking with Quickfall, Xia Fan has gone to sleep, although Xia Fan can be called 'talented', he is still a newborn who is dependent on his parents, or specifically his mother

"little one is still asleep, huh," said a beautiful middle-aged woman, that woman was Xia Liling a mother of Xia Fan

Around her were a few maids and a few women who looked like wet nurses, who were watching their prince

When Xia Fan opened his eyes and saw a circle of human females he got a little scare, but then he remembered what is happening and get composed, although it was hard to tell on the newborn face,

"Maybe we should play with him a little bit, he looks bored to me," said the cheerful cute girl in a palace maid outfit with dark black hair and green eyes

"Like baby can feel bored" answered a cold and beautiful lady with light blue hair and white pupils and dark black irises, she had a palace maid outfit too.

The two of them were palace maids serving the Xia family, they were raised from a young age at the palace and cultivated special techniques.

At Xia palace almost everyone cultivator except some little kids, people living in Xia palace were of some status like the emperor's close family or were servants.

Cultivation in this world is considered a normal thing, but the formal age for starting is at least five years, so children will understand what to do and won't do simple mistakes which can destroy their future

There exist people who are talented and geniuses or mediocre who at some point have a hard time progressing, their limits can be body talent, comprehension, or bad cultivation technique.

Another thing to say to talent are beasts, they progress fast and don't even have to cultivate but at some point, their cultivation stagnates and the only choice they have is to return to their ancestral bloodline, it is even possible to abandon the bloodline but they will then lose their talents.

"So why don't you two become his servants Chen Shu and Ma Meili, when you two have such vast knowledge about taking care of children," said with a smile Xia Liling, something which startled two bickering maids

The cute cheerful girl is Chen Shu and the cold and beautiful one is Ma Meili, to them being a personal servant to him is something of unbelievable honor, because although the prince was now only a newborn, he is the only descendant of the Darkcold empire, which means that role of the crown prince will be his in future.

Even if the emperor had another child, Xia Fan will be still the eldest child with a secured way to the crown.

The Empress saying this practically means her paving their path to power because even as servants they will be highly valued and even have a chance to become his concubines.

"It will be our honor to serve little prince," said two girls at the same time, it was possible to see envy in eyes of other maids around the empress.

"Um, but right we should feed the little Fan some milk now" continued with a light smile ever present on her face, but what seemed like a smile to others looked like a devil's face wanting to defenseless him

After what looked like a forced breastfeeding session Xia Liling truly appointed Chen Shu and Ma Meili as his servants, it can be looked at as a demotion to become servants to the baby, but when people get to know the baby's status they will think differently

"Yes, finally I am out, huh what happened little Fan?" asked Quickfall who finally materialized his spiritual body, he looked like a grey shadow with rainbow flickering eyes, Xia Fan who looked like he lost something an important moment ago

The spiritual body is one of the forms of treasures, Quickfall like Divinity grade treasure has that form too, every treasure above Divine grade can have spiritual form.

"I got experience of what is it like to be fed like a little human" answered lost Xia Fan

"HAHAHAHA" with big and loud laughter was heard happiness from Quickfall's voice, only pity is that he is in Xia Fan's soul and only he can hear him

"So your mama fed you?HAHAHA," was still laughing Quickfall and asked

"No, not only one who gave me birth, there were more," said still terrified Xia Fan

"It looks like you have some good background, it will make it easier to get some resources" after Quickfall calmed down continued to talk to Xia Fan

Resources are most important in the cultivation journey except for good talent, but even then without resources, one cannot beat one who has resources even with talent.

It is a vicious cycle of strong getting stronger and weak weaker, but this is one of the unchanging truths of cultivation.

