Let's Escape 3 (part 1)


The young Carlyx was with his friends. They were playing baseball. He was indulged in the game that he lost the track of time. It was nearly sunset. He had to return home before his mom finds out. He opened up his phone to check time. It was nearly sunset. There was not a call from home yet so it means mom hadn't found out yet. He was relieved that he will return home safe and sound without anyone knowing. The game has ended now and it was time to return home. He greeted his friends and took his path.



Carlyx was standing in front of his home. He thought to sneak in from the front door. He went near the entrance, the door is usually closed. He took extra keys of main entrance door before leaving home as he had already planned to come back from the main door instead of back door or any window. He realized that the entrance door was slightly opened. He was a bit taken back by this fact that why the door was opened. The reason of being a little bit surprised was that Mr.Martin who is Carlyx's dad had ordered every one in the house not to open the main door for any reason. Carlyx also wanted to know that why his dad has made them shift in a new house so suddenly out of nowhere and why he is not letting any person out of home, saying that it's dangerous outside. Only his dad goes out of home for working purposes.

He went near the door with silent steps. He peaked inside. He could hear some un familiar voices. He went inside with inaudible steps. He hid behind a sofa in the lobby. He saw some unfamiliar figures standing there. There were 3 unknown men standing there. His mom and dad were standing beside each other in front of those unknown men. His elder brother Felix was standing behind his parents near the staircase. He decided to stay quite and watch all the drama. He started hearing the conversation silently.

"The three of you deserve a vulnerable death, you don't have any right to stay alive." He could hear his dad screaming these words. He flinched a little because of those loud words.

"It was your fault that you messed with us." The guy wearing goggles said in a calm tone.

Carlyx did not know what they were talking about. He was clueless about all the situation.

"What do you think Austin should we leave him or send him to heaven." The same guy spoke up.

"I guess he has had enough of his life and love, he should die. Anyways soon he's going to be called a coward by this ruthless world." The so called Austin spoke these words.

Austin ordered to the two men standing beside him, "Clayton and Freddie can you please handle the lady and the young son? Let me finish this game silently."

The two men standing beside him took their guns out.