At the 6th Avenue Corridor Amax Street

With a resolute nod, Nor solidified her decision. She committed herself to pursuing the enigmatic invitation, intrigued by the unknown path it promised to unveil. The prospect of what lay ahead on 6th Avenue, Corridor Amax Street was shrouded in mystery, sparking a blend of anticipation and curiosity within her. Little did she know, the journey she was about to embark upon would be filled with unforeseen twists and turns, potentially leading to encounters and revelations beyond her wildest imagination.

Nor recognized the tone of the voice immediately—it carried an air of mystery yet resonated with a familiarity that reminded her of Armani. She pondered how she could persuade Amy this time. Deep down, Nor already sensed the solution, but she was determined to make a sincere effort to convince her friend. This time, she knew she would need to employ every persuasive tactic she could muster, driven by the belief that what awaited them was worth the effort and the risk.

"Hey Aems, I have to tell you something," Nor said, interrupting Amy's cleaning. Amy, preoccupied with her task, responded, "Nor, I'm busy here, but what's on your mind?"

"I think Armani called me and invited us for dinner. What do you think? Shall we go?" Nor asked eagerly.

Amy paused, her face betraying her skepticism. "That sounds like a bad idea, Nor. You're not even sure if it's really him, and honestly, I have no interest in seeing that guy."

Nor sighed inwardly, expecting Amy's reluctance but determined to make her case. Deep down, she understood Amy's reservations, yet she felt compelled to pursue the invitation, sensing there was more to it than met the eye. She knew convincing Amy wouldn't be easy, but she was willing to try, hoping to unravel the mystery behind the invitation from Armani.

Nor struggled with the conflicting desires within her—to avoid stress by letting go of the idea of dinner with Armani, and yet, she yearned for a break from routine and a chance to socialize. As she assisted Amy in cleaning, her mind kept drifting to the prospect of going out.

By six in the evening, Nor found it increasingly difficult to contain her longing for a change of scenery and social interaction. "Aems, can we please go? We've been stuck here all day, and I really need to have a social life," Nor pleaded.

Amy responded with a touch of sarcasm, her concern evident despite her demeanor. "Sure, I won't hold you back. Just remember, if anything happens to you, I won't be able to bear it."

Nor hesitated for a moment, contemplating Amy's words and the risks involved. However, her desire to break free from the monotony won over, and with a sense of anticipation mingled with apprehension, she prepared herself for whatever the evening might bring.

By 7 o'clock in the evening, Nor's hunger got the better of her, prompting her to suggest to Amy, "Aems, I'm hungry now. Can we just go outside and buy food?" Amy, caught up in her tasks earlier, readily agreed, saying apologetically, "Of course, Nor. I lost track of time. I'm hungry too."

Eager to satisfy their hunger, the two friends ventured outside. As they stepped out, their attention was drawn to a sleek black car parked nearby. Suddenly, a man approached them with a polite greeting, "Good evening, young ladies. I've been sent by Mr. Armani to escort you to dinner."

The unexpected appearance of the mysterious man caught Nor and Amy off guard, yet there was an air of intrigue and curiosity about the situation. Nor glanced at Amy, who seemed unsure but curious nonetheless. They exchanged a brief, uncertain look before Nor replied tentatively, "Um, thank you. Could you tell us more about this dinner?"

The man smiled warmly, his demeanor reassuring yet maintaining an air of mystery. "Mr. Armani has arranged a special dinner for both of you at his residence. He thought it would be a delightful evening."

Amy hesitated, but Nor, sensing her friend's apprehension, gently nudged her. "Come on, Aems. It could be fun. Let's go and see what this is all about." But Amy resisted and said, "how could you be so sure that this man, I mean we can be safe?" Nor said, "Of course I brought my pepper spray and no matter what I will fight this man with all my strength just to keep you safe." The man said, "young ladies I just pretend I'm not hearing all you said. By the way I was just tasked by Mr. Armani and if I could not bring you there, he would be mad and will oust me from my job." The two pity him and so instead of arguing, they just get inside the car. 

With a mixture of curiosity and cautious optimism, Nor and Amy followed the mysterious man to the waiting car, their minds buzzing with questions about the evening ahead and the enigmatic Mr. Armani who had orchestrated this unexpected invitation.

Upon arriving at the grand mansion, Nor and Amy were greeted by a group of elegantly dressed women, which immediately caught them by surprise. The opulence of their surroundings left them astonished and somewhat shocked. They were ushered into a room adorned with racks of beautiful dresses and tables adorned with luxurious makeup and accessories. The sheer extravagance of it all overwhelmed them, yet at the same time, they couldn't help but be fascinated by the prospect of experiencing such a lavish lifestyle.

Unable to contain their excitement, Nor and Amy eagerly began selecting outfits, guided by the attendants who urged them to hurry as the party was about to commence. Amid the flurry of activity, they exchanged glances filled with a mix of disbelief and wonder, silently acknowledging the surreal turn of events that had brought them here.

As they slipped into their chosen attire, the anticipation of the evening ahead filled them with a sense of anticipation and curiosity about what awaited them at this extraordinary gathering hosted by Mr. Armani.