The Assassination: Part 9


A mail came on Carlyx's phone and he snapped out of his thoughts. He shrugged of all the thoughts in an instance and took his phone to check the mail.

It was from Steve. The mail had the information about the seats reserved in the casino tomorrow. He booked one for himself and one for Roy. The plan he made was fantastic. The very first thing they were gonna do was to defeat Freddie in the Black Jack game that he is going to play tomorrow at Casino. He was surely gonna bet a lot of money on the game. First reason because Carlyx was gonna see him play and he will surely show off to the newbie. Second reason he got to have this much amount of money after a long time, people like him spend a lot when they just see large sum of money together.

Carlyx got up from the couch and took the coat in his hands. He went upstairs took steps towards his room. He turned the door knob and opening the wooden door. His room was quiet and clean as always. A deep sigh of relief left his mouth. He went straight to his bath room and hanged his coat on a hook. He went under the warm shower taking off his clothes. Each drop of water hitting his bare skin gave him comfort. After taking a quick shower he dried himself up and changed into his night suit.

"Ah.... It was a long day." he said and lied on his bed. It was nearly 12 now. He went under the duvet and drifted to sleep in the calm and soothing atmosphere of his room.

The night passed by and the sun came up illuminating the world with it's bright light. The clock hit nine in the morning and alarm started to snooze. Carlyx tapped the alarm and it stopped creating noise. Carlyx took off the duvet from his body and sat on his place staring at the the very thing in front of him. He rubbed his eyes. His morning face was so cute. It was Sunday so not going to the office was not a big deal. He went to freshen up. He considered wearing a casual T shirt and ripped jeans for the day before going to the casino.

He combed and looked himself in the mirror. He smirked and ran his fingers through his hairs.

"It's gonna be awesome day today." He said to himself.

He went downstairs and entered the kitchen. He took his steps towards the refrigerator and opened it's doors. His gaze roamed around a while on all the things in the fridge. He took out a bottle of milk and some strawberries. He started humming a song. Later he put all the ingredients one by one inside the grinder to make strawberry shake. The machine started its work and soon the shake was ready. He poured the pink liquid in a mug and took it in his hands. After taking a sip from the shake that he made he made his way to the TV lounge. His laptop was placed on the table. After placing the mug on the glass table he plopped on the couch and opened his laptop.

He opened up the news center. He scrolled through different news and articles about world, sports, health, politics etc. He scrolled a bit more and an article caught his attention. The headlines of the article were:


He moved his finger on the mouse pad and clicked on the article. The article was about the same casino where Carlyx was going that night. It explained about the event that was going to be held on Sunday in the Paradise casino. If the player bets he can win the most cash at the Black Jack's table he will have a chance to get 10 times of the sum he has got in the case he wins, and if he looses the bet he will have to pay 10 times the money he bet on the Black jack table. In simple words if you win you will get 10 times the sum and if you loose you will have to pay 10 times the sum.

It was risky to play such a game. The one who are the masters of the game, they will also consider to think twice before entering the event. Carlyx just hit upon an absolutely amazing plan. Their plan before was just to make Freddie loose at the Black jack table but now the bullet point added in the plan is to make him enter the event too, and Roy was gonna do this part.

He scrolled a bit more through the article and then closed the laptop. Slurping the strawberry shake he got lost in his thoughts for some moments. After tapping his feet slightly several times on the carpeted floor he got up from his place in a joy. He took the mug to the kitchen, after washing it he put it inside the cabinet along the others.

He walked towards the exit after taking a car key from one of the hooks. Leaving his mansion he went towards the garage. He pressed a button on the key that caused his Mercedes's lights to blink. He opened the door and hopped on the driver's seat. There was box of shades on his dashboard. He opened it and took out sunglasses. Putting them on he revved up the engine and drove the car towards the road.

His destination was their secret base. He wanted to meet all of the team members personally and also he had to explain the important point that he just added in their master plan. The whole ride he hummed a tune and enjoyed the drive.

Soon he reached near that so called old hair salon which was actually their secret base. He parked his car at a suitable place at a distance from the nearly falling building. The hair salon was so broken that it seemed all the wood that has made the building stand at it's place will fall down soon.

He got out of the car and looked around. Locking the car, he put his hands inside the pockets of his jeans and walked towards the entrance. As soon as the workers and the staff saw him coming, they stood in an order. One of the staff went to open the door for him and the very next moment all of them greeted Carlyx. None of them were professionals or the staff but were his undercover workers who were serving him.

He nodded and smiled. His smile. It was the thing that he showed to the outer world very rarely. The people there understood their boss is surely in a good mood. He went downstairs and then to the changing room. The small camera outside the door scanned his identity and the sensors opened it automatically.

When he went inside the secret base, he could see everyone busy in their work. All of them greeted as he passed by and Carlyx nodded occasionally. He was walking towards his office but he saw an usual thing. Steve was running towards him.

He stopped near Carlyx and said in a low voice, "Boss there is a bad news."

"What is it?" Carlyx asked taking one hand out of his pocket.

"The special cards that we were supposed to sneak in at the Black Jack table.... we can't take them now." Steve replied with his eyes glued on his feet.