
"We should quietly invade their soul and mind to get from them some important information about where we are," said Quickfall to Xia Fan

"Aren't we at some important place or is it normal to be assassinated the second day being alive?" asked innocent question Xia Fan

"Are you dumb again or what, if it was normal in this place they would give us more guards and security would be better" said uncertainly Quickfall, even though he wasn't sure himself because in endless worlds exists many which are peculiar and have weird traditions

When were Quickfall and Xia Fan bickering inside, the assassins had already searched the whole Xia Fan's room to which his mother transported him.

"It looks that this mission is doable," said now with relief a burly man named David, when they hasn't found any traps

The man who looked like a leader no longer stopped him when he talked, and even joined him.

"How can this mission not be secure, with 'Sky sealing formation' we don't have fear even if they got to know that something is wrong, we have Origin Saint secretly watching Xia ancestral hall in case some old ancestors of Xia Empire wake up," said proudly, leader

"Old tyrants Xia finally will feel some kind of decline, I want to see the look on Emperor's face when he gets information that his son died," said cruelly, David with an evil smile

These three were specially selected assassins to kill Xia Fan, they are at Origin Sea realm because if their cultivation were too high it would alarm sleeping ancestors

That would be for opposing factions terrifying because although they got the guts to kill the newborn prince they will in any case need to hide for hundreds of years till Xia's anger cools down

If they wake up Xia's ancestors it will be an end for them and even Origin Saint outside because it is said that Xia's family has sleeping ancestors at Origin Transcendence, beings at peak of this world.

"We should quickly kill the child and leave because formation will not hold them for that long", said the man who was Leader and went closer to Xia Fan

Meanwhile at Xia Fan's soul,

"So should I invade their soul and stole memories or what", asked now impatiently Xia Fan to Quickfall

"How strong is your soul now", asked Quickfall

"More than enough for gazing at fragments of future", said shocking Xia Fan

"Y-you already cultivate some divination technique or is your soul at enlightened realm," said now for already many times shocked Quickfall

An enlightened realm of soul cultivation is a prerequisite for cultivators to have a strong sense of danger and have visions if disaster may befall them, but it usually got only Origin immortals when they nourish their soul with immortal origin energy.

In the world, may exist geniuses who feel if some kind of danger may befall them in near future and can even prevent it, but this is only their's soul showing its great potential for soul cultivation

Soul cultivation can be in Azure Cloud Heaven divided into a few levels, mortal soul, awakened soul, nascent soul, condensed soul, elder soul, and fabled level which is enlightened soul are only immortals.

The only way to bypass this restriction is being a reincarnation of a strong expert, or nourishing from heaven-defying treasures, Xia Fan is obviously the former, but even in the case of experts not always soul cultivation can make it through reincarnation.

"I don't know levels which you made so maybe enlightened level," said Xia Fan to Quickfall

"Wait, why didn't you prepare if you knew that someone was coming you to assassinate, you should at least get some kind of danger instinct in action," said puzzled Quickfall

"Oh, I didn't know they were meant to kill me, I thought they were servants because I didn't almost feel any kind of cultivation" replied to him Xia Fan

"I think too that Origin Sea is weak, but your mother is at the same level too, for mortals they can be already called masters," said Quickfall

"But they haven't even crossed the first mortality gate, power they wield can be called insignificant" with a tone filled with disdain replied Xia Fan

"I again don't understand about what you are talking, but I agree that they are too weak," said with acknowledgment Quickfall

Meanwhile, these were assessing three assassins, they were doing the same, but only Xia Fan, because they didn't see Quickfall

"I already see that if he grows up, it will be again only endless suppression of us," said David who already looked evilly at Xia Fan

"Even if he will grow up, it will be hard to say if it will be trouble for us because we already have our geniuses" replied him man who looked like a leader with an arrogant tone

"Both of you should not forget that even if we kill one, they can another so this is only a little revenge," the one who was whole time quiet finally said something to them, but it only made them feel bitter inside.

Yes, they can with long enough preparations kill one descendant of the empire who was newly born, but for the second time it will not work, and for a price that they will be wildly hunted and killed upon being seen.