"Should I already start to cultivate with this body?" asked Xia Fan important question Quickfall

"Origin energy for your body is too strong and can easily make your body collapse and inflict serious injuries on the soul," said Quickfall and continued " Only thing which you can cultivate is soul and body to make it accept origin energy easier, you should not to even try your talent activate if it takes energy to use"

"origin energy? what is it?" asked question Xia Fan

"What will you cultivate if not origin energy?" answered simply Quickfall

"Primordial Qi, isn't it the only thing which can be used best for cultivation?" said Xia Fan with a tone that seemed like a teaching a child

"Your mental issues are again acting up!" with a tone like talking to pitiable being said to Xia Fan

"I never heard about thing about a thing called 'Primordial Qi', even Qi part is to me unknown" continued Quickfall

"Primordial Qi is the purest form of Qi, it is said that it shows a path to most primal creation and perfection, only through Primordial Qi can one cultivate Primordial physique able to bear the power of concepts, most adaptable and eternal of physiques" explained to Quickfall who looked at him with a dull look

"Huh, I already see a lot of troubles with curing you, and I fear that to get high enough cultivation to be strong for the possibility of curing you is already a challenge worth taking," said Quickfall with the now blazing fire of ambition in his rainbow eyes

"There isn't any other kind of energy simple enough to be called universal like origin energy, with his such easiness it is easy to transform it to higher kinds of energies and powers," said Quickfall to Xia Fan

"Will you then show me your origin energy?" said Xia Fan in disbelief of the existence of such a thing

"Heh, so watch and learn, maybe it will help you," said sarcastically Quickfall, and a moment later outside of Xia Fan through which they were communicating suddenly descended clear small dotes of energy

It looked like it was everywhere wood, wind, shadows, and sun like it was omnipresent, these small dotes were shining like the sun, but weren't hot or cold.

"Isn't this thing mortal Qi?" said Xia Fan with a questioning tone

"Huh and now you know what is mortal and yesterday you didn't," said a Quickfall with a little bit of enraged tone and continued "Origin energy is the best form know to all cultivators to use, if they use too high-level energy like Law force, without being strong enough they will then needlessly harm themselves

"When you talked about mortals, you talked about the thing with consciousness which can think independently which Qi cannot, so I thought different thing than mortal Qi some spiritual body of them, and now that you talking about law force you mean rules governing worlds and realities right?," said Xia Fan

"Yes, that thing," said Quickfall absentmindely

The now little bit startled Quickfall started looking at Xia Fan in a new light, even if suspicion was evident on his shadowy grey face

"Maybe you are from some far-away place and we know names of things under different names," said something after some thinking Quickfall

"So even you should know 'Primordial Qi', but under another name?" said now understandingly Xia Fan

"Then maybe your bullshit about what you talked, about made sense show me Primordial Qi for verifying the truth," said now excitedly Quickfall as he came across finally something which made sense

"Um, watch and learn," said arrogantly Xia Fan, moment later in the air started rotating some kind of thing, it looked at first look colorless and invisible, but weirdly enough it could be possible to see.

After a second look, it could be truly seen how beautiful it is, it was like it was the first form of everything and everyone else had only planned to mimic the beauty of that thing, colors, elements, air, and even origin energy and now unknown were slowly mimicking the beauty of that thing

After a while of looking at the beauty of that thing, Quickfall said in astonishment," I think you found a new kind of energy"

Xia Fan looked at him speechlessly and waved his hand and energy disappeared and said then" Well, this is primordial Qi hid inside past, present, future, and an ocean of ordinariness, fragments of this Qi flow past, and you can catch and use it"

" How can you catch something in the past and future, and what is an ocean of ordinariness?" asked Quickfall, it looked like the roles of who is wisest changed at this moment

When was Quickfall planning to ask more questions to the room came three men?

They were in black clothes and came quickly inside the room and started talking.

"I am never taking another job with this kind of difficulty to assassinating child of Origin transformation expert," said burly one in a complaining tone

"Be quiet David or you make some big mistake, even if we used Sky sealing formation, we don't know when they know that something is wrong" said one who looked like a leader

The last one only nodded his head.

"Hooh, little Fan I think you are being assassinated," said with a warm smile on his grey face Quickfall

"Um, what should I do?" asked Xia Fan

"Heh, listen and learn we should...