Chapter 9: MATES?

Every good soul deserves a second chance.

Nicole's p.o.v:

It's been a month since I left the pack for good and it's been some few weeks now since I started working for Zoe, and in those past weeks Zoe has tried to get me to open up and also join her pack, did I mention her son is the alpha, oh no I didn't because I freaked out when she said so, that has to mean she's the old Luna of her pack and no alpha would want a walking threat among their pack members, so she permitted me to stay on their grounds.

So I'm currently a walking threat since I obviously declined Zoe's offer and I don't want to join a pack out of pity, they'll just finish what my hell of a pack couldn't finish anyway.

In these past few weeks, I got myself an apartment a good distance away from the restaurant and my apartment isn't on any pack grounds or land, you're wondering why well because I don't like trouble or problem of any sort.

Right now I'm in my apartment getting ready to go to work, I work alongside cake face, wow I'm getting more creative with names for her. School hasn't resumed yet so ...yay lucky me, even if has I still can't attend classes as I'm still a rogue.

I'll have to go for a run later when I'm back, I thought as I closed my front door and took the Uber I ordered to the restaurant.

After entering the restaurant I saw cake's face first, why does she have to be the first person I see why can't it be sweet ole Joyce or Rika? My day has just begun yay I'm excited no I'm not.

"You know even though the boss gave you this job you have no right to just walk in here like you own the place, you don't even know how to work properly I'm sure the boss gave out of pity, tsk tsk," cake face said sorry Bianca, and now my day has officially begun.*sighs*

Work's over and I'm heading home but before I get back I need coffee, I went to the nearest McDonald's which is like the next two streets from here. After ordering I went to sit waiting for my name to be called, I picked up a book and went through the pages just to pass time.

That's when I smelt them and I know they can smell my scent as well. Soon enough I got called to pick up my order and then I left, suddenly I felt like someone was following me so I did the only thing that came to mind. Run.

I knew those men are rogues and they don't seem nice, they don't seem like they wanna have a civilized conversation.

I ran for what seemed like hours I'm already in a forest so I shift into ava trying to lose them till I got lost and ladies and gentlemen that leads us to me being surrounded by a group of wolves they seem to be warriors. How I wish I took the time to train myself.

Asher Stone's p.o.v:

"Mate" I heard my brother say through our mind link"mate mate mate" Jax my wolf was jumping happily in my head, stop it or you'll give me a headache, even I can't contain my happiness "We finally found her Al," I said through our mind link.

"Shift "Alex said to our mate after shifting and putting on some shorts I did the same while waiting for her to shift, "Shift !!" Alex said this time around letting his rank show, I see the warriors bow their heads in submission.

Even our dear mate "Al you're freaking her out" I said through our mind link, he calmed down then our mate turned to shift still shaking with fear.

I growled when I saw one of the warriors sizing our mate up, he quickly looked away. I see my brother pass beside me and hand over one of the shirts we kept in the trunk of a tree.

She quickly put it on and her head still hanging low, she's beautiful even though she's very skinny she's still so beautiful and she's ours.

We both walk up to her, with every step we take towards her she takes each step back till her back hits a tree and I hear her whimper, I growled "Hey dumba$$ you're scaring her" Alex said through the link.

We stood in front of her, I tried to get a look at her face but she wouldn't let me, so we took her hand in each of ours and started towards the pack house but stopped once we heard a timid voice "Please don't hurt me I didn't know this was pack land, I swear I didn't know if I did I wouldn't have crossed it . Please don't hurt me" she said in a shaky voice I saw she was about to cry.

"Mine" Al and I said at the same time which scared our little kitten, "Don't cry we wouldn't think of It kitten," I said softly looking into the most beautiful pair of brown eyes I've ever seen, I see the fear still evident in them.

"Then where are you taking me to, please don't hurt me I have to go to work tomorrow and do other things, "our little kitten said. Damn, she's cute.

Earlier Today:

"Alphas rouge - " we didn't let him finish we quickly shift then spoke through our mind link "Everyone stays inside lock all exit, don't open until we say so" and we left okay rogues we got a score to settle.

We rushed to the border "where are they !?" My voice boom's through the mind link.

"Alpha it's a she-wolf and we caught her moving in the forest side " a warrior spoke. Great, we'll kill them one after the other.

We ran into the forest of the southern border, we growled seeing the she-wolf, I smelt this intoxicating scent a mixture of rose water and honey, but it was coming from the she-wolf.

I can see warriors guarding her not wanting her to escape, waiting for our permission to kill her, she's a rogue

"Leave, don't do anything to her," I said through the link.


Nicole's p.o.v:

Why should I trust them, what if they just want to reject me Infront of their whole pack, that's worse than how Damien rejected me, it doesn't hurt anymore but why does the thought of these two alphas rejecting me hurt?

No offense moon goddess but I didn't ask for another mate or rather mates they're all the same, I'm starting to think you hate me and want to punish me though.

Why couldn't I just go back home straight from the restaurant, I just needed coffee and McDonald's right?

If I had stayed home all this wouldn't have happened and I wouldn't have known I have another mate sorry I have two other mates.

"We wouldn't hurt you kitten," he said, why do I feel butterflies in my tummy because of that one single sentence? Quit it they're all the same.

"Then where are you taking me to, "I asked, I don't even know their names and they're alphas, powerful ones, I can feel it.