The Assassination: Part 2

"Flashback Continues 5 Months Ago"

"The Next Day At Carlyx's Office."



"May I come in?" A voice was heard out from the door of office.

"Yes." Carlyx spoke. He was looking out from the giant glass windows present at the wall behind his desk. The place was totally quite.

"Sir, I have got in contact with Freddie's manager. They require a big sum of money as soon as possible. They require 10 million dollars. When I told them that the amount is being offered by you they accepted the deal. When should I transfer the sum?" Steve spoke after he came in the room.

Carlyx turned his office chair to look at Steve. He had calm expressions on his face.

"Arrange a meeting with them. And contact the lawyer I will add some terms and conditions personally. Moreover tell Freddie's Manager that we will transfer the sum after their boss signs our simple contract." He declared.

"Ok Sir, I will contact them this evening and lawyer will be in your office in an hour." Steve spoke his words.

"You can leave then." Carlyx said in his deep voice.

Steve nodded and turned to leave the office. Soon he disappeared from Carlyx's sight.

Carlyx was now again alone in his office. He was lost in the forest of his thoughts. The desperation to see the blood of the people who killed his loved ones was becoming more and more as each minute passed by.

"Freddie be ready to taste the flavor of death. The way you wanted my dad to be called a coward by this nasty world now you will be the one called. Let this game of revenge begin. Now the three of you will have to face the dreadful circumstances. Be ready." Carlyx said these words as he was clicking the pencil that was present in his his fair veiny hands.

After a few minutes passed by there was a knock on the giant glass door of the office.

"Sir, this is Carter, your lawyer." The person behind the door said.

"Yes. Come in." Carlyx said as he looked towards the door.

A figure of a fine tall man wearing a black suit appeared inside the room. His aura was attractive. He looked quite handsome in that fit. This so called man Carter took his steps towards the desk where Carlyx was sitting. Carlyx stood up from his place and moved his hand forward to shake it with the person standing in front of him. Both of them shaked their hands for some seconds and left each others grip.

"Have a seat Carter." Carlyx said while gesturing with his hands.

"Long time no see. Seems like we are on a mission again." Carter spoke looking at Carlyx's figure.

"Not any ordinary mission, but a big mission. You have to do it more cautiously this time." Carlyx said calmly.

"Seems interesting. We will be on a mission after a long time. What's the order sir." Carter said with a smile on his face.

Carter is one of the most trusted men that work under Carlyx. He has been of a lot of help since the time Carlyx started his work as a mafia. Carter is a lawyer for the outer world but he is also a person who secretly works underworld as a mafia. He accompanies Carlyx in most of his missions.

"First I need you to prepare two contracts. One contract will be a legal contract about taking debt. The other contract will be similar to the first one but the term and conditions will be mine. Make their starting of both documents identical. Add my terms and conditions at two or three points above the place where signatures can be done. Dumb people usually refrain from reading whole contracts." Carlyx explained the work.

"Am I getting the easiest work out of all the men this time. Did you consider my request from last time?" Carter said making a delightful face.

The feeling he had was similar to when a student gets less homework.

"This is just an appetizer Carter. The real work is still left. I have saved the finest work for the finest of my men." Carlyx declared. He smiled sarcastically after declaring his words and maintained the cold expressions on his face"


This is what Carter was feeling. He always gets very difficult tasks. He complains sometimes, but always do his work perfectly and flawlessly.

"How about we increase your pay?" Carlyx said as he understood the tiresome expressions on Carter's face.

"Okay but you can not bribe me next time." Carter said remaking the fresh expressions on his face as before.

Carlyx has treated Carter like his younger brother. Carter was very young when he started working with him. Carlyx knows how it feels when there is a lot of burden on the young shoulders of a person.

"Stalk Freddie Bruno. Give me all the information about his gambling status. Also find out when he will be going for gambling next. Find out the timings when he goes and with whom he goes." Carlyx said with stern expressions on his charismatic face.

"Why didn't you tell me we are going for our first prey. I will be doing it right away. And no need to increase my pay I will be doing this as your younger brother. We will finish those bastards. The time has come. I can't wait anymore." Carter said these words rapidly. Some angry expressions started appearing on his handsome face.

"Calm down Carter, you seem more desperate then me." Carlyx said patting Carter's shoulder.

" How can I calm down. I know it boss, how much you have gone through. I used to see it when you had been alone in your empty office, when you used to cry for hours missing your family. I remember that time when you starved because of those bastards. How can I forget the way you have lived in this scary world and how you have reached here. You got a lot on your plate at such a young age. And I will never let you forgive this. All the things that you have done for me this whole time, no one do it even for their own family members. I am ready to risk my life for you boss." Carter said these overwhelming words to the person who has always been his role model. He said those words like he was delivering some heart touching speech.

"I can never forget all those moments. The people who took away my life, my family from me I will give them a ruthless death. But on the top we should not loose our cool at such an important time. We should do it more cautiously. And Carter thanks a lot for always being there. Thanks." Carlyx mentioned.

"You called me boss two times. I forbade you to say this here as everyone calls me sir at this place. " Carlyx said regaining his cold personality.