Life Back at the Dorm

After a fun-filled day at the mall, they returned to their dorm, where Nor's parents bid them farewell. "Thank you, Nor. I really enjoyed this day. It's actually my first time doing all that," Amy said, wrapping Nor in a warm hug. Nor chuckled, replying, "Oh, really? Of course, I noticed everything you did there, especially when you panicked in the elevator, hahaha." Nor teased Amy playfully before adding, "All the best for you, Aems."

Amy couldn't help but laugh at herself too, knowing that her nervousness hadn't gone unnoticed. "Thanks, Nor. I appreciate you showing me around today," she said, feeling grateful for the adventure and for Nor's understanding nature. As they waved goodbye to Nor's parents, Amy felt a sense of contentment, knowing she had a friend like Nor to share these experiences with.

After their eventful day at the mall, exhaustion settled in, prompting the two friends to seek solace in the comfort of their beds. "Good night, Nor," Amy whispered, her voice laden with weariness. Nor mumbled a sleepy reply, "Same to you, Aems."

As morning dawned, Nor was stirred from slumber by the bustling sounds of Amy organizing their belongings, including Nor's things. Rubbing sleep from her eyes, Nor glanced at the clock. "Hey, Aems, it's still 5," she groggily pointed out. Amy turned to Nor with an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, Nor, I'm really a morning person. Anyway, breakfast is ready," she said cheerfully, already bustling about the room with morning energy.

Nor couldn't help but chuckle at Amy's boundless enthusiasm, even at such an early hour. Rising from bed, she joined Amy at the table, grateful for the warmth of friendship that greeted her each morning.

"Hey, what's the plan for today since we have no class, they said class will resume next week?" Nor asked, breaking the morning silence. Amy looked up from her book, surprised. "Oh, really? How did I not know about that? Well, thanks for the news, Nor. That means I've got ample time to study, especially Filipino," she replied, a hint of relief in her voice.

Nor smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry, Aems, I'm here to teach you that," she said sincerely, already envisioning the study sessions they would have together. Amy grinned back, grateful for Nor's support and looking forward to the opportunity to improve her language skills with her friend's help. With classes on hold, they had the perfect chance to delve into their studies at their own pace, and Amy felt lucky to have Nor by her side to guide her through it.

After a hearty breakfast, Amy delved into her books, eager to make the most of the unexpected break from classes. Meanwhile, Nor settled comfortably with her iPad, indulging in a marathon of movies. She had plans to study later, knowing that she learned best with a relaxed mind and ample time at her disposal.

As Amy immersed herself in her studies, Nor contentedly lost herself in the world of cinema, occasionally stealing glances at her studious friend. Amy's dedication was evident, and Nor admired her focus and determination. Despite her own plans to study, Nor decided to let Amy concentrate without interruption, understanding the importance of uninterrupted study time.

The dorm room was filled with a peaceful atmosphere, each of them engrossed in their own activities. Nor's iPad provided a gentle background soundtrack to Amy's diligent work. It was a scene of companionship and mutual respect, where each girl pursued her own interests while supporting the other's endeavors.

As the morning progressed, Nor glanced at the clock and realized it was already past 10 o'clock. Feeling a pang of hunger herself, she decided to take a break from her movie marathon and invited Amy to join her for a snack. Amy gladly accepted, setting aside her books for a moment.

In the kitchen, Nor whipped up a delicious treat—a stack of pancakes topped with sliced bananas, accompanied by refreshing glasses of orange juice. The aroma of freshly cooked pancakes filled the air, making Amy's mouth water in anticipation.

With the snacks ready, the two friends gathered at the table, ready to indulge in the culinary delight Nor had prepared. They chatted and laughed as they enjoyed their meal, savoring each bite of the fluffy pancakes and relishing the tangy sweetness of the orange juice.

It was a simple moment of shared enjoyment, a pause in their busy day to savor each other's company and recharge for the tasks ahead. As they savored the last crumbs of the pancakes, Amy and Nor felt grateful for these moments of friendship and camaraderie in the midst of their daily routines.

Nor's curiosity piqued as her phone rang with an unfamiliar number. She hesitated for a moment before deciding to answer, wondering who could be calling her from an unknown number.

"Hello?" Nor said cautiously, her voice laced with curiosity.

A smooth, confident voice greeted her on the other end. "Hello, this is Armani. I am inviting you for lunch at my house. 6th Avenue, Corridor Amax Street. Please don't get lost; follow the map and your instinct."

Before Nor could respond or ask any questions, the call abruptly ended, leaving her with more questions than answers. She stared at her phone, perplexed by the mysterious invitation from Armani, and why had he invited them to lunch out of the blue?

Despite her confusion, Nor couldn't shake off a sense of intrigue. The invitation was unexpected, but there was something intriguing about the cryptic message. She glanced at Amy, who looked equally puzzled by the sudden call.

"We just got a strange invitation for lunch," Nor explained, relaying the message to her friend. "Should we go?"

Amy shrugged, her curiosity piqued as well. "Why not? It could be an adventure but I must finish this book first."

With a nod of determination, Nor made up her mind. She would follow the mysterious invitation and see where it led them. Who knew what surprises awaited them at 6th Avenue, Corridor Amax Street?