MAFIA: The Young Devil

Carlyx was in an awe by all the words that Aaron was speaking.

"Shut up it is not like what you are thinking." Carlyx snapped back at Aaron.

"Then will you bother giving me an explanation for what this hair is doing on your shirt?" Aaron questioned while folding his hands in front of the accused.

Carlyx was not obliged to give an explanation to Aaron. But he has been his childhood friend and most precious to him. Aaron acts like his dad sometimes and Carlyx doesn't mind his actions.

More over if Carlyx wouldn't give any reason, Aaron will always bring up this topic to tease him again and again.

Carlyx pondered for a while that how this hair came on to his shoulder. He realized that when he went close to hazel to get the keys of car out from the pocket of his jacket, at that moment, his shoulder brushed her hairs. May be that's when a hair must have fallen on his shoulder.

"Actually, I ran into a small accident." Carlyx said looking at Aaron.

"What is the connection of a woman's hair with an accident sir?" Aaron said while raising his head.

"Hey why are you so dumb, I just stumbled and got hit into a lady. Maybe that's when a hair might have fallen onto my shoulder. What do you think? Did I hugged a woman or something?" Carlyx said as he raised his voice and got a bit closer to Aaron.

Aaron smirked while looking straight into Carlyx's eyes.

"How can I believe a person like you. Uh hun! not a person but I should call you a player. People like you say they are praying in a church, but actually they are preying in a strip club." Aaron said giving a mocking laugh.

"What do you mean a person like me, Ary?" Carlyx said in a calm tone while tilting down his head a bit towards his right shoulder and still maintaining the eye contact. He folded his arms and passed Ary aka Aaron a sardonic smile.

"Cally a person like you means, a person who is known as a cold hearted master to the outer world but nobody knows that this master is also known as a "YOUNG DEVIL" in the under world. Oh! and how I forgot to add that this handsome CEO is also one of the top five Mafia's, who is quite ruthless. Will you like to listen some more details,....young devil....?" Aaron said putting his hands on the either sides of his waist. He spoke his words in a calm ironic tone.

"You must be proud of this friend Ary, your only friend is becoming so popular." Carlyx said his words and patted Aaron on his shoulder. Then he turned to sit on the soft couch that was placed in that room.

Both of them then laughed at each other's words.

"Ah I remember, you promised to tell me last time that how you assassinated Freddie, our first prey." Aaron said making a pout.

"Yeah I will tell you today that too with an other exciting news, now hurry up and get a hot coffee." Carlyx ordered taking out his phone.

"Okay Cally...., you sometimes become mine boss too." Aaron said complaining and making his way out from the room.