The Assassination: Part 1

Carlyx was sitting alone in the room. Aaron was in the kitchen to make coffee. As Carlyx was sitting all by himself, different thoughts were coming in his mind like always. The thoughts about what just happened with him recently.

He accidently spilled the coffee on her new business partner, bought her a new shirt. Dropped her home. He was replaying all the scenes in his brain.

"Don't Worry HONEY." These words came into his mind.

"WHAT THE FUCK CARLYX?" He said to him self in a loud voice. His mouth was opened a bit by surprise.

"I said her honey out of no where. She must have thought of me as a playboy. She must have been so uncomfortable this whole time." He thought to himself.

"I literally said those words unconsciously. What she must have thought? You are a total stupid, blockheaded, moronic, foolish, senseless, unintelligent, dull, ignorant, idiotic, obtuse and thickheaded." He scolded himself.

"What happened whom are you scolding now? Who raged up this devil?" Aaron said to Carlyx coming inside the room.

"Umm actually I was scolding Steve, he is not doing good these days?" Carlyx said making an excuse.

"Don't you think you are being hard on him?" Aaron said giving Carlyx his coffee.

Carlyx spared a glance at Aaron and took the hot coffee mug in his hands. There was not a reply from Carlyx. He did not have any other excuse so he kept silent.

"Yeah so, Will you like to describe the assassination of our first prey? You killed him just a few days before my arrival. I was in London, you could have waited for me but it's okay I will spill the left one's blood with my own hands. I know how much desperate you must have been and I won't blame ya." He completed his words and took a sip from the coffee.

"No one has figured out yet that who killed Freddie Bruno. They still think it's a suicide." Carlyx spoke up in his calm tone. He was looking towards the print on the mug. He took the mug in his hand towards his lips to sip the hot liquid that gave his cold body some warmth in the chilling weather.

Carlyx continued with his dark story of revenge after waiting for a moment.

"Five months ago I got to know that Freddie had started loosing a lot in gambling. I decided that this can be the right time to finish his game. I was not wrong. I threw the bait keenly. I started digging more information about him."

He stopped for a while in between his words to take another sip of his coffee.

Aaron was consciously listening to all his words, because he knew what all this meant to Carlyx and him. The bitter patience of 10 years was slowly coming to an end.

The person who shoots the gun is not always the murderer. The person who steals the reason to live, the person who kills you inside is the actual murderer.



"Sir, I have got to know that Freddie is finding someone to lend him some money. He has had massive lost in gambling recently. He might go bankrupt soon."

A familiar voice was heard coming from the phone that was put on the table. The phone was on speaker.

Carlyx was sitting in the study room present in his mansion.

"I was waiting for this beautiful news, Steve." Carlyx smirked after saying his words.

"I will love to help this helpless and needy person." Carlyx said and gave a small laugh.

"What's the order my generous master?" Steve spoke as it could be felt that there was a smile on his face while saying those words.

"Contact Freddie's manager and ask how much is their demand. Remember not to be so obvious. You know how to deal. Don't let anyone else lend him money. We need to get this. Tell me after you contact them and then I will provide you further details." Carlyx explained rubbing his hands at the back of his neck.

"Ok Sir! I will be on work then. I will tell you as soon as I get in contact with them." Steve replied.

"Ok." Carlyx said and hung up on the phone.