Let's escape 3 (part 3)


"Forget it already." Martin roared at Austin. He took his hand under his shirt and took out his gun.

"Both of you stop this. Kill me instead. I am the one who should be dead." Anne yelled at both of the men standing in front of her. The tears were brimming out of her. Her eyes were so red, that it seemed like blood will be seen coming out anytime.

"You stay out of this matter. STAY AWAY....." Martin shouted his lungs out glaring at Anne.

She tried to free herself from Clayton's grip but she did not have enough strength left.

Carlyx was watching all this being concealed, he was thinking what he should do. Young Carlyx's mind was not able to give any kind of suggestions or ideas. A timorous persona of him was stopping him to take his steps forward.

That place seemed like hell to each of them present over there. Those moments were scariest and deadliest to each of them. They have never thought to see each other in such miserable states.

"Let's end this." Martin said these petrifying words. He raised his gun and pointed it towards Austin.

After a few moments of dark silence a loud bang was heard. Everyone's heart skipped a beat. The bullet left Martin's gun. As assumed it will hit the person he aimed at. The bullet pierced through Austin's chest.

Austin started to feel an excruciating pain in his chest area. He felt numb at the area where the bullet entered his body. The blood started oozing out from his chest. His white button up shirt could be seen turning red. He fell on the tiled floor creating a loud thud sound. He was then lying on the floor and was still conscious. He was just near blacking out. Soon the red liquid was coming out of his mouth. He tried to say something but the pain and the numbness wouldn't let him say a word. He gathered all his strength just to say these words,

"This secret will open up one day, he will know the truth later or sooner. Tell them I will always love both of them." He said these words as tears started coming out of his eyes. The words were barely audible but Martin and Carlyx who was hidden near him both of them were able to hear his last words of the day.

We always remember the people we love the most when, we are in severe pain or the moment we are falling apart. They are not with us physically but they live in the dark basements of our hearts with us every time and the pain is often the key to the doors of such basements. Bad or good, evil or virtuous all of them have these basements and all of them open them up unconsciously letting the people inside those basements hurt them more. This hurting of them might break you into million pieces but you want them to hurt you again and again.

Clayton could not see his elder brother and a best friend dying like this. He loosened his grip on Anne and pointed his gun towards someone near him.