The Assassination: Part 5

He went towards the only door present in the basement. The sign board on the door defined the room as a changing room for staff. He could not hear any noises from the other side of the door. There was a small un noticeable camera on the top right corner of the door's frame. He stood in front of that door for a few seconds and the door opened automatically. He swiftly got inside and closed the door softly.

It was their secret hideout. There was another basement on the other side of that door. It was completely soundproof. One can not even hear the bang of a gun from outside. No one could ever have imagined what would be lying on the other side of a changing room. That place looked like a working place. The basement was well decorated. It had many departments. A lot of rooms were present in each department or sector. Each room had a different kind of specification. There were many people or so-called men working under the "Young Devil" present at that place.

As soon as he entered the basement everyone stopped doing their business and greeted their boss together in unison. Carlyx nodded them in reply and started walking towards a specific room. The sign that was above the glass door read as "Meeting Room".

Carlyx put his palm on a sensor and the strong glass door opened automatically revealing everything present inside. He entered the so-called meeting room. Everyone present inside stood up and greeted Carlyx. Steve was also present there. Carlyx took his seat in front of the long round glass table like every boss has its specific place. The place that shows that he is the boss here. Everyone took their seats after Carlyx seated.

"Sir, these are all the members of the team you wanted to assemble," Steve spoke the words first.

Carlyx hummed in response.

"You guys know very well why you have been chosen. You are risking your lives for this mission I hope you all are well aware of this fact too. If anyone wants to leave this team then I am giving you a chance right now, because after this there is no turning back. Raise your hand if you want to quit." Carlyx said and there was a complete silence for a minute.

The members that Carlyx chose for the team were worth it. His choices and priorities have always been top class. He felt relieved that non of the members raised their hands to quit the dangerous mission. He made the right choice again.

"Good," Carlyx said and smiled for a second.

There were 4 team members other than Carlyx and Steve.


Age 24

The beautiful lady.

Looks innocent but can stab you.

An expert in martial arts.

Combat skills are exceptional.

Seducing men is her another and important skill.

She has been working with Carlyx for a pretty long time. Probably after one year after he started his work as Mafia. Raven has always accompanied Carlyx on important missions. Carlyx and Raven talk with each other quite informally because they have now known each other for quite a long time and their age difference is very less, they respect each other equally. They used to be good classmates too.


Age 19

He is one of the top hackers that the FBI is in search of.

Used to be the most intelligent student in his academic career.

Pretends to be a nerd and is addicted to Americano.

Is shy and talks less.

Has never disappointed Carlyx in any mission.

He knows well how to use a gun.


Age 25

Is a telepath, that can read others' minds.

Maintains a straight face all the time.

Has extraordinary combat skills.

He wanted to become a Psychiatrist but had to give up because of poor financial conditions and his family.

Carlyx offered him work when he was 20.

Carlyx and Roy sometimes drink together and do deep talks like brothers.


Is a Lawyer for the outer world.

He has quite impressive stalking skills.

Has been with Carlyx for a long time.

He has a good sense of humor.

Always active.

Carlyx only talks to some people which include Aaron and some of the other people that work under him and are pretty close to him because of their pasts. He believes in the people that he chose for his mission. Each of the members chosen for the team has nothing to lose. They have their scary pasts that Carlyx is familiar with.

"We will have two plans. The plan that will be applicable first depends on the situation we are put in." Carlyx continues to explain.

" I will have a meeting with Freddie on Saturday. He will sign the papers, for the debt, he will be taking from me. As he will be taking a huge amount from me he will most probably invite me to a drink or to the casino where he will be doing his next gambling on Sunday. If he invites then we will continue with Plan A, but if he doesn't invite we will carry on Plan B." He explained to the members of the team present in the room. Everyone was listening to him carefully with their minds averted towards his words because they know his anger when someone doesn't pay attention to important details and works.

Carlyx, Steve, Raven, Luis, Roy, and Carter were the members of the team who will carry on the mission to end Freddie's life.

Carlyx explained the master plan to the 5 of them. Some raised their hand occasionally to clear their doubts and he explained them accordingly. Some amendments were made to the plan that was required. The discussion continued for straight 3 hours.

"Meeting ends here. Any further questions?" Carlyx gets up from his place and asked. He put his hands in the pockets of his hands.

A "NO BOSS" was heard in unison.

"OK then contact me personally if a problem comes up and prepare yourself by Sunday," Carlyx said and left the meeting room. Steve followed behind Carlyx.

As soon as he left the room the chitchat started between the members of the group. They were quite good friends and would often hang out together. They continued to discuss the plan.

"This is gonna be amazing." A feminine voice was heard in the room.