The Assassination: Part 4


The bright sun rays were peeking inside the room through dark grey curtains. A few rays hit Carlyx's morning face. He opened his eyes gently revealing his bewitching green orbs. His morning face was a bit puffy seemed like he had a good sleep. He put the duvet off revealing his well-built and fine body. He lay on the bed for a few seconds. Later he got up and sat on his place. He thought about something for a while and then went towards the bathroom to take a quick morning shower.

After taking a quick shower, he came out of the bathroom just wearing a towel on his lower part of the body. He took small steps towards his wardrobe. He took out a grey suit with a white button-up shirt under the coat. He decided not to wear a tie on that day. He chose simple docksides as his shoes. This fit gave him a casual look. His aura was captivating.

He took out his phone and went through his contacts. he called Steve.

"Has the team been assembled by now?" He asked as soon as Steve picked up the call.

"Yes sir, everyone has just arrived," Steve replied in a calm tone.

"It means you still haven't explained the plan to them yet," Carlyx said in his cold stern tone.

Steve understood that he had made Carlyx angry because it was past 1 noon by then and he doesn't like when the work is not done by the time he expected.

"I will be explaining them right away sir," Steve said in a calm tone.

"No need. I am coming there." Carlyx said in his deep voice and hung up on the phone immediately.

He put the phone inside the pocket of his pants. He took his steps towards a wall. That place was close to the main door. There were many hooks on that wall. Different car keys were hanging on all the hooks.

"Which car should I take today?" Carlyx smirked as he mouthed his words.

He worked hard for these luxuries. He was proud of himself. Proud of himself for standing up again and again even if he fell continuously. Proud of himself for not quitting on his dreams. And proud of himself for keeping his promises till now.

He took a car key from one of the hooks. He went out from the main door leaving his gigantic mansion empty.

He went towards his extremely large garage. He entered the passcode and the shutter of the garage opened revealing the most expensive and luxury cars of the time. He pressed a button on the car key. The headlights of his black MASERATI blinked twice. He went near the car and took his right hand forward to open the door.

"Missed me?" He said smiling and seated inside the car. He put the car key inside the ignition switch and drifted the car towards his destination. He turned the car swiftly on the clean and smooth roads. He was enjoying the ride completely as songs were playing in the background.

He soon reached the destination he was supposed to go to. The car halted in a parking lot. He got out of the car and walked towards a small building. It was an old and ordinary hair salon. There were no customers inside yet. He observed from outside that only there were several workers and staff. A worker was sweeping the floor. He went inside and gained everyone's attention. The workers inside greeted him in unison. He nodded his head in response. All the people present there continued their work. Carlyx continued his steps towards a staircase. That staircase was leading down and also there was a sign on the wall where the staircase started. That sign said, "Only staff allowed."

Carlyx was familiar with that place. He went down that staircase. He entered a basement. The basement had some cupboards which contained the staff's materials. He entered a room in that basement.