The Assassination: Part 8

Carlyx shrugged of his thoughts and picked up the file from the couch.

"It's getting late I should get going now. I will join you tomorrow then." Carlyx said and gave Freddie a hand so his drunk ass can get up from his place.

Carlyx gave the drunk man his shoulder and took him out of the room. Steve and Max were outside standing at a bit distance from the room. Max took his steps swiftly towards Carlyx to take hold of his boss.

"Let's go sir." Max said to Freddie. Freddie started babbling something in his drunk mode.

"We will get going now. Sorry for the situation you just got to face." Max explained.

"No, no its okay. We will also be off now." Carlyx said and giggled.

They nodded towards each other and took their ways.

Carlyx gave file to Steve and winked.

"You got them already?" Steve asked as his face was full of surprise. He was totally shocked and nearly out of his mind by the fact.

"He was an easy target, but we need to be careful tomorrow." Carlyx said loosening up his tie.

"That old pig just ate my mind with his disgusting talks." Carlyx sighed.

Carlyx and Steve moved towards their car at the parking area. They reached near the car and driver came out to open the door for Carlyx.

"He signed his death on these papers with his own hands. Keep this file safe at all costs." Carlyx said and glanced at Steve.

Steve nodded and replied, "Ok boss, I will be careful."

Carlyx shifted himself on the back seat. He dropped his head at the back and relaxed. Driver closed the door and sat at the driver's seat. Later on Steve took his seat and closed the door. He put the car's key in the ignition switch and moments later he revved up the engine. The car drifted to the required destination.

Carlyx relaxed for a while and opened up the buttons of his coat. He sighed and this action didn't go unnoticed by his manager Steve.

"Is everything alright sir? Do you want to visit hospital or need any medics?" Steve inquired being concerned.

"No I am good, just thinking about our tomorrow's mission. Is everything ready?" Carlyx asked in a low voice that gave expressions of him being tired.

"Yes sir! Everyone has confirmed that they are completely ready and the seat in the Casino will most probably be reserved by tomorrow. Everything is going as planned. Don't worry." Steve said in a lively voice so Carlyx will be a bit relieved.

Carlyx hummed and closed his eyes slowly. He relaxed himself and repeated tomorrow's plan in his head. "Everything is perfectly planned. Let's remind him tomorrow what happened 10 years ago and make him taste death. He should know how I felt." He thought in his mind and smirked.

The ride was quite and calm. One could just hear the passing by of a car. The black car was on the route to Carlyx's mansion in the dark night. After a ride of some minutes the black car halted in front of mansion's main gate. The driver came out and opened the door for his boss.

Carlyx came out of the car and walked towards the gate. There was a sensor on the top of the gate. It scanned the identity and door opened for him automatically. Carlyx went inside, the only voice that was heard was of his footsteps. The clouds were gathering on the sky. The place had a pin drop silence. The car went away as soon as the mansion's door closed.

Carlyx entered the spacious lounge. He took off the coat of his suit and placed it on the couch, later on he plopped on the couch himself. He sighed and massaged his temple twice because the day he was waiting his whole life had finally shown up. It was tomorrow. His patience will finally come to an end tomorrow. He reminded himself of the day when Freddie sent him pictures of how he brutally killed Felix.

Carlyx can never forget any moment from the day when Freddie took away his only hope. It was Sunday. At that day there was no sun to be seen in the morning, because the dark clouds had already covered the vast sky. After their dad was murdered their mom couldn't take the fact and started having abnormal mental and physical conditions. Felix and Carlyx took care of their mom together. Felix always wanted to be a professional basketball player but now he had to do a job at a real state company because of what the situation was then. Their dad didn't own a business he was just a police officer. Felix worked hard and could barely made both ends meet. The days were not going good but still they were hoping all the problems would vanish soon. Carlyx wanted to help his brother so he secretly started his job as a part time worker at a convenience store. He always used to say that he is going to study at Aaron's place. At that time Felix was also busy figuring out why and who killed their father right in front of their eyes so Carlyx was not doubted. Their mother surely did know something about the murder case but was not in the state to be asked anything. Both sons tried their best to keep their mother calm in a normal state so they never even by mistake started a topic related to their father.

After trying a lot to get any single piece of information about the three men who came their home that day Felix got to know that every Sunday one of these three men comes to the lake alone without any security. It had been not long until their father's murder and the horrified memories were quite fresh in their minds and hearts. The everlasting wounds given to them and their lives hurt more than anything, they could think of nothing but revenge. Felix was determined to kill at least one of them. He was young and failed to understand his opponent's power.

Later that day on Sunday Felix decided to assassinate the guy whoever will come. No matter who will die from his hands first. Those three men depicted their dad as a coward and a deceiver in front of the cruel world. He was tired of seeing people talking about him and his family. He could no more sit back and watch. Felix told Carlyx that he will be late that day. Carlyx saw Felix taking their dad's gun with him. Before Felix could leave the exit of the their house Carlyx held his brother's wrist and looked in his eyes. His eyes were pleading something. The young Carlyx was scared to loose another precious person from his life.

"Don't take any wrong step in hurry Felix." Carlyx said and maintained the eye contact with his brother.

"Everything will be okay. Don't worry." Felix said and took Carlyx's hand in his own hands.

"They are dangerous. They can hurt you. I won't let you go." Carlyx said tightening his grip over his brother's hands.

"I promise nothing will happen to me. Take care of Mom and yourself until I come back." Felix looked into Carlyx's eyes and patted his shoulder.

"No, I won't let you go. They are powerful. Why don't you understand?" Carlyx said as he whined.

"Please Carlyx just do as I say." Felix said a bit louder than before.

"Okay. But take care of yourself and come back before it's too late. Please." The young guy with green eyes requested.

"Okay, now go inside I will be back soon." Felix spoke and forced a smile on his lips.

They both hugged each other tightly. It seemed they didn't want to part anytime soon. But the fate had decided something cruel for them. Little did they know they wouldn't be able to each other from now on. Little did they know they wouldn't be able to look into each other's eyes and won't be able to console the other. Little did the know from now on they wouldn't be able to say each other that every thing will be fine one day.

Felix left that night. Time passed by like always. It was past 3 am now. Carlyx was still awake. He was pacing around in the TV lounge of their house restlessly. He was still waiting for his brother to come. He told himself again and again that his brother will be back soon. His brother didn't come that day. The night changed to day. He figured out that something worst has happened. Carlyx heart was sinking. No news came yet. His mom was still sleeping because of the affect that medicines had on her.

On Monday's morning at 6 am Carlyx phone rang. It was Felix's call. Carlyx picked it up immediately hoping to hear his brother's voice.

"Hello little boy, sorry you brother is sent to heaven because he tried to be out of his limits. By the way check your inbox I sent you some pictures how are those?" The guy on phone said this and hung up.

Carlyx breath stuck in his throat. He immediately opened his inbox. There were some pictures. The most scariest Carlyx could have ever seen.