Qi cultivation

"I should explain what it means to cultivate Qi," said Xia Fan

"Qi is the true essence of the path of power, in some backwater places it can have different names like 'magic', 'mana', 'heavenly power' or like you said Origin energy, but the most ancient and acknowledged name is Qi

It can be divided into many categories and grades, but the most perfect and first form of all Qi is 'Primordial Qi', which existed since the beginning of all beings, but was lost across past, present, future, space, and was degraded to many forms, like 'Star Qi', 'Fire Qi', 'Water Qi', and an endless number of other

There are even created new kinds of Qi every moment, Qi which you called a most basic form of Origin essence is 'Mortal Qi', the most degraded form of Qi which is most easily to be destroyed, maybe from that Qi was created word 'mortal'

From degraded Qi were even made new lifeforms which were made from other Qi than 'Primordial Qi', which is the best form of Qi

From what I saw in these assassins and my parents, the path which takes Origin energy or 'Mortal Qi' is towards evolution to a higher form of Qi, but at the end of every form of Qi is 'Primordial Qi'

The reason that you don't start with a higher kind of Qi is simply that your soul is weak and your body couldn't handle it, this is why you must start from low, but people of so-called 'Strong cultivators' are likely to inherit their affinity towards higher forms of Qi and can cultivate many times faster or even be born at higher cultivation than rest." explained Xia Fan everything about what he saw about Origin energy to already shocked Quickfall

Reason Quickfall was shocked is that Xia Fan was totally spot on.

Yes, there exist many forms of Origin energy, like Fire Origin Energy or Star Origin Energy which have different effects and varying types of power, and there exist races or people who simply inherit already great talent and cultivation of parents or even peerless talent from their ancestors

Xia Fan waited a while for to Quickfall absorb everything he said and continued "Reason that you slowly must rise cultivation level to get higher kind of Qi is adapting to power, this is why you must first gather origin essence than with it build a foundation toward higher kinds of Qi, then get a big quantity of Origin energy and then condense small core of it

Then you must transform it and with it, your whole soul and body, after so-called 'transformation' is Origin Saint a person who is already completely transformed and can bear a higher kind of energy and isn't a mere so-called 'mortal', higher realm, less diluted form of Qi you can bear" explained the whole process of cultivation Origin energy Xia Fan

"Then why you called upon 'Primordial Qi' and I can't do same," asked puzzledly Quickfall after a while

"I said this thing before, it is affinity, people born from strong beings can inherit their talent toward some kind of Qi, I although haven't got any parents, but I was born from 'Primordial Qi' so even if my body and soul were to be destroyed I will always have the talent to control 'Primordial Qi' even if I am in this body, it is an identity which is impossible to change," said shocking truth Xia Fan about himself

"Wait, so you are some kind of Primordial Qi spirit," asked Quickfall because only beings, said to be able to control naturally some kinds of Origin energy are Origin spirits, example is Fire Origin Spirit which is like the darling of Fire Origin Energy

"No, I am 'Primordial being' one of the ancestors of all Qi, I even created my own Qi in pursuit of the path above Primordial called 'Truth Qi' able to control truth of the world and manipulate it to some extent from that Qi were degraded other forms of it" answered honestly Xia Fan

Now was Quickfall truly shocked after he heard everything Xia Fan said, 'Primordial Qi' is the final form of all Qi, 'Primordial being' created from 'Primordial Qi' itself and creating own Qi which changes even reality.

FUCK, doesn't this means that he is basically omnipotent, even fabled Dao level attaining their path of their Dao cannot be that ridiculous

"So you are at Dao creator level" asked with an excited tone Quickfall

Why wouldn't he be excited he was basically picked up by the final boss of this world

"Well, from what you said no, Dao creator should be a person who combines perfectly many paths of Qi and creates a new one from what existed, so if someone merges Darkness, Light, Chaos it will create 'Chaotic Light and Darkness' Dao and Qi, which cannot be called true creation, to truly create Qi and Dao you must take 'Primordial Qi' and dilute it toward the direction you want."

