Central continent invasion, talent

"So how we will decide on a matter of the central continent invading our northern continent," asked coldly Xia Weizhe

"We should suppress everything connected to central continent culture and attack on seeing someone with high-cultivation and unclear background," said with fierce resolution and sharp gaze Jia Peng, grandpa of Xia Fan

Although 'attack on seeing' can be called tyrannical and cruel, but at the moment central continent tried to travel in big numbers, to the northern continent, and they started a war with Xia's family over supremacy of the northern continent.

Even if they wanted to start trading or other business they would first contact the rulers of the continent, the Xia family, now it can only mean they disregarded their rule of the northern continent.

It is even possible they united with opposing sects to bring down Xia's rule of the continent, 'Slumbering Ghost sect' is one of the factions opposing Xia's rule, sects that tried to assassinate Xia Fan.

"But can we compete with the whole central continent?" asked worried Xia Liling

"Heh, don't fear although they traveled in big numbers to our continent, it doesn't mean the central continent united, with the way they are it is impossible, so it can only mean one of the greedy big sects tried to leave the continent to a better place for them," said old sly fox Xia Weizhe

"Why cannot the central continent be united," asked Xia Liling innocent question

"Because of type of rule they have, on the central continent, no empire or kingdom could survive long enough, only sects have the oldest history, with exception of new sects, sects stand on one of the sides so-called 'good' or 'evil', and even alliances of both factions have conflicts between each other,

Evil faction propagates sacrifices, killing, and even acts to get power in the quickest way, in opposition good faction propagates protection mortals and establishing laws on behalf of heaven, and stable rise of power," explained Xia Weizhe and continued

"Each side has its merits and demerits, in the case of 'evil' it is easy to get power and high cultivation, but as time passes many problems arise like shorter lifespan and stagnation of cultivation, it is hard to get allies and everything is based on getting most for oneself

In the case of 'good', the merit is stable cultivation and high lifespan and reputation amongst mortals and even alliance whole is more stable, but problem is that it is almost impossible to rise in power because everything good is in hands of strong families and sects, so if someone is born with weak background and bad talent, he can never rise. " ended explanation Xia Weizhe

Even a few older people were enlightened after hearing the former emperor's explanation about the central continent.

"Which sect or at least from which faction they attack?" asked Jia Peng because his information wasn't good as the former emperor's

"I don't know which sect, but their unstable Origin energy cultivation can only mean that they are from 'evil faction'," said Xia Weizhe his guess.

"Because of their quick rise of cultivation their Origin energy can't adapt for that kind of quick rise?" asked Xia Huang

"Yes and no, it doesn't matter even if their cultivation rises slowly because if they use some evil Origin art like a sacrifice to unknown entities or cultivators, or simply refine other cultivators and mortals, their Origin energy will be more and more chaotic" answered him Xia Weizhe

"But we don't fear that much even if whole evil faction wants to attack our continent because our powers are about the same, strongest person in both factions is at Origin Transcendence, and even if they attacked our continent fully, they would never get past area ruled by sea monsters." said with smirk Xia Weizhe

The family asked a few questions and then finally matter came to celebrate.

"When I for the first time saw Xia Fan I already saw great emperor in him," said in praise of Xia Fan his grandpa Xia Weizhe, even Xia Huang was a bit astonished because his father doesn't give praise often.

"Do you understand why to cultivate, to not become some kind of pet for such people" tried to say Quickfall words filled with inspiration

"What 'why cultivate' I am fucking older than you," said in disdain Xia Fan at an attempt of Quickfall sounding like a great expert

"Hehe, your choice because of my experience I already know what is coming for you," said with suppressed laugh Quickfall

At moment Xia Fan got a dreadful feeling from his grandpa Weizhe.

"So when we talked about making more Xia descendants should we choose some fiancé for little Fan," said with a hint of a smile Xia Weizhe

That thing on Xia Weizhe's face which everyone recognized as a harmless smile to Xia Fan like a smile of someone who killed Trillions of living beings.

"I heard that Marquess house of Ye had a daughter born with Heaven grade talent, and I think they should contribute with new blood to the royal family," said Jia Peng with a somewhat smiling

Some time ago Patriarch Ye's family boasted about his peerless granddaughter with Heaven grade talent, and many families were envious because such talent comes once a few hundred years to family.

It is known that the Jia family and the Ye family don't have a good relationship because they stand on opposing factions in the imperial court, they are on the Yang family's side.

There are even rumors about planning to marry their daughter to the young master of the Yang family, so Jia Peng speaking about the Ye family girl means only making trouble for them.

"Um, I think that the Yang family start to harbor some unknown motives against the empire it would be good to suppress them a bit," said with a laugh Xia Huang, Fan's father

"So it is decided Ye family girl will become little Fan's fiancé, the matter will be brought to Ye family patriarch at the imperial court hearing," said Xia Weizhe to Xia Huang, emperor of Darkcold empire

"After some time we should prepare a ceremony for measuring Xia Fan's talent grade," continued Xia Weizhe

"From little Fan's inherited characteristics it can be said that his bloodline is pure so his talent cannot be lower than earth grade," said Xia Liling

From people's characteristics which they inherited it is possible to guess how related they are so when Xia Fan inherited the Jia family eyes and Xia family black hair and even his temperament is similar to Xia's imperial

Talents can often be inherited from strong people, in the case of Jia and Xia's family strong people are the first ancestors, who were born with great talent or got it some other way.

Both families got great talent nurturing techniques for their family inherited talents, in some rare cases can talent fully return to an ancestor or even exceed an ancestor, it needs a great deal of luck or great cultivation base.

Xia's family's inherited talent is called 'Darksky cold' it is two element talent with ice and dark element. It is a peerless talent for darkness and ice techniques and even in a fight user of talent gets the great benefit of being more powerful at night or in cold places.

Jia's family talent is called 'Thousands eyed Snake's gaze" it is a great talent for eye techniques and has a terrifying effect when looked inside eyes, it greatly boosts illusion, stun, and gazing techniques, but the difference between 'Darksky cold' is that this talent is heaven grade, though at the absolute peak, only with someone of the blood breaking to Origin Transcendence realm, can this talent get an upgrade.

Ye family's daughter was the only one born with a Heaven grade Ye family, but the same cannot happen to the Jia family because their talent is already too great, and the only way is to get strong power enough to push the grade up, it can happen with Origin Transcendence expert being born or inheriting blood of someone strong.

But what is an Origin Transcendence expert? It is the absolute ruler of Azure Cloud Heaven, a number of such people can be counted on two hands. If someone from Jia's family got to the Origin Transcendence realm it would be taken as treason against Xia's family.

So to Jia family's only hope is for someone with the blood of Xia and Jia to become the next Origin Transcendence expert, but in sixty years thousand years of the Darkcold empire only one who was in the Origin Transcendence realm was Founder 'Darkcold Supreme'.

So Jia's family doesn't have fancy hopes about Xia Fan becoming an Origin Transcendence expert but rather getting more power for the Jia family.

When Fan's family talked about his talent he talked about it too with Quickfall.

"I have some inherited talent?" asked Xia Fan

"Yes, it's that little black ice in some corner of your soul," answered him Quickfall

"That thing is talent? I thought it was some kind of disease, I planned to purge after some time," said Xia Fan

"Although it looks horrible it should help you with natural control of dark and ice elements," said him Quickfall

"Can I not give it simply some 'Primordial Qi', so it will look better," asked Xia Fan when he looked at that weird black ice

"Normally in the cultivation world, talent grade rises if you give it some higher kind of energy, so when you said that 'Primordial Qi' is the highest kind of energy, it should be possible," said after some thought Quickfall

"Let's give it try" answered Xia Fan and called upon his reserves of 'Primordial Qi', although Xia Fan was born only a few months ago his amount of 'Primordial Qi' can be called astonishing.

He gave the very little amount to 'black ice' floating inside his soul, who started looking excited.

When 'black ice' got a little bit of 'Primordial Qi', it stopped for a moment, although 'black ice' was non-living it looked like it had gotten enlightened, if it was a living being it could describe what it saw.

At first, it saw a thing which looked like nothing, it was the beginning of all, after some time it split up and then from that thing were derived many things light and dark, water and fire, even some thing which looked very similar to him it was very cold ice if it could be called simply 'cold'.

When it looked at that ice it then skipped to other scenes it saw that ice split and more types of ice were created from it some very cold and some not much cold.

It then saw some very dark and cold ice that looked like its ancestor, if ice could have some descendants it would its ancestor.

That very dark ice was floating above nothing less, and although 'black ice' was cold itself even, in comparison to that very dark ice it was nothing.

It looked like very dark ice was freezing everything, it froze time, it froze space, it froze all elements and laws, it froze all kinds of Qi, and it was being nourished by darkness itself and the coldness of space.

After some time 'black ice' saw great saw some indescribable great being coming to that very dark ice to take, but it rebelled it didn't want to be taken by that being so it attacked that being.

It was a battle that could be described as world-shattering, from that came many peerless arts some of which transformed into the great demonic beast which tried to restrain ice, but it didn't yield and very soon started its strong retaliation.

Even that being was soon overwhelmed by the coldness of that ice, ice started to expand more and more it was being supported by darkness itself and slowly devoured the being attacking it.

After a while was only hardly possible to see the frozen remnants of that bold being.

When 'black ice' saw that peerless battle it wanted to become the same as that ice who fought fearlessly, so it tried to mimic it

It tried to freeze everything too with help of 'Primordial Qi', and soon enough space around it got many times colder, it looked like when beast returned to its ancestral blood. Imperfections in itself slowly repaired and it has gotten darker.

It started to freeze everything that came close to it, and although it looked still like ice, a fierce aura was felt around it.

"You gave it some steroids," said Quickfall when it saw quickly transforming 'black ice'

"What is a steroid? I gave it only a little of 'Primordial Qi' i don't know what happened to it" it was unknown to two what happened to 'black ice' when it got 'Primordial Qi'

"So it should be upgraded what is its name, grade, and what it does" asked many questions Quickfall

"Oh, now it is named 'Dao defying Dark Ice', its grade is Dao Origin, and it can Freeze all elements and Laws, it gets great protection from darkness, and it can call upon great power of darkness in danger," said Xia Fan

"HELL? did you upgrade Divine grade talent till Dao Origin grade? Why you didn't give some 'Primordial Qi' Too?" asked Quickfall in disbelief

"You are powerful enough, maybe sometime in the future," said with delight Xia Fan at Quickfall

"Wait if I got upgraded talent shouldn't my whole family get it?" asked Xia Fan

"You are right." with a thoughtful expression on its gray shadowy face said Quickfall

Somewhere unknown,

A handsome man with black hair was sitting in a very cold place and calmly meditating.

"I feel some kind of great premonition" mumbled the quietly handsome man

Suddenly he quickly opened his eyes and tried to look inside his soul in place of his talent, his talent started to suddenly change, his talent looked like black ice his greatest pride, and it slowly started to get darker and colder, TOO MUCH COLDER.

For a moment on man's face showed a struggling expression and then it returned to a normal blank expression.

"'Dao defying Dark Ice'? Dao Origin? it can Freeze all elements and Laws, it gets great protection from darkness, and it can call upon great power of darkness in danger?" mumbled with a blank expression

Suddenly his expression became distorted and crazed and started shouting.

"TALENT UPGRADE!! TALENT UPGRADE!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAH" laughed so hard and even excited expression was beyond comprehension.

"WITH THIS IMMORTAL PATH WILL OPEN TO ME!! I DARKCOLD SUPREME XIA TIAN WILL BECOME IMMORTAL RULING THIS WORLD" shouted so hard that the whole region trembled and his voice traveled miles away, pity that in this place no one lives.