"I would like to take his newborn soul for making artifact, once I show it to the emperor, look on his face then be priceless," said David with an evil perverted smile, already planning what to do after killing the little prince

"I agree, but it will be secret because I don't think people backing us will like to have someone of accursed Xia's family live long," said the leader, but with an evil smile too

"Um" in fear of them silencing him quiet one gave too his acknowledgment

When the three of them were already closing distance closer to Xia Fan, he was already doing something that can be called 'self-defense'

"So I will attack their mind quietly, and in case this is a big trap, you instantly tear space apart and run away with me again," asked Xia Fan last question in preparation to attack three assassins

"Yes, although I don't know what happened at 'Way of lost' if something wants to hunt us, this is a good opportunity to let down our guard," said Quickfall, but even he wasn't sure this could be a trap because the best time was when they slept, although they could act quickly even then, but it would be surprising in any case

"Say don't you have some good treasure materials, for this little new one soul I will need bes-

Right now three of them felt like everything came to stillness, sound, air, light, darkness, time, and even their bodies.

Now they only saw little newborn flying above them shrouded in a blanket with eyes that looked like bigger than his body, no not only his body even their bodies, it looked like his eyes stood above this mundane world, above things like karma, fate, cycles of fall and prosperity and simply gazed at them.

In his eyes they were able to see changes in the world, the darkness of night and light of day, changes of endless realities which looked like at the moment, trillions of years passed, in some of these realities there existed worlds with powerful beings calling with mere words thunders and lighting destroying words

In some, they saw big creatures bigger than the universe consuming the universes like snacks gazing upon them, and in some, they saw sci-fi flying ships conquering countless galaxies

It was possible to see everything in his eyes, when at some time may be in past or future they lost sense of themselves and simply gazed into his eyes the last thing they ever saw and maybe most beautiful.

"Was there any trap?" asked Quickfall when he saw three assassins fall into silence and they stopped moving and simply stood

"No it was easier than I thought, I planned to use some Qi Art but before that, they already lost their mind" replied to him Xia Fan

"Wait you destroyed their sea of consciousness?" asked puzzled Quickfall

"Maybe accidentally, they didn't take any guard, so I thought it was hidden deeper inside their mind, who knows maybe they already were prepared and only played by script," said Xia Fan embarrassedly

Quickfall looked at Xia Fan with what looked like a speechless look and said " Well, how do we now gather information about this world?"

"Maybe we play a little bit with rules of time or I can do a little deduction, but there is a chance that if other side is strong enough they will be able to counter it," said seriously Xia Fan

"Do you have a way powerful enough to fool, this world's law of time? and even then it will bring us bottomless trouble if that guy guarding that reincarnation place finds us" said Quickfall with reprimanding tone and continued" and as for deductions it can be hard from what we should deduce because, if you try to ask heavenly dao about 'Who attacked me?' it will only strike you with thunder

River of fate carries big risk too even if only gaze at a little part of it in this world with your low cultivation" explained to Xia Fan why his ideas will not work

Quickfall said the truth, although cultivators can with strong cultivation can tamper with the laws of the world it usually cost a lot of power and other cultivators will feel it too

"Can I not simply grab karma between them and us and cut it off?" asked innocent question Xia Fan

"HOW CAN YOU GRAB FUCKING KAR-" suddenly stopped Quickfall and remembered when Xia Fan, was asking about talents and how he grabbed his karma between them

"Wait, can you grab karma between them and us and deduce why they tried to kill us?" said with a tone filled with hope Quickfall

No one who knows what it means to grab karma will feel that Quickfall has big fantasies because karma is the supreme law for deducting secrets, no one can get rid of bindings of karma, the moment they are born or created, own karma to someone, so if someone grabs karma and looks at it long enough it will show its self why there is some kind of relationship between them.

"Yes, I can." answered simply Xia Fan to heaven's shocking question

Xia Fan waved his little hand and in a moment his little hand gathered black threads which symbolized the relationship between them, which obviously looks bad

"So let's see why they tried to kill us...