"You know Dao levels," said with surprise Quickfall because he for the first time didn't feel like a total country bumpkin

"Yes, Dao levels are hard to change about what they are, because they are already perfectly in sync with some kind of Qi and already have a path toward 'Primordial' and even in my time it existed in some small places," said Xia Fan like he already accepted that he spent a lot of time on road and ages changed

When Quickfall heard a bit about Dao levels he was instantly excited and wanted to know more so he asked more questions about it

"So I will already start transforming my body and soul toward 'Primordial'!" said Xia Fan

"You start Origin energy cultivation?" asked Quickfall

"No, I gather some 'Primordial Qi' and slowly start transforming me, 'Mortal Qi' can I start cultivating later after this body ages a bit" answered Xia Fan and closed his eyes to concentrate

After a while, Quickfall interrupted his cultivation and asked the last question " What happened to your soul if you had such high cultivation?"

With closed eyes, Xia Fan answered " Because I destroyed it with a clear purpose, when I met you on the road I knew that time of change for me came and even chance toward way above 'Primordial' opened so I destroyed both and left myself little for awareness"

When Quickfall heard the answer although he didn't understand he rather didn't ask and let quietly Xia Fan cultivate.

Time quietly passed and it was possible to see around Xia Fan to dim glow of something indescribable, he passively absorbed it and his body instantly underwent a massive kind of transformation.

His skin got smoother and even temperament of his got more ancient, and although it was not possible to see his silver eyes got deeper and his soul changed color to pure white, even his bones got clearer, and his flesh got tougher

His whole body already pursues towards so-called 'perfection'.

In the evening after Xia Fan cried like little child maids fed him and even his parents came to play with him.

A few months passed,

"Young master, your birthday is soon upon you," said a happy, cute, and cheerful girl with dark black hair to the baby in her hands

The baby in her hands was Xia Fan, with his newly grown black hair and silver eyes already looking a little imposing.

"Hehe, after the young master grows up he will surely be the most handsome man in the Empire," said compliment to Xia Fan, his personal maid, Chen Shu

"Heh, this girl looks so bold if she knew how powerful your body is she wouldn't play with it as a little toy," said in contempt Quickfall

Quickfall was speaking the truth, after a few months of cultivating with 'Primordial Qi' his body was incomparable to before, even Quickfall can't tell how powerful his body truly is.

'Primordial Qi' is truly the most perfect form of Qi, even with only a few months of cultivation his transformation was immense, that if some cultivators got to know of his rising power they would cry at the unfairness of cultivation

"I don't know if I should laugh or cry that you are already flattering baby," came from behind Chen Shu's cold voice

"Ahh" screamed Chen Shu and jumped forward with Xia Fan in her hands.

Behind her were Ma Meili, other Xia Fan's personal maid, and Chen Shu's rival

She had a beautiful face with light blue hair and white her, and even her body was very curvy, it was in stark contrast to Chen Shu's flat chest.

"WAAHH" like a normal baby, Xia Fan started crying aloud

"You, scared young master, Meili," said Chen Shu with wronged

"Hmpf, give him to me I will calm him down," said Ma Meili and took Xia Fan from Chen Shu

After a while of wrecking havoc, Xia Fan finally became quiet again.

"Although that Ma girl has toxic language, her skills with Cold Origin energy to calm emotions down are top-notch in this world," said in praise Quickfall

"Even this can be called skill" answered Xia Fan in a sarcastic tone

"You still hate this girl for calling you 'cry baby', "asked with suppressed laughter Quickfall

When was Xia Fan training how to perfectly cry like a child he cried a lot, so when Ma Meili was with him alone she called him 'cry baby', from that moment Xia Fan holds against her unspeakable grudge against her

"We must clean young master for today's dinner so he will look like the most perfect baby," said Chen Shu

Today will Xia Fan's parents introduce him to a few close relatives, so like his personal maids must Ma Meili and Chen Shu prepare him for this family dinner.

"I am not one who plays with him all the time, I already brought a few child outfits to wear you are going to be one to try them on him," said Ma Meili with an arrogant tone

"What?? so fast?" blurted out Chen Shu when she saw her bring out gorgeous child outfits for Xia Fan

Between Chen Shu and Ma Meili there are always a few little fights because Ma Meili doesn't like Chen Shu, Empress tried to calm it down, but Ma Meili always completes her tasks perfectly so there isn't anything to pick, so she simply let it go.

After a while of trying a few outfits, they chose the most perfect possible outfit for Xia Fan and prepared him for family dinner.

"Are you excited Fan?" asked Quickfall

"Excited? we are only meeting a few weaklings how excited can I be from that get" answered him simply Xia Fan