Talent upgrade

After a while of laughing and making the whole region tremble man finally calmed down and started thinking calmly

"Talent upgrade, how can it happen to me? Most probable is that it didn't come from me, maybe my family gave birth talent of some prodigy or someone got great treasure?" was mumbling to himself Xia Tian, Darkcold Supreme

"Dao Origin level talent must be above Divine level, but immortals power is so exaggerated? What is even Law? Some kind of power which Immortals use?," was having this kind of questions Xia Tian because in his knowledge he knew only talents grades up to Divine level, but legend says that there exist levels for Immortals.

After some time of musing, Xia Tian decided to try his newly upgraded talent, so he went outside and flew in the air.

"I hope it will show me the might of Immortals," said with an excited expression, he then raised his hand and the power of his talent gathered with his Origin energy gathered in his hand.

From his hand arose a very dark piece of ice, it changed the environment around Xia Tian, the light started to slowly disappear and darkness got deeper color, it was possible to see miles away from this now place without light.

The man with a careful expression let the piece of ice shard fall slowly fall down from his hand, when was shard falling it was freezing everything around him air, light, and birds, the only thing which was not freezing was Xia Tian and Darkness itself.

Although it was not possible to Xia Tian to see with his low cultivation, many unknown rules were slowly freezing too, although the difference between other things that were freezing could struggle because of Xia Tian's low cultivation base, he could not freeze law itself.

When the ice shard fell on the ground, the whole environment instantly drastically changed, every piece of land disappeared and in its place suddenly appeared a dark ice region, every tree, animal, stone, and hill, became a piece of that ice, and even the perception of distance and time got warped in this place.

The now very astonished Xia Tian was blankly looking under himself and thought "This thing can still be called talent? I only used about 20% of its full power!!"

More Xia Tian looked at what he did more astonished he became, and after a while, he thought " If I got a talent upgrade should my descendants get it too?" when he thought about it a little more he got scared if his family members got talent upgraded too will they destroy accidentally the whole empire?

When this terrifying thought got to his mind he instantly started flying like his life was on line toward empire.

"Please, Please, don't try this talent at empire it took me so many thousands of years to build" when he more thought about it Xia Tian became more depressed and his speed got faster.

The empire royal palace, In one of the big halls for eating

At the moment family members were having a great time, after discussing about the serious matter, central continent invasion and everyone enjoyed themself.

"I don't know why, but I have some feeling that something big is going to happen soon," said Xia Weizhe

"Father, you maybe think too much about the central continent, didn't you say that even if the whole central continent started the war on us they would have a hard time?" said Xia Huang to his worried father

"I don't think it is something with the central continent, maybe more with our family, and I trust my instincts because without them I would have a long time ago died," said seriously Xia Weizhe

A few seconds later when every other bloodline member of Xia got a bad feeling too, one of the middle-aged on Xia Weizhe's side fell with a cry on the floor, then screamed, slowly started falling other people on the ground too, and the atmosphere around the hall was slowly getting colder

In a few seconds, even emperor Xia Huang and former emperor Xia Weizhe fell on the floor with low cries coming from them

"Dear, what is happening?" other people around them started to help them, some members who have married in-law to Xia's family didn't fall on the floor and Jia's family members were fine.

Xia Fan's mother was scared too when she saw her husband fall on the floor and even the old emperor who was Origin Saint realm cultivator.

"Go, help them and call for healers and wake up sleeping ancestors!" said with a strong tone Jia Peng, father of Xia Liling

In a few minutes when were other people at dinner trying to help people who fell on the floor, healers, and information about how even sleeping ancestors collapsed came too.

"How can almost every member of Xia get injured at the same time?" asked worried Jia Peng

"Maybe someone targets the bloodline of Xia and people who haven't got pure-blood enough are fine, or something happened to founding ancestor," said scared Xia Liling who felt the coldness of the room

"It is a fine, huff, huff, huff" was breathing heavily Xia Weizhe who

"What happened?" asked Jia Peng

"I think our talent got upgraded to a higher grade," said something astonishing Xia Weizhe

The meaning of Xia Weizhe is unbelievable, Xia's family talent is Divine grade, if that talent rise ranks again it can only mean that it got to the ranks of talents of Immortals.

What is Immortal? It is being able to live an unbelievable amount of time, some said it is that realm is named Immortal because they have an endless lifespan, some said that their lifespan isn't unlimited, but is countless times higher than Origin Transcendence realm.

The limit of the Origin Transcendence realm lifespan is one hundred thousand years without some peerless treasure or technique, for ordinary people is Origin Transcendence realm expert already Immortal, but for cultivators, it is a strong expert who will perish after sometime

Meaning of talent Divine grade is that, with help of talent they can forcibly barge to a higher cultivation level, it is one reason for the value of talents.

Someone with mortal grade talent can cultivate up Origin Foundation establishment realm without bottleneck, but when they try to break through from that realm they can only rely on their accumulation of Origin energy, comprehension, or great treasures and medicines.

It is one of the reasons that people cultivate Origin energy with soul or body cultivation path because their talent in Origin energy cultivation isn't enough for them breakthrough, but if they have body or soul strong enough it will give them immense help.

Although there exists some help from talents in soul and body cultivation, it isn't that much exaggerated like in Origin energy cultivation, and people without strong talent can fight against those with strong talents.

But people with strong talent, if they cultivate, can become experts easily.

With Mortal grade talent although they will not easily breakthrough to the Origin Sea realm with enough accumulation and little push from their body or soul cultivation path they will breakthrough, but only with a strong soul or body cultivation path they will breakthrough to the Origin core realm and even upgrade their talent

Earth grade talent will have an easy time becoming Origin sea realm cultivator, but a little harder to become Origin core realm expert. Heaven-grade talent will have an easy time becoming Origin core realm expert, but a little harder becoming the Origin transformation realm expert. Divine grade easily can become Origin Transformation powerhouse, but little harder to become Origin Saint realm powerhouse.

Because Xia's family has Divine grade talent with which anyone with enough purity of Xia's bloodline and hard work will become an Origin Transformation expert and they even have most Origin Saints within the Northern continent.

If their talents get to a higher level they will become, easily Origin Saints and many of them will breakthrough into the Origin Transcendence realm and their Founder with enough luck will have a big chance to become Immortal.

Even Xia's family ally Jia Peng was getting a little too suspicious about their talent getting upgraded because methods to get talent upgrade are almost impossible to use at Divine grade.

"But how can it happen so suddenly?" asked astonished Jia Peng without asking about his talent, because although it gets to a higher grade it will still be the same Dark and Ice element talent.

"Huff, maybe great ancestor got enlightened and had a breakthrough," said now recovering Xia Huang

"BREAKTHROUGH?" now was everyone totally blown up because Xia's grand ancestor's breakthrough can only be toward one realm.

IMMORTAL! only Immortal breakthrough can level up Divine grade talent, although it is unknown what happens when someone breakthroughs to Origin Immortal realm, but talent upgrade is possible.

When was everyone having their own thoughts about this matter, every member who fell on the floor was slowly getting up and recovering.

"We should not rashly use talent and wait for ancestors to explain what happened," said with an unquestionable tone Xia Weizhe

"Yes, former emperor," said quickly everyone who got talent upgraded with stars in their eyes.

Everyone who got their talent upgraded was immensely excited because it means they can with little hard work become Origin saints with Tens of thousands of years of lifespan.

After a few minutes of waiting, from the ancestral hall was possible to see some flying people with astonishing auras coming here.

"Is everyone alright?" asked an old man with grey hair in white robes flying above them

"Yes, ancestor but does anyone know what happened?" said Xia Weizhe

"We too are helple-

"DON'T EVEN DARE TO FUCKING USE THAT TALENT OR I WILL TEAR YOU TO PIECES" from miles away was heard the desperate voice of a man

It was a few seconds possible to see a flying handsome man with a worried and a little relieved expression on his face when he saw the royal palace still standing.

"Huh, everything looks okay" mumbled to himself Xia Tian

Yes, that desperate voice was from Xia Tian who was for the past few minutes flying at his maximal speed toward the royal palace in the capital city, he was already imagining coming here and seeing only a big dark frozen area with a whole massacred city.

"What happened father?" asked the old man who asked Xia Weizhe a question, it was Xia Tian own son, although it looks like he was Xia Tian's father.