"Let's Escape 3 (part 2)

Clayton and Freddie took out their guns and pointed them towards the woman and the young guy. Carlyx couldn't process anything. He did not know what moves to take. He couldn't risk anyone's life. The atmosphere was becoming scary.

Clayton who was wearing goggles took hold of the lady with his strong grip. While the other guy who must be Freddie ran towards Felix. He held both hands of Felix and twisted them at back with his one hand while pointed the gun at his forehead with his other hand.

Austin took his steps towards Martin and stood right in front of him. The silence was getting deeper and deeper. Carlyx was still watching all this in his hidden state. His heart beat was increasing continuously. Austin took out his gun and pointed it towards Martin.

"Don't you dare to touch him." The loud scream from Carlyx's mom, Anne, was heard. Clayton pointed his gun at Anne's neck.

"If I hear any other word from your mouth, this bullet won't wait to pierce through your beautiful throat." Clayton mumbled these words near Anne's ear. Anne started sobbing.

Carlyx wanted to run towards his mom and save her but it obviously will go squander as all of them were armed and they might harm anyone of his family members if they get angry.

"Let's finish this game. You must be tired now Mr.Martin." Austin said in low audible voice while looking straight into Martin's eyes.

Martin was full of anger. His veins were popping out that could be seen on his folded sleeved arms. Martin made a strong fist. He punched Austin right on his face.

"You took my everything, my reason to live, you filthy bastard." Martin shouted his lungs out.

The punch was so full of power that blood started dribbling from his lips. Austin took his first two fingers near his lips. He felt a liquid there and acknowledged it was his blood. He first looked at the blood on his fingers then took his eyes up to look at his opponent. Austin smirked while looking into Martin's eyes.

"I did not plan any deception, our game was totally separate from this mess, it had no link with this shit. But now I am even more eager to take from you what's mine." Austin said while picking up the gun from floor that fell earlier because of the punch he received.