The Assassination: Part 6

The girl named Raven spoke and stood up from her place.

"Let's go practice some shooting then," Luis said standing up too.

They all went to a room, it was specified for practicing. They put their hands on the scanners present right beside the doors. The door to the giant room opened up. All of them went inside and started doing their own business.



Carlyx was at the office, doing some of his work. It was 7 pm. The atmosphere of the office was calm. The view from Carlyx's window looked even more stunning in the evening. The busy roads outside and the lights of gigantic buildings and skyscrapers gave a bewitching view. He gets a call from his manager Steve.

He swiped his index finger on the phone's screen to answer the call. "Yes," Carlyx said picking up the call.

"Sir we have a meeting with Freddie at 8. I thought to remind you about it." Steve said on the call.

"I remember. I hope you have got the documents from Carter. Please hand me those documents." Carlyx spoke in his calm stern voice.

"Ok, I will be there in a minute. Anything else?" Steve said in his low voice.

"No," Carlyx said in a calm voice and hung up on the phone.

He continued doing some of his pending work. He was the CEO of the company but still, he had a lot on his plate.

After 5 minutes the door of his office knocked.

"YES," Carlyx spoke and averted his gaze toward the glass door.

It was Steve. He was holding a black colored file.

"Sir I have got the file." He said moving the arm forward to give the file.

Carlyx took the file from his right hand.

"You can leave," Carlyx said being cold like always.

Steve nodded and left the office.

Carlyx opened the file and started reading it. He had an expressionless face while reading but he was still looking charismatic. He read every word with his complete attention. He didn't miss a single detail on the pages he was given. He read those documents twice so that there won't be a single chance of mistake.

After reading those documents he took out his phone and contacted Carter.

"Good work the documents are great. Keep it up, Carter." Carlyx praised Carter as soon as he picked up the call.

"Thank you, boss," Carter spoke as he heard the complementing words.

Carlyx hummed in response to the thank you and switched off the phone.

He put that file on the table. He searched his mind for a while. Different thoughts were lingering in his brain. He opened the drawer of the desk in the front of which he was sitting. He searched the drawer for a few seconds and took a framed picture. It was his and his brother's picture. He looked at it and traced his fingers on his face.

"I will make him taste death too. The way he killed you, tomorrow all those scenes will surely come in front of his eyes and he will surely beg for life. I wish that day you would not have gone there, Felix." Carlyx spoke words in a low inaudible sound. He put that picture again in his drawer and closed it.

He stood up from his seat. He went out of his office to take a round of the building. Everyone was doing their work. He was a bit relieved to think that business has been going quite smoothly lately. He was walking through the corridors with slow steps. Suddenly he gets a call from Steve. He took out the phone and picked up the call.

"Sir the car is ready please come downstairs," Steve spoke on the call.

"Ok," Carlyx said and hung up on the phone.

He went towards the elevator present on the very floor. He took that lift and went to the ground floor. He came out of the elevator and went towards the building's exit. He looked straight and there was a black car waiting for him also Steve was standing alongside it. Carlyx went towards Steve to say something.

"Steve I accidentally forgot that file in my office please can you take that for me?" He spoke in a stable voice.

"Sure, Sir!." Steve said and took fast steps inside the building.

The driver came outside the car and opened the door for Carlyx. As Carlyx sat inside the car in the back seat, the driver closed the door with a very small thud.

Soon after waiting a few minutes, Steve came out from the building holding that file. Steve walked towards the car and sat in the front seat.

"Keep the file I will ask for it when required." Carlyx mouthed his words.

Steve nodded.

"Let's go now," Steve said to the driver.

The driver revved up the car's engine. Soon the car started moving on the smooth road. The BMW's glass windows were black so no one could see the people inside. Carlyx was looking outside the black-tinted windows. He was preparing himself mentally to face one of the murderers of his family. He needed to keep calm in front of that guy. If he did not have a specific plan to give him a scary death, he would have killed that guy on the spot as soon as he would see him. The ride was going completely silent. The meeting was at one of the Casinos owned by Freddie.

After a ride of 30 minutes, the black BMW halted in front of a casino. While Carlyx was inside the car he took out his shades and wore them. He was wearing a black suit. The dark-colored shades were making his pale face look even more gorgeous.

The driver opened the door for him and he got out of the car. Carlyx was standing in front and Steve was behind him.

"Let's go and meet him then," Carlyx spoke and started to walk towards the entrance. Steve followed behind.

Someone was waiting for them at the entrance.

"Hello Sir, I am Freddie Bruno's manager, let me escort you to his office." That man spoke.

Both Steve and Carlyx nodded and followed that man's steps. Soon they reached in front of that office. The person standing beside the door looked like a bodyguard, he opened the door for them. The three of them went inside the office.

As soon as he entered the office he saw a figure that made him feel disgust. They could see Felix's blood on his hands. He wanted to kill that human immediately but he had to keep his calm. He kept a poker face.

Freddie said in a loud voice. "Oh, Mr.Carlyx is here!" He passed a smile. He was sitting on the office chair behind the desk and immediately stood up.

Carlyx came inside and went near Freddie as he also took some steps closer to Carlyx.

"Hello, Mr. Freddie," Carlyx said and shook his hand with those who murdered his brother.

"Nice to meet you. ... Please have a seat," Freddie spoke with a smile.

Carlyx nodded and sat on one of the sofas present in the office.

"Nice to meet you too," Carlyx spoke in a raspy cold voice.

Freddie sat in front of Carlyx on a sofa. Steve sat too along with Freddie's manager. Freddie was in his late 40s but he looked younger than his age.

"I hope you did not have to face any problems while coming to this place," Freddie said looking at Carlyx.

"No, the ride was good," Carlyx spoke up.

"Let's go for dinner then and talk about business there," Freddie said excitedly.

"Yes. of course," Carlyx spoke.

"Max please arrange the food in the private dining room," Freddie said to his manager.

"It seems like I have seen you somewhere before," Freddie said as a grin appeared on his face.

"It seems like you have forgotten the past so easily," Carlyx spoke with a smirk on his thin lips.

"What do you mean?" Freddie said as the smile started fainting on his lips.

"You forgot already. 5 days ago your car crashed in mine accidentally," Carlyx said with poker expressions on his face.

Carlyx took off the glasses he was wearing and put them beside him.

"Oh these green eyes, how can I dare to forget them," Freddie spoke as a laugh escaped his mouth.

Freddie seemed annoying and disgusting to Carlyx but he had to smile in return not to make the situation awkward.

"I am sorry I was a bit harsh that day," Freddie spoke in a low voice. It seemed like he was embarrassed.

"I appreciate your apology." There was an unnoticeable smirk on his face when he spoke these words. Though he appreciated the apology but did not consider accepting it. But Freddie did not bother to rethink the words and considered his appreciation as an acceptance.