Family dinner

After a few minutes of waiting, to Xia Fan's room, which was newly chosen and was no longer one of Empress's rooms, came to take him to his parents.

"You made him look too cute, Chen and Ma," said sweetly Xia Liling, Fan's mother

Both maids were bowing to Emperor and Empress and nodded at her praise with happiness.

He was wearing a black robe with golden dragons on it, it was meant to show his majesty as a prince, but it made him only look cuter.

Although it was hard to see, with his deep silver eyes he was looking at the world with inborn arrogance and hidden disdain.

The emperor and empress left his room with him and went toward one of the big halls in the palace, the hall was guarded by guards in golden armor and fierce looks in their lives, it looked like if someone would attack this hall they would not let him leave alive.

Every imperial guard is trained in special techniques meant to multiply their power when they are in each other's company, so their power can exceed their cultivation level.

The emperor and empress carry him and went towards the hall, when guards saw them coming they immediately bowed and greeted them.

The emperor and empress nodded and went inside with him.

The hall from inside looked beautiful, it was decorated with many paintings and statues, in the middle was a big table with many chairs, there were already sitting some people here.

On the right side in the middle sat an old man with a sharp look in his eyes, he had silver eyes and white hair, and although he looked old, it was possible to see that when he was young he was pretty handsome.

Around him sat a few other men and women, with many of them having the same silver eyes, it is not hard to guess that they are family.

The old man was Jia Peng current patriarch of the Jia family, a family of Xia Liling, Fan's mother, one of the notable traits of the Jia family is their silver eyes, but not every one of their family has them it is decided by the purity of their bloodline

Opposite the Jia Peng was another old man, with a cold look in his eyes and a white imperial robe and simple jade crown on his head.

He was Xia Weizhe, previous emperor of the Darkcold empire and father of Xia Huang, grandpa of Xia Fan.

He was famous for his great strategies, and his ruthlessness against everyone opposing the Xia family, he even killed a few noble families of the Darkcold empire, and he got the nickname 'Noble slayer', even in his retirement he still brings great fear to noble families of Darkcold empire.

Around him were a few middle-aged people of the Xia family.

When the groups saw Xia Fan with his parents coming they started greeting them.

"HAHAHA, so this is my little grandson," said happily Jia Peng with a laugh when he saw Xia Fan, in Xia Liling's hands

"Father, although I know you see little Fan for the first time, you should not make such a big deal of it" when Xia Liling heard her father's loud laugh she could not help it and reprimanded him

Even if Jia Peng was a great expert at Origin core realm he still feared his genius daughter.

When was Xia Liling small, she was the biggest talent in Jia's family and her cultivation rose like a rocket, now she is 40 years old, and with Origin sea realm cultivation, higher cultivation higher lifespan, and slower aging.

Although Xia Fan's father is too considered a genius and young, he is already more than a hundred years old.

In Azure Cloud, Heaven world cultivators have a longer lifespan, but only mortals live a few decades, on average it is 60 years, but an average cultivator can live up to a hundred years

Strong cultivators can live thousands of years and the higher the cultivation realm, the higher lifespan they have and the more powerful they are.

The Xia Weizhe when saw Xia Fan nodded in acknowledgment, and said "He already has the temperament of a young emperor, but one isn't enough you must make more"

When the emperor and empress heard they felt embarrassed, and even other family members felt embarrassed for them.

The emperor Xia Huang is a bit special case among emperors because he only has one wife.

Twenty years ago when was Xia Huang one of the princes vying for the throne, he got tremendous help from Jia's family, it is because of that, that he promised to have only one wife and that was at that time young lady Jia Liling.

Xia Huang wasn't the best candidate for emperor, his background from his mother's side wasn't strong enough to compete with other sides, if want to call 'compete', his mother was one of the concubines of Xia Weizhe, the only special thing about her was that she was at Origin Sea realm and was a beauty.

So when the emperor was young he didn't have fantasies about becoming emperor, but more about how to survive the cruel way to the crown, on one of his travels outside the empire he met with Jia Liling and they both fell in love.

They even both got fortuitous encounters and both benefited, although Xia Huang most when they returned Jia family after some negotiations they helped Xia Huang to become emperor.

With his cultivation base at that time Origin Core realm, he suppressed all other princes and became emperor of the Darkcold empire.

His tale to the crown can be called legendary too.

Even if it was hard to tell some middle-aged men on Xia Weizhe's side were looking at Xia Fan's father with resentment, and why? Because they were princes competing for the throne when from god knows where Xia Huang rose and simply took the crown for himself.

Although they are full of resentment, they don't hate Xia Huang because the royal family must be united to repel all enemies from inside or outside

There are a lot of sects or kingdoms, even empires that fell because of internal problems, they would be heavily punished for even trying little revenge against Xia Huang.

"Ehm, father I still have a long lifespan I can somehow manage it, and maybe there will be more so you should not fear, in the worst case little Fan will sacrifice himself," said with a laugh Xia Huang.

It was possible to see grievance from his wife on his side, and although Xia Fan was still little not even a year old child, he can feel some kind of rage from him.

"Little Fan being angry because of me? No, it is impossible he is still not even a year old" thought Xia Huang when he felt rage from Xia Fan

"HAHA, he wants to use you like a breeding machine" was inside of Xia Fan laughing Quickfall when he heard his father speak

"I will soon make sure that I get rid of one father of this body," said in fierce resolution Xia Fan when he looked at Xia Huang who was warmly laughing with other family relatives.

"You must sacrifice yourself to a greater good, maybe you renew some 'Primordial race'" was laughing at the absurdity of the matter Quickfall when Quickfall heard that Xia Fan lost most of his power he started to make jokes about Xia Fan again like it was his second nature.

"DO YOU WANT TO FEEL AGAIN THE FEELING OF BEING TOYED WITH YOUR KARMA? HUH" said now enraged Xia Fan, every talk about 'Primordial race' was his reverse scale.

Xia Fan created a new method of punishing Quickfall, it is through karmic threads, he grabs his karmic threads from his worst moments in past and lets him relive them for while.

It has the benefit of strengthening Quickfall's mind, but at what price?

During the time that Xia Fan and Quickfall were bickering, the family meeting went smoothly till the moment when came to talk about the border with the central continent.

A long time ago ancient continents were split into five parts and each was lost across an endless ocean, but it is said that the central continent is the most prosperous, and the second is a northern continent which is the Darkcold empire's continent

The so-called 'border' is the sea area where it is most dangerous, there are too many sea demonic beasts, in the deepest parts they are ruled by Origin Transcendence demonic beasts, that hate humans.

To travel from one continent to another continent with a low cultivation base is an almost impossible task, for Northern continent inhabitants, it isn't worth it, although the concentration of best resources is higher on the central continent, it is only for high-level cultivators.

For weak cultivators is the northern continent enough and is even peaceful in comparison to the chaotic central continent, because only one faction rules the Northern continent, on the central continent there are many sects that compete for supremacy.

"So how we will decide on matter central continent invading our north," said coldly Xia Weizhe.

Under this simple family, dinner was a hidden big matter which concerns the fate of many people from the north and central continent.

The Xia family with other allies must act quickly to suppress any types of invasions from the central continent and as a current family, the Empress Jia family is the main ally.