Splashy's Evolution [ Chapter - 2 ]

So then Seong-Min headed towards the hunting ground to test out the two new skills he got and he was able to heal Splashy even though he was far away and whenever he took damage it was cut in half and given to Splashy.

After testing out the skills, he went back to leveling but this time he went to the level 20 hunting grounds and just after a bit of hunting got another skill called "Blood Rage" and he was really surprised.

It's description said that it boosts your pets stats by 50% for 15 minutes but it will disregard any of your orders and just straightforwardly attacks your enemy so Seong-Min saw saw that as a last resort kind of skill.

So then he continued to hunt monsters and he used a sword cutting the monsters up but he was a bit slow with it but thanks to Splashy, he was able to level up until level 20 and he got received another achievement and title this time.

[Ding! Jayeon has unlocked the achievement "Killer of thousands".]

[The "killer of thousands" achievement gives you 2 extra strength stat points for every level up]

[Ding! Jayeon has unlocked the title "Blood Tamer".]

[The "Blood Tamer" title gives 5 stat points to your pets strength and defense]

He was really surprised he was getting achievements and titles so easily and because of this he decided to go and try and find a new tamer job since he heard you can have 5 jobs at once but all of them needs to have a comparability with each other.

So then be went back to the starter village to look for clues on any tamer jobs and he talked to a farmer that said I could find what I was looking for in the "Waterfall Mountains", and so he went to check the place out.

Then after looking for a bit he couldn't find anything and then I was starting to wonder if the farmer was wrong or was lying to him but then as he was was looking closely there ess a cave behind the waterfall.

[Ding! Jae has unlocked the achievement "Tomb's Finder".]

[The "Tomb's Finder" achievement adds the luck attribute to your player profile]

After receiving the notification Seong-Min found out it was a tomb and he heard that there were always some treasures inside of tombs, so he decided to go in and he looked around and found some little golems.

They were level 15 but they didn't seem hostile to him so he continued exploring the cave and then he found a skeleton of a dead person, so he then looked around to see if there was anything useful.

And he saw the skeleton had a ring and so he took it but decifed to pay his respects since even though this was a game he didn't like the feeling that a dead person would be forgotten by everyone so he paid his respects to it.

Then suddenly a spirit started appearing from the skeleton then said to hum "Young Adventurer, I can see you are powerful yet kind, I will be willing to pass on my legacy to you, oh kind soul." then he got a notification.

[Ding! Jayeon has unlocked the job "Godly Tamer's Apprentice".]

[The "Godly Tamer's Apprentice" job is a unique rank job and it has a growth ability | it gives the user 10 more dominance stat points for every level up and it boosts your taming chance by 20%]

After reading the whole description he found that it was a really powerful job and then after getting the job, he continued to looked around some more and he found a a blue shard so he took it. a

After a few minutes of looking around he realised he got a special skill from the job called "Master Appraisal" it showed him all the monsters stats, abilities and ways to evolve it and I was able to evolve splashy.

And one method was with the blue shard he have and he also had to sacrifice 15 stats points for him to evolve but he thought it was worth it since Splashy helped him a lot while he was leveling up before.

So then Splashy was able to evolve into the teenage maturity level of his species and all of his stats had a 10+ stat points added and he also got a new skill called "telekinesis".

Seong-Min always thought it was weird how he was able to fly but he didn't expect him to learn that skill, so then after that he wanted to try out Splashy's new skill and stats so he decided to challenge the boss.

And so after adding all of his stat points to his stats and he chose to fight the Boss Ent King that was level 30, he was confident in his stats since his power was above double than his actual level.

So then Seong-Min went to the location of the Ent King and then started to fight it with Splashy and with Splashy being newly evolved their fighting capabilities were even better than before.

Seong-Min kept charging at the Ent King as it tried to use it's roots as a weapon to attack Splashy and him but Seong-Min just cut them off leaving a time for Splashy to blast a good hit at him and it was pushed back.

Then Splashy went behind it and then it fell over, it's eyes started to flash the color green which Seong-Min knew that it was trying to call for it's minions so Seong-Min used the skill Blood Rage.

Splashy's eyes turned red and started trashing the boss with incredible strength and it's stats were definitely improved by 50% and beside Splashy was Seong-Min attacking the boss with his sword.

Then after a while they were able to defeat the boss before it could summon it's minions and he was avle to level up a few times as well and he also got 2 items from defeating the boss.

The first item was the "Ent's Seed" it's description says it's the seed of Ent Prince [Only Tamers may use] and he also got a skill book of "Harmonic Nature" and it was a healing skill that he really needed.

So then he read the description and it says it casts a healing bubble that follows him and heals 1% of his health every 5 second for 60 [Only for the Adventurer who defeated the Ent King first].

He then checked Splashy's level this time and he leveled uo a few times as well then he added all the stat points he got to all of the stats he needed again and then he went back to the starter village.

So then he went to the farmer to see if the farmer could help grow the "Ent's Seed" and so the farmer said, "If you wishs you can wait for a week and it will grow by itself or you can get the Spirit's Droplet and Spirit Soil to grow it instantly.".

Seong-Min definitely chose the second option and so he started searching about the materials he needed and he found out where to get the materials needed to grow the seed but he found out it's in the "Elven Forest".

But he needed to have a 5 man group made out of level 50s to fully survive, so he decided to put that ln hold for now since he still wasn't that high level to go through that by himself and so he went back to the hunting gound to level up.

He continued to level up with Splashy and after a while of hunting he was able to level up quite a few times alongside Solashy and he also got a new skill called "Dominance Bubble".

It's description says it's a skill to make it easier for him to tame a monster but at the temporary expense of his dominance stats and cause of this it was really useful to him since his dominance stat grows faster than any other of his stats.

Then after that he researched the new luck stat he got and he found out its a special stat that allows you to have better drop rate the more he added to it and so he added a bunch of stat points into the luck stat.


『Hey Guys, I hope this grows to become popular like "I can't use any common skills" and I hope you guys enjoy this series as well!